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WPT S16: 2. palmab03- 30, 3. Knight- 37

Who is worse?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


A Sorry WR Like Crabtree
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
How They Got Here: palma- 50, Jaybone- 29

Knight- 51, BBD- 41

Why Palma Should Win: Major contrast in styles here. Palma has nothing to say but will never shut up, and epitomizes amateur hour. Lives in Vegas but has no stories. Hires a topless maid and but doesn't make her strip. Enters a fantasy basketball league but bails on the entry fee. Always has a bit of a creepy aura, and gets surprisingly whiny for someone who affects to be the cool guy (see rep reset fiasco). If Ph's posting trajectory tracks TheReff's, Palma's following the Rico route, only balder and more annoying.

Knight can stir the pot and does other stuff too, I guess.

Why Knight Should Win: BECAUSE HIS BROTHER'S A FIGHTER PILOT! And he's an Eagle Scout, and because of plenty of other blow-ups that don't immediately come to mind. Easily offended when his arguments are criticized, and many of them are well-deserving of criticism, Knight is quick to get personal. He likes to troll, but has too much Caturday in him to match the subtlety of a Keeper.

Palma gave us the bidet pics, although they appear to have been taken down now.
Two of my favorite posters.

Rjkarl write in
Just want to say the write ups are amazing... really help with the decision.
So one night we were at Pure and met this group of girls, there were 3 of us, and 3 of them. I must not have eaten much that day as I got particularly sauced, and I'm not really a sloppy drunk, but tonight I was. In my inebriated state, I was really having trouble with the fact that this girl I was talking to had braces. Apparently I was having a lot of trouble, I asked her how old she was approximately forty eight times in under an hour.

As the placed closed around 4, we decided to continue over at Drai's, the after hours club that's open. As we get to the cab line, we ask to go to Drai's eventhough its right across the street. The Cabbie says "Drai's is closed, but Seamless is open" At this point I am holding her hand with my right hand, her cigar box purse in my left hand which I raise up in the air and yell "To Seamless!" and I literally throw this girl in the cab, hop in and take off leaving my 2 buddies and their girls behind.

They're like "fuck, guess we're going to seamless" and hop in the next cab and follow us there. As our buddies get there, the girl I'm with says to one of them "Hey, if your boy asks me how old I am again one more time, I'm outta here." On cue, I turn around and say "Hey, so how old are you again?" and she and her girls promptly leave. I exclaim "That bitch was thirty-seven" at which point my buddies start cracking up, I walk into the strip club and say at the top of my lungs "Whores, Come here!" which didn't work out too well for a couple of guys trying to get past the bouncers at a strip club, but worked out really well for the cabbie who originally was just going to take us across the street to Drai's and now had to take us all home because I wasn't allowed in any public venues for the rest of the night.
One of my friends went to HS with the girl who won the second season of Hells Kitchen, and her prize for winning was getting a restaurant at the casino right near where we lived. I never watched the show at the time, but she was like on the billboards out in front of the Casino, it was her fifteen minutes.

If anyone's watched the show, the people are fucking hilarious, and she was no exception. Best wingman ever as she was a dyke and had no filter whatsoever and would go up to anyone. Daughtry of American idol fame was having a concert at red rock and Heather made fast friends with him and his wife as she made them dinner prior to the concert. I was with a friend of mine's bachelorette party and macking up on one of the bachelorettes. We're at the locals club at the casino when heather joins us, and gets a text from daughtry's wife seeing if she wanted to hang out. I follow along and we go to the private tables just roped off for the man, the myth, the legend: Chris Daughtry. I play a few hands just to hang out, and then we proceed to go back to join the rest of our group.

The girl I was trying to hit on actually said she was a huge American Idol fan, so I say "you wanna meet him?" and off we go. Introduce them, then we sit and hang out for a little bit. The main entry to the room we were in was off the main casino floor, and was about 20 yards away. There was no one else in the place except Me, the girl, Daughtry, his wife, his buddy, his manager and his 6'5 350lb african american bodyguard. After a few minutes, we hear some commotion at the main entry way "Ohmygod all I want is an autograph. I've got the CD here, will take 2 seconds, Ohmygodohmygodohmygod"

Casino security says "sorry, we cant let you in here" but undeterred, she makes a run for it and breaks through the line defensive line. What she didn't count on, however, is that the body guard went to the terrible terry tate school of Casino linebacking. As she got within 5 yards of the table we were at, the Bodyguard went in for the intercept. This girl got full on mid-air laid out piledriven to the ground. The sight of a 350 pound dude just wrecking a 120 pound girl will forever cause both sheer panic and sheer unadulterated joy whenever I look back on it.

Turns out the chick I was doing well with all night had a fiancee, so I moved on. Later found out from my friend that didn't stop the chick from sleeping with 2 other dudes later that weekend.
i'm going to have to see more posts from both of you itt before i make a decision
Since deleted Knight post from one of my favorite threads:


Quote Originally Posted by KnightAtWake View Post
Just a little PM action between zzz and I. I'll agree, I dislike him. Pretty much on all levels. The "reveal yourself" threads are the worst, because he totally looks like the kind of guy I would end up punching at a bar for being a total fucking douche. Some of us are blessed with an innate douchy quality - an aura of douchiness, if you will - zzz has it in spades.

He'll neg rep this post, just like he has whenever I've criticized him in the past. I've even had to go to other mods to have them rectify some of the mistreatment I've received from zzz. I don't blame the head mods for making zzz a mod, it was a calculated risk in a time of uncertainty. Additionally, he's on the boards enough to be a reasonable janitor, but, now that stability has been achieved, the drawbacks of his modship overwhelm the benefits.

Seeing as how zzz THRIVES on attention like this, I'll not likely post anymore on this thread.
Could have sworn I've seen those palma stories before.
I'm going to start reading palma stories in a Norm McDonald voice. They're actually pretty funny in that light.
While the real answer is like WSOP related, I'm going to go with 25th birthday. Dueling piano bar at New York New York casino, my friends footed the bill to get me up on the piano to rock out my best drunken version of Piano Man. 300 drunken people cheering no matter what you do is a helluva rush.

Guess who.
2&2 Slider To Leyritz, AnonymousDeac, Arsene Wenger, BarcaDeac, bojanglefunk, CHDeac, ddeacs98, DeacHawk, DeacHead, DeacInVermont, DeaconSlim2.0, deacphan, deacvision7, deacz, IAppreciateIt, KickballDeac, myDeaconmyhand, QT4KU, RedSoxFaithful, RJKarl, stonz, tbird, Teamramrod, TR1982, Underrated, Wakeforest22890, wakephan09, WFdeacon04, WFUWaldo, Wrangor

i already knew most of you were dwarfs, but there are a few surprises on this list
except for Rico over Caturday, almost every one of these S16 matchups has gone to the more obnoxious poster, which is a shame.