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And people think Tiger is irrelevant. I give you this thread. We've got a guy saying Tiger fans are bad people. That makes me smile. I remember when people thought Ali fans were bad people because he was a draft dodger. People attach way too much importance to sports figures. We live vicariously through their sports achievements. You can have the TMZ shit. I don't care.

Tiger fans are bad people because they threatened to kill David Eger for saving Tiger from a DQ. That is so fucking disgusting. As a Wake fan you should appreciate the fickleness of sport and that sometimes bad things happen when you're playing well a la 2006 WVA, Prosser dying, etc. but threatening to kill someone like that is so fucking twisted I can't comprehend it.
Cat must run in some crazy circles if these fabled Tiger enthusiasts are as wild as he says they are. I've never met one personally.

As a background for u casual observers scoring at home who may not know, Caturday is suuuuuperbutthurt that a black dude infiltrated his favorite rich white boy sport. That explains his weird tone/obsession on this and other threads.
Cat must run in some crazy circles if these fabled Tiger enthusiasts are as wild as he says they are. I've never met one personally.

As a background for u casual observers scoring at home who may not know, Caturday is suuuuuperbutthurt that a black dude infiltrated his favorite rich white boy sport. That explains his weird tone/obsession on this and other threads.

Actually golfchannel.com-an Arnie Palmer joint-had to change their commenting policy because racist fucks like yourself were threatening Eger.
Tiger fans are bad people because they threatened to kill David Eger for saving Tiger from a DQ. That is so fucking disgusting. As a Wake fan you should appreciate the fickleness of sport and that sometimes bad things happen when you're playing well a la 2006 WVA, Prosser dying, etc. but threatening to kill someone like that is so fucking twisted I can't comprehend it.

Now I'm totally confused. Why would the "Tiger fans" threaten to kill Eger for saving Tiger from a DQ. Wouldn't it be guys like you who hate Tiger that would threaten Eger? I'm not saying you did but this makes no sense at all.
Now I'm totally confused. Why would the "Tiger fans" threaten to kill Eger for saving Tiger from a DQ. Wouldn't it be guys like you who hate Tiger that would threaten Eger? I'm not saying you did but this makes no sense at all.

They don't understand the rules. TIger took an improper drop and anyone who was watching knew it but Eger was the only one with the clout to get through to the officials before Tiger signed an incorrect scorecard which would have been a DQ. Tiger admitted to the improper drop after the round and then threw Eger under the bus because Tiger is a POS which commenced the death threats.

Maybe this wasn't this best explanation. Tiger got super unlucky and hit the flag stick which caused his ball to roll back into the pond in front of 13 at Augusta. Granted it's not the first time this has happened to a pro but when it happens to Tiger he acts like it is. Actually, Els lost a tourney to Tiger because of the same thing and McIlroy had the same thing at Wells Fargo this year.

Tiger purposefully and admittedly took an illegal drop to gain an advantage. Anyone who was familiar with the rules knew it was a bad drop immediately but Tiger being Tiger tried to game the rules and cheat. David Eger-a rules official from the USGA watching at home-called it in and if he didn't it was just a matter of time before someone else did and then Tiger would have signed an incorrect scorecard which is a DQ. TIger knew he took an illegal drop and proceeded. Then he threw Eger under the bus because Tiger is a sociopath and is never wrong in his mind. That resulted in death threats from Tiger fanbois.
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"Security has been doubled for golfer Tiger Woods's arrival in New Zealand tomorrow after he received a cyanide death threat.
It came in a letter sent to the US embassy in Wellington. The letter contained a quantity of cyanide and threats to disrupt the New Zealand Open tournament."

Anyone actually send Eger some cyanide?
"Security has been doubled for golfer Tiger Woods's arrival in New Zealand tomorrow after he received a cyanide death threat.
It came in a letter sent to the US embassy in Wellington. The letter contained a quantity of cyanide and threats to disrupt the New Zealand Open tournament."

Anyone actually send Eger some cyanide?

