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ACC Sports Journal: Ron Wellman’s Risky Call

I just read the whole thing and wow, just wow, I don't know what to say. The college team I have loved since a I was a kid, broken things over, been depressed over for days at a time, experienced unbelievable joy from at times (ACC titles in hoops 95, 96 and football 2006) and basically has been a huge part of my life for 40 years is being run by a delusional, moron apparently. I honestly don't know what to feel right now.....Facepalm

This. Dammit. This.:mad:
I like the Grobe 'I can always trust Ron' quote juxtaposed with the story posted a few weeks ago about Ron congratulating Dino immediately following the Texas win.

I found that interesting as well.

Somebody should ask Dino Gaudio if he thinks Ron Wellman is a man of his word.
I wonder if Don Flow might be getting the least bit uncomfortable having his name hitched with this disaster. After all, the man sells cars.

If the Stratton boys want a truly laser-like attack, I think this would be their next target. Get the car guy hot under the collar from some heat and things fall quickly.

Crown auto is just 30 miles down the road.

Just my 2 cents.

I emailed Don last week and just emailed him again. Offered to pay for dinner at Ryan's on Coliseum so that we could discuss the article.
This is what bothers me the more than anything - the dead silence and continuing support.
Feed me anything - give me any reason; I'm gullible. I'll buy into something.

I agree. Still think Bz will resign. This info could have been floated to Dave Glenn to give cover.
Why did Ron have Bz aggresively re-recruit Dino's final class if he was frustrated with the players we were bringing in? Why did Ron at least in part push for keeping the assistants, limiting our ability to find a good coach, ostensibly with the partial goal of keeping the 2010 recruits... especially if he wanted a whole new recruiting philosophy?

Also, did our staff have nothing to do with our recruiting that Ron was unsatisfied with up until that point?
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The best thing in the article is the statement that Ron is 65. You are allowed to retire at Wake when you are 65. That might solve a lot of problems.

No way Ronny retires until he gets to talk big dance selection committee with Greg Gumbel next year, knowing Greg can only ask why XYZ University is an 11 seed and ABC College was left out, and not why the Wake program continues to suck.
Yep- I had heard this too. So instead of having the ACC COY and Larkin as our point guard, we got Bzz!

Damn I would have loved for Larranaga to have come here, sounds like he had the culture Wellman was wanting, but the fact that Larranaga knows how to and wants to win, must've frightened Wellman.
This article is rock bottom. Still speechless.

My blood's boiling right now.

Yessssssssssss. This is the rock bottom I was fearing.

Dudes, just wait 'til year five. .500 in conference and we still don't know if Buzz's seat is hot enough to justify his miserable performance.

To quote DV7, "We're still not rock bottom yet."
We're at rock bottom and headed for the bottom of the Mariana Trench. That article truly made me depressed.
I agree. Still think Bz will resign. This info could have been floated to Dave Glenn to give cover.

Could this be a cover-up so Wellman doesn't have to firebz? Maybe he does resign. I know, I know. Just a dream. Sux watching this tournament with no Wake Forest...AGAIN
I found that interesting as well.

Somebody should ask Dino Gaudio if he thinks Ron Wellman is a man of his word.

Trotting out old iron clad Grobe to make a false assumption that Wellman is a total man of his word. Laughable in so many ways.
Why did Ron have Bz aggresively re-recruit Dino's final class if he was frustrated with the players we were bringing in? Why did Ron at least in part push for keeping the assistants, limiting our ability to find a good coach, ostensibly with the partial goal of keeping the 2010 recruits... especially if he wanted a whole new recruiting philosophy?

1. Ron Wellman is not nearly 1/4 as smart as he thinks he is.
2. Ron Wellman is not particularly good at his job.
3. Nobody with any amount of influence has bothered to tell him either 1. or 2.
The billboard is going to happen. We have enough money for an electronic billboard. In fact, there is almost enough pledged for 2 electronic billboards for a month. Once DC members realize that RW has been conning them about the need for DC contributions, maybe they will redirect some of that savings to the billboard campaign. And targeting Flow Motors may be the right move. I'll bet that if the people of Forsyth County knew Don Flow was responsible for keeping Buzz, he'd lose at least half his business. We should be using our efforts to illuminate those responsible for this Bzaster. Shine a light on the cockroaches.


Eddie Jones asked me to follow up with your e-mail request for pricing information on our Winston-Salem billboards.

Pricing will vary depending on size and location. Space costs for static boards will range between $520 and $4000 per 4-week period, not including production costs. Digital boards are $2000 per 4-week period, no production costs necessary.

If you could give me an idea of the time period you would want to advertise, and the area or target audience you are trying to impact, I would be better able to make specific suggestions. If you are in Winston-Salem, I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss further. Just let me know.

Thanks for your interest,

Mark Jesse | Account Executive | 336.345.3777 | FAIRWAY
I guess my days of feeling some sort of passionate connection to WFU athletics are about to come to an end. Or at the very least, take a very long hiatus.

The most depressing aspect of this is how Dino was never given a chance to fix the problems that he supposedly created. Wouldn't it have made more sense, especially in retrospect, and considering the timing of the firing (why wait till after the Final Four??), to have put Dino on "probation" and done everything in your power to help him correct the problems at the root of our "culture" shift? Why did the program have to get burnt to the ground in order to succeed 5 years later? It makes no sense in an era in which the powers-that-be within the NCAA and the BCS etc are as morally adrift and corrupt as ever. Why hold ourselves to such an incredibly high standard when the AD is going to hide behind some BS about the lack of post-season success? What is in this termination agreement? What does Dino have on Wellman because he seems awfully careful to not sully Dino's name in the press? I don't understand this. Call a spade a spade and move on. It seems like we are so desperate to the do the "right thing", it doesn't matter how much damage is done in the process to cleanse our collective conscience. Watch Wellman retire in two years like a coward when this huge gamble doesn't payoff. Then we're left with Hatch's vision, some sparkling new facilities but no real sense of purposeful direction. Can't wait.
The thing is, on one hand I understand where Wellman was coming from if he was truly dealing with "culture" problems, as the article describes. He wants to fire Dino and get a fresh start, fine. At that point, he's doing what it sounds like he genuinely believes to be in the best interests of Wake Forest.

I'll just never figure out how he selected a guy with the personality of [Redacted] to be the savior. Did he communicate with [Redacted] solely by email prior to hiring him? It just seems like 5 seconds listening to [Redacted] is all it would take to realize the guy is not going to kick ass at Wake Forest.
The idea that we could have had a coach like Sean Miller after Skip's death. UGHHHHHHH! You fail at everything, Ron.
And targeting Flow Motors may be the right move. I'll bet that if the people of Forsyth County knew Don Flow was responsible for keeping Buzz, he'd lose at least half his business.

Dude, you seriously, seriously overestimate the amount that normal people give a shit about this.
If people continue to give them money and go the games we're going to end up with three more years. Enough's enough. The only way to make it stop is for people to stop giving and going en masse.