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Boehner Calls on Senate Dems to 'Get Off Their Ass'

Says a lot about the intelligence and level of information possessed by the average American.
Boehner was on Fox News Sunday today. He totally dug his heels in and kept repeating, "The House has done its job" and blamed everything on Senate Dems. Chris Wallace was visibly annoyed with Boehner and the following round table unanimously bashed Boehner and said the House has to back down. A couple of people opined that they don't think there are enough GOP votes for a clean resolution to pass in the House. Fox is clearly not a centrist media outlet, but the House and the GOP base are now to the right of Fox. Can't figure out any landmark legislation that Boehner could play a major role in passing under a GOP President in 2017, so I can't figure out why he'd hitch his wagon the the Tea Party. McConnell may be a weasel, but at least he's competent.
I imagine there are enough GOP votes for a clean resolution along with a large majority of Dems. But it wouldn't be enough Pubs for Boehner to claim party unity behind the idea.

The optics of this are horrible. The GOP Dems and GOP House can't agree on how to fund a division of the federal government started by the last GOP President in response to 9/11. And the disagreement is over funding Obama's immigration policies that generally favor the Hispanic voters Republicans need in 2016.

Obama set them up.
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Yeah, Boehner comes off like a petulant, childish, d-bag. He actually told the Israeli ambassador to not inform the WH of Netanyahu's visit? He's still on the Benghazi thing? For Fuck Sake
Hold up. He specifically asked a foreign leader to withhold information from the White House?
Hold up. He specifically asked a foreign leader to withhold information from the White House?

Yes. He told the Israeli ambassador to specifically not tell the WH that Netanyahu was coming to address the Congress.

"House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that he had asked Israeli Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer not to inform the Obama administration about their contact over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congress speech so as to avoid “interference.”

“I wanted to make sure there is no interference,” Boehner told Fox News’ Sunday morning program. “There is no secret here about the animosity that this White House has for Netanyahu and I didn’t want them getting in the way and quashing what I thought was a real opportunity,” Boehner continued.

Boehner’s remarks contradict the earlier claim by him and his staff that he gave the White House sufficient warning about the Netanyahu invite – when in reality they updated the administration an hour before announcing it to the press. In other words, Boehner has admitted to keeping the White House in the dark about his contact with Dermer."
Yeah, Boehner comes off like a petulant, childish, d-bag.

I used to give Boehner the benefit of the doubt and thought he was trying to do the best he could with a shitty situation with the Tea Party. Now I just think he's an asshole who will do anything to keep his job. It was no surprise that they didn't have the votes in the Senate and he's pissed that the Dems didn't cave. Completely predictable.
I used to give Boehner the benefit of the doubt and thought he was trying to do the best he could with a shitty situation with the Tea Party. Now I just think he's an asshole who will do anything to keep his job. It was no surprise that they didn't have the votes in the Senate and he's pissed that the Dems didn't cave. Completely predictable.

Once he started in with the "we did our job, now it's their problem" line of reasoning...self-serving, asshole.

Now, let's all go on vacation while pretending we care.
The Republicans in the Senate need to go ahead and kill off what is left of the filibuster. Harry Reid already killed it for judicial nominees and many Democrats are on record wanting to do away with it altogether. If the GOP kills the filibuster, it would force Obama to make all kinds of embarrassing vetoes and pave the way for an easy 2016 election.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Using the Department of Homeland Security and Israel in political stunts seems like a big gamble... should be an interesting week or two when these fools get back from vacation, though.
Hold up. He specifically asked a foreign leader to withhold information from the White House?

CNN poll finds 63% think Boehner screwed up by not giving WH a heads up on Bibi speech. There were no close challengers for his job, but Boehner's still gone all in as a Tea Party puppet.
The court injunction blocking Obama's immigration actions was a huge gift to the GOP. McConnell was smart enough to float a clean funding vote. Tea Party House vows to reject the Senate vote, but it can pass with Dem votes. Tea Party doesn't have the votes to block the vote or remove Boehner. Interesting to see what Boehner does.
The court injunction blocking Obama's immigration actions was a huge gift to the GOP. McConnell was smart enough to float a clean funding vote. Tea Party House vows to reject the Senate vote, but it can pass with Dem votes. Tea Party doesn't have the votes to block the vote or remove Boehner. Interesting to see what Boehner does.

Blames Obama, goes golfing.
Boehner's latest "plan" is to fund DHS for 3 more weeks until he can figure something out? Not even clear if he has enough votes for that. But at least he blew kisses to the press.
Interesting to quantify Tea Party votes in the House. GOP has 246 seats and 218 is a majority. 55 voted against even 7 days funding. Boehner's going to need between 20 and 30 Dem votes to pass anything the Tea Party opposes. Tea Party doesn't have the votes to elect their own Speaker, but they can fuck over Boehner whenever they want.
Yep. And because of gerrymandering, it's hard for the Pubs to get rid of them. A primary challenge from the middle probably won't work.
Yep. And because of gerrymandering, it's hard for the Pubs to get rid of them. A primary challenge from the middle probably won't work.

There ain't no middle no more.