Golfchannel.com had to completely change their commenting policy because of threats to Eger. Tiger could have ended it with a simple admission that he was wrong (which he was) but good ole Tiger decided to keep up appearances and encourage his creepy fans to threaten Eger. Tiger fans are fucking creeps. It's worse than being a UNC fan.
Tiger has been practicing on Bermuda grass at home. It's totally different and it showed.
Golfchannel.com had to completely change their commenting policy because of threats to Eger. Tiger could have ended it with a simple admission that he was wrong (which he was) but good ole Tiger decided to keep up appearances and encourage his creepy fans to threaten Eger. Tiger fans are fucking creeps. It's worse than being a UNC fan.

so....Tiger's more relevant then, I guess?
Oh you're here with 27k posts. So doing some basic math: 1 min/post=27,000 minutes=450 hours=18.75 days. Maybe you should spend that time helping all those horribly oppressed children or doing those great jobs you get from confronting me. You're ugly. That will never ever change.

It takes you a minute to write a post? That's sad.

Golfchannel.com had to completely change their commenting policy because of threats to Eger. Tiger could have ended it with a simple admission that he was wrong (which he was) but good ole Tiger decided to keep up appearances and encourage his creepy fans to threaten Eger. Tiger fans are fucking creeps. It's worse than being a UNC fan.

Meanwhile, after making fun of everyone's posting habits, city, life, etc, here you are posting at 1 AM on Saturday when all of the cools kids are out hanging with their fiends. I'm sorry little buddy. :foreveralone:
It's easy to argue whatever the hell crazy point you want when you make up the facts. bkf dominates.
I kinda want to hear about the rape allegations against Tiger as well. I have never heard about this before.
I kinda want to hear about the rape allegations against Tiger as well. I have never heard about this before.

Is that the rumor that he was banging his neighbor's daughter?
I kinda want to hear about the rape allegations against Tiger as well. I have never heard about this before.

Yeah Dirk asked this last night and Caturday didn't address it. The death threats allegation is pretty flimsy too. Wonder if Eger/Tiger even knew about this. According to Caturday, Tiger encouraged his fans to threaten Eger. His Tiger obsession has reached another level.

Anxiously awaiting a story from Cat's gossipy agent buddy.
Tiger fans are bad people because they threatened to kill David Eger for saving Tiger from a DQ. That is so fucking disgusting. As a Wake fan you should appreciate the fickleness of sport and that sometimes bad things happen when you're playing well a la 2006 WVA, Prosser dying, etc. but threatening to kill someone like that is so fucking twisted I can't comprehend it.

Didn't you just sincerely wish for a dude to get cancer in this same thread?
LOL. The best part is, I'm a Tiger hater.



Guess I need to move to a real city before talking too. Shithole=I can't find cocaine easily.
They don't understand the rules. TIger took an improper drop and anyone who was watching knew it but Eger was the only one with the clout to get through to the officials before Tiger signed an incorrect scorecard which would have been a DQ. Tiger admitted to the improper drop after the round and then threw Eger under the bus because Tiger is a POS which commenced the death threats.

Maybe this wasn't this best explanation. Tiger got super unlucky and hit the flag stick which caused his ball to roll back into the pond in front of 13 at Augusta. Granted it's not the first time this has happened to a pro but when it happens to Tiger he acts like it is. Actually, Els lost a tourney to Tiger because of the same thing and McIlroy had the same thing at Wells Fargo this year.

Tiger purposefully and admittedly took an illegal drop to gain an advantage. Anyone who was familiar with the rules knew it was a bad drop immediately but Tiger being Tiger tried to game the rules and cheat. David Eger-a rules official from the USGA watching at home-called it in and if he didn't it was just a matter of time before someone else did and then Tiger would have signed an incorrect scorecard which is a DQ. TIger knew he took an illegal drop and proceeded. Then he threw Eger under the bus because Tiger is a sociopath and is never wrong in his mind. That resulted in death threats from Tiger fanbois.

Don't forget years ago Tiger got the fans to help him move a "pebble" while he was in the made for TV night match against David Duval. His ball came to rest almost up against the boulder in the middle of the fairway andthe rules officials were afraid back then to rule it was in the field of play & Tiger had to play it as it lies. So the fans got out there and rolled the big "pebble" out of the way so he could hit his shot.