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Hyperloop - SF to LA in 30 minutes

When are you guys going to learn that discussing technology with RJ is a pointless endeavor?
When are you guys going to learn that discussing technology with RJ is a pointless endeavor?


There's no point in trying with this....they don't know what to do if it gets stuck....everyone would be stuck there forever and die.

Not sold
Why is it such a great concept? It saves 30-45 minutes.

A very basic problem is what happens if it breaks down and you are between Bakersfield and Fresno. What happens if you are stuck and the AC is off?

I do love that Rj focuses on issues like this and assumes that the guys who designed it didn't. I have seen speculation about what level of g forces a passenger would be subjected to, whether the magnetic levitation system works, etc - and not one complaint about the AC. Under Rj's reasoning the automobile was a bad idea because it might break down.
To some extent I think Rj just wants to show he's from California. Us east coasters don't KNOW what kind of shit goes down between Bakersfield and Fresno.
You would be in favor of using technology that decompiles your entire organic code, transmits this over a distance, ending up on a platform that reforms you each molecule at a time? And you think the hyperloop safety concerns are too grave for it to be a worthwhile venture?


I actually think this is a pretty good idea but I doubt it will cost a mere $6 billion once it is all said and done. I probably fall between Racer's unabated and enthusiastic belief this will easily work and those thinking it will be a cluster. I think development and implementation will take awhile but the benefit it can provide it pretty significant.

Ha, my "belief" in this project is probably extremely misrepresented just because of the silly arguments with posters who hadn't even bothered to read the links or who don't understand basic math that kicked off the thread. It's obviously a huge engineering feat. The good news is that the theory has been vetted by a lot of smart people and the technology required is in existence and tested/proven in other applications, even if it needs to be perfected and merged into a single platform.

I'm a sucker for open sourcing of major (and even minor) problems that need solutions, so I look forward to seeing where this goes.
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I do love that Rj focuses on issues like this and assumes that the guys who designed it didn't. I have seen speculation about what level of g forces a passenger would be subjected to, whether the magnetic levitation system works, etc - and not one complaint about the AC. Under Rj's reasoning the automobile was a bad idea because it might break down.

wrong again, but you are consistent.
You would be in favor of using technology that decompiles your entire organic code, transmits this over a distance, ending up on a platform that reforms you each molecule at a time? And you think the hyperloop safety concerns are too grave for it to be a worthwhile venture?

I actually think this is a pretty good idea but I doubt it will cost a mere $6 billion once it is all said and done. I probably fall between Racer's unabated and enthusiastic belief this will easily work and those thinking it will be a cluster. I think development and implementation will take awhile but the benefit it can provide it pretty significant.

Eh, what could possibly go wrong BTD?
I don't know. Bz drives a Prius and I don't think Musk would be so keen on ousting a fellow cleaner energy guy.

A Prius is to a Tesla as a Civic is to a Ferrari. Besides, Musk is a winner.
Entertaining read for a first visit to the boards after a vacation. I agree with everything racer has said and disagree with everything bdz had said. As others have mentioned, his attitude is why America sucks at innovating. This is essentially a scaled up amusement ride.

I really hope it gets off the ground without any hassles because it could be a ground breaking form of transportation in the future. Imagine these tubes between NYC and London!
Entertaining read for a first visit to the boards after a vacation. I agree with everything racer has said and disagree with everything bdz had said. As others have mentioned, his attitude is why America sucks at innovating. This is essentially a scaled up amusement ride.

I really hope it gets off the ground without any hassles because it could be a ground breaking form of transportation in the future. Imagine these tubes between NYC and London!

You just opened up a whole new can of BDZ. Just imagine if somebody got stuck in the tube in the middle of the Atlantic during a storm. Oh the humanity.
Entertaining read for a first visit to the boards after a vacation. I agree with everything racer has said and disagree with everything bdz had said. As others have mentioned, his attitude is why America sucks at innovating. This is essentially a scaled up amusement ride.

I really hope it gets off the ground without any hassles because it could be a ground breaking form of transportation in the future. Imagine these tubes between NYC and London!

LOL. I was wondering where you were. I thought this thread had your name written all over it.
Imagine these tubes between NYC and London!

I'm not sure I want to spend 4.5 hours in a tiny pod where I can't get up to walk. 30 minutes to an hour seems like the sweet spot for this concept.

Now, CLT to NYC in a little under an hour sounds nice. That could make for a nice dinner date with the wife on a Friday night.
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Entertaining read for a first visit to the boards after a vacation. I agree with everything racer has said and disagree with everything bdz had said. As others have mentioned, his attitude is why America sucks at innovating. This is essentially a scaled up amusement ride.

I really hope it gets off the ground without any hassles because it could be a ground breaking form of transportation in the future. Imagine these tubes between NYC and London!

I'm just dubious about the minimal time saving. This could be negated if you don't live very close to the terminal.

At $40 RT, you'd save a bit of money, but you can get $110-120 RT tickets lots of days from planes. If this exists, plane tickets will go down.

I'd love to have a better train system. It could save tons of gas and give more people access.

I love innovation. I'm just not sure about this one. I'm not sure if this isn't more Concorde and Segway rather than more internet.