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Bill O'Reilly interviews Calipari. Subtle racism ensues!


Mod Emeritus
Mar 9, 2011
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What sort of bigoted nonsense is that shit from O'Reilly? Are the players able to control themselves from using 4-letter words towards their coach?

I mean, you are a good guy coach but — now, the coaching has coarsened, you teach at the University of Kentucky it's coarsened. I don't know if you listen to this rap stuff and hip hop stuff. Has that changed their attitude? I mean, how do you impose discipline on kids who are pretty much gonna do what they want to do.
>They trust — you have got to have trust first that they look at me and say is he about me. That's what this book is about. They know that i'm about them and the decisions i make are in their interest, not my own, which is why I have a lot of kids leaving. I'm not influencing them to stay. I will tell them I want to keep copying you but i'm not going to hold you back. That's a big part of this. Do they trust you enough? Do they look at you and say he is going to do right by my? If i tell a kid to starks you know the people around them are going to say he is just trying to win more games. I have got to let them make their decisions.
Do they act differently toward you? Do these use four letter words towards you.
>No, no.
None of that?
So you impose strict discipline on that.
>Yes. Here is what I would tell you. These kids come from good homes. People will say well he doesn't have a father. Some of the best kids I coach were raised by a grandmother who was so firm that they understood.
So you evaluate their character before you give them the scholarships.
>If I walk in a home and a young man disrespects his mother or grandfather, grandmother in front of me, I'm out. Because if that's the case, he respects no one. He is not going to respect me.
Okay. How do you keep them away from temptation with the hustlers everywhere?
So they go out with a girl and the girl said hey you raped me. There is drugs everywhere. They are giving the kids drugs for free. How do you keep them away from that?
>One of the things I tell them coming to kentucky as you know, if you want to smoke, drink, chase, do all that stuff, they will do a 30/30 on you. They will be on the ticker, every news show. You can't do that here. You are coming here to be developed as a person and a player.
How many that?
>They all do.
Temptation is strong.
>We'll deal with issues as they come up. They all look at the results. You and I know it's one thing to walk in and say we're going to do, this we're going to do that it's another thing to say here's what we have done. Here is how they have been developed. We have had 17 players drafted. We have had 10 players get their college degrees. Our apr is as high as anybody in the country. Four years of a 30-0. They understand they are there to be educated. People will say well, they don't want to go to school. That's a bunch of crap. They do want to go to school. But their genius is basketball.
Now, do you have guys on them all the time? Curfews? Coaches watching them drug testing it do you drug test.
>We do all of that we have housing with no women that can go in there. 30 beds. People get honest about it. Why would you have separate them from the college? Because of what you said.
>They have to be. We also, I'm embarrassed to say take NBA security with us on the road. You would say, what? Well, where do you get to these guys? You are not getting to them on my campus. You are getting to them when we gone 00 road. We bring nba security with us to protect them. At the end of the day, how they were raised, what we looked at the when we recruited them, how we are now the standards that's being set, they are going to be in situations where you are offered this, that, and the other. Do you take it or do you protect yourself to protect your brand? We used to call it our name. Now it's your brand.

I just made an absolutely mind blowing discovery. BKF is Bill O'Reilly. Sometimes the truth is so apparent it is invisible.
That is hilarious! Bill apparently thinks this rap and hip hop stuff is something new
I'm calling bullshit on this.

If I walk in a home and a young man disrespects his mother or grandfather, grandmother in front of me, I'm out.

No chance is Cal not forgiving a top recruit for something like that.
I'm calling bullshit on this.

If I walk in a home and a young man disrespects his mother or grandfather, grandmother in front of me, I'm out. Because if that's the case, he respects no one. He is not going to respect me.

No chance is Cal not forgiving a top recruit for something like that.

He is respecting his mother/grandfather/grandmother by showing them no respect. Duh
Racism is celebrated at Faux News. On any other network, O'Reilly would have been fired.
Where exactly does O'Reilly say anything about race? It seems like it's the PC crowd that's taking a discussion about bad behavior and assigning that behavior to a particular race. I'm not sure, but I think that makes you the racist.
Where exactly does O'Reilly say anything about race? It seems like it's the PC crowd that's taking a discussion about bad behavior and assigning that behavior to a particular race. I'm not sure, but I think that makes you the racist.

Which white Kentucky players do you think O'Reilly is talking about?
Which white Kentucky players do you think O'Reilly is talking about?

So, you're saying the behavior O'Reilly is talking about can only be attributed to black players? We're calling him a racist because we're assuming he's talking about a particular race. That's BS.
So, you're saying the behavior O'Reilly is talking about can only be attributed to black players? We're calling him a racist because we're assuming he's talking about a particular race. That's BS.

Could be attributed to anybody. Sure. Do you think O'Reilly is talking about anybody?
There's no assumption. He has a history.

The only history is other assumptions. He makes comments like this and people make assumptions like those being made here and in that article. Suddenly he's a racist because of other peoples assumptions. He's a major blowhard who's very difficult to listen to, but that doesn't make him a racist