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TV for snobbish cynical people

Skydog Deac

Well-known member
May 6, 2011
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I don't want to come off as arrogant here, and I realize a post like this will draw sarcastic comments, but I need a TV show that won't jump the shark on me. The last few years, I have watched very little TV, mostly just sports. However, I watch a lot of movies by doing research and finding out what's good, mostly independent, foreign and older movies. So I'm spoiled. The last few months, I decided to watch some shows that a lot of people really like, not sitcoms, those series that more closely emulate movies. I started with "Dexter", thought I would love it because I like dark things, but found it too contrived. Tried "Luther", another show that sounded like it would be good, but I found it unbelievable. I'm near the end of season two of "Mad Men", and while I really enjoy the period piece of it all, I find everyone in the show (except perhaps Joan) to be unlikeable, and I find myself caring less and less what happens. This week I started watching "House of Cards", I really wanted to like it, and although I like Spacey (even if his southern accent bugs me), after episode four I'm finding the show preposterous. I know people liked "The Wire", but after reading about it online, it also sounds contrived with stereotypical roles. Everything tends to descend into one giant soap opera, only the subject matter changes. Felt the same way about "The Sopranos". I know it's easy for movies to avoid that trap in just a 90 minute package, so maybe I'm not meant for TV, but I'm still seeking a show that stays fresh, with characters doing things that are believable. My wife is loving "Breaking Bad", I will try that next, I saw the first episode and it has promise. Maybe "Downton Abbey" next? I know nothing about it.

Any suggestions for a curmudgeon like myself? Or should I just stick with movies? "House of Cards" was my breaking point, everyone told me I would love it. I don't.
Damn dude, you've given the axe to everything I would suggest. Have you watched Archer?
Real World Road Rules Challenge.

You should try the Wire. You should not try Downton Abbey.
If you don't like Archer you may as well give up on life.
OP said no sitcoms, Archer is a sitcom, fyi.
You thought the Sopranos devolved into a sitcom?

I guess the only two shows left are Breaking Bad and The Wire. Even Breaking Bad has some cloying family drama, though it's IMO the best show on TV. The Wire is pretty much perfect, but then again, I would have said the same thing about the Sopranos. I'm an extremely hypercritical TV watcher, and I still wax poetic about the Sopranos.
You thought the Sopranos devolved into a sitcom?

I guess the only two shows left are Breaking Bad and The Wire. Even Breaking Bad has some cloying family drama, though it's IMO the best show on TV. The Wire is pretty much perfect, but then again, I would have said the same thing about the Sopranos. I'm an extremely hypercritical TV watcher, and I still wax poetic about the Sopranos.

I said soap opera, not sitcom. I will revisit Sopranos and try The Wire and Breaking Bad. I did not give Sopranos enough of a chance. Thanks for the recs. Surprised you didn't recommend your own show, Perfect Strangers.

Eta - flawless writing, and flawless characters....the only downfall is it was released during the wrong time. If it was airing today, I think it'd be he highest rated HBO show.
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Give 'Wallander' a try. British crime drama, based on a series of crime novels, starring Kenneth Branagh. Each episode is about an hour and half long so it's like watching a movie. Pretty good stuff.
Have you watched Deadwood? I think it ticks all of your boxes.

The more I think about it Deadwood would be perfect for you.
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