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Israel Attacked and its Response

Trustworthy or not, Hamas was elected with a plurality and near tie with Fatah, and elected Hamas leaders directly spoke of wanting a coalition government.

Many sources I have read say that Israel and the West refused to allow Fatah and the PLO to form a coalition government with Hamas, because Hamas did not recognize Israel, so instead they staged an unsuccessful coup which started a war between Fatah and Hamas, which led to the military annexation of the territories.
who is general westmoreland i don't know anything about him
speaking of Total War - he (Westmoreland) was a big, big proponent of escalation and especially "strategic" bombing in Vietnam

"strategic bombing" is the gentle way of saying "bombing civilian centers", a concept born in WWI and honed to a fine art in WWII
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it was very recently news that John Stewart was fighting with congress to pass a bill to fund the lifetime health care for 9/11 first responders who developed life long medical conditions from working in the wreckage.

We talk about the death toll of these bombs in Gaza, but there are now hundreds of thousands of homeless starving, injured war refugees who will be traumatized and literally poisoned from this conflict for their entire lives. There will be generations who suffer and die for this long after the last bomb falls. Just as Vietnamese and Cambodians and Iraqis and Afghanis will die of diseases and cancers directly caused by their exposure to munitions and building destruction.
how many eons of human experience before we conclude that it actually is part of the human condition
Primates go to war so maybe is natural.
“…To find an answer, researchers looked not at the benefit of coalition killing but its cost. In chimpanzees, that cost is little to none. Raids are carried out in large groups and, as mentioned, only target individual, unaccompanied chimps. Those chimps are then pinned down, so that the aggressors can inflict all the damage they want without worrying that they might get hurt themselves.

This correlation between power imbalance and excessive brutality is not exclusive to chimps. In their aforementioned study, Manson and Wrangham note that ultra-violent ambushes might have been an effective and preferred method of warfare among human hunter-gatherers. This practice also lives on today by way of military tactics such as Nazi Germany’s blitzkrieg, which involves confronting your opponent “with such overwhelming force that resistance is impossible.””
