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Republicans for POTUS, 2016 Edition

The far right is convinced the shutdown didn't hurt them because they did well in the midterms.
Carson in NC today. Had a hush puppy for the first time at Lexington BBQ and said that although the confederate flag is a symbol of hate he doesn't care if people want to fly it on private property.
Carson in NC today. Had a hush puppy for the first time at Lexington BBQ and said that although the confederate flag is a symbol of hate he doesn't care if people want to fly it on private property.

Do you disagree? Are you suggesting people should go to jail for flying a flag on their own property?
Carson in NC today. Had a hush puppy for the first time at Lexington BBQ and said that although the confederate flag is a symbol of hate he doesn't care if people want to fly it on private property.

I care, but I think that should be their right to fly it on their property if they wish. It just lets me know which people to avoid because they are racist fuckwits.
Carson in NC today. Had a hush puppy for the first time at Lexington BBQ and said that although the confederate flag is a symbol of hate he doesn't care if people want to fly it on private property.

The first part of that sentence is much more offensive than the second.

Depends on how they fly it. The guy in Tampa who flies a huge confederate flag at the I-75/I-4 junction needs to go to hell.

Do you disagree? Are you suggesting people should go to jail for flying a flag on their own property?

Settle down. You have an absolute right to fly the stars and bars on private property. Or have it on your pick-up truck or t-shirt. It's speech. There was a case in southwest VA about a decade or so ago where a guy was arrested for burning a cross on his property. A locally famous African-American criminal defense attorney from Richmond defended him and got it thrown out. The stars and bars is a symbol of hate and opposition to integration and does not belong on government property. And I'm glad that after the Charleston shootings it became an issue and that government institutions have been removing it. But every private citizen Joe Sixpack should be and is able to display it wherever he wants. And I essentially agree with dv7's sentiments.
I was just stating facts with no political slant. If people want to do something offensive on private property go for it.
Probably just being stupid, but what is actually being measured here?

The differential in right direction, wrong direction by party on a series of topics.

Democrats are a +67 differential in thinking that that LGBT protection laws are the right direction for our country. Independents are +31.
Republicans are +3 differential in thinking it's the wrong direction.
Probably just being stupid, but what is actually being measured here?

The + / - signs show the trend among those people that think the specific topic is in the right direction (+) or wrong direction (-) for the US. So a +25 means that 25% more people think it is moving in the right direction than people thinking it is moving in the wrong direction.
I'm guessing it is the percentage of people who said the country is going in the right direction minus the percentage of people who said the country is going in the wrong direction by party identification. It seems to show that Republicans are essentially split on LGBT legislation, diversity, increasing legal immigration and religion in politics.

Independents are interestingly different than both parties.
Settle down. You have an absolute right to fly the stars and bars on private property. Or have it on your pick-up truck or t-shirt. It's speech. There was a case in southwest VA about a decade or so ago where a guy was arrested for burning a cross on his property. A locally famous African-American criminal defense attorney from Richmond defended him and got it thrown out. The stars and bars is a symbol of hate and opposition to integration and does not belong on government property. And I'm glad that after the Charleston shootings it became an issue and that government institutions have been removing it. But every private citizen Joe Sixpack should be and is able to display it wherever he wants. And I essentially agree with dv7's sentiments.

Settle down? I asked you a question about the your post. Don't be so defensive buddy. Just trying to figure out where you stood. Your post implied condescension towards Carson's stance, and so I was looking for clarification. I agree with your stance. I ran a 10k two weekends ago here in Mississippi and the flag protesters (meaning the people who go to public events with a truck load of confederate flags) came out and were standing on the side walks and walking around. I am pretty docile in general but I verbally assualted one of them. We were trying to have a community event and there was a great representation of races at the race all having fun, and they came out there to stir the pot. Pissed me off. Fly your flag, just do it on your property and certainly don't do it on public property. Hopefully MS will change our state flag soon. I think there is momentum growing for that.
Settle down? I asked you a question about the your post. Don't be so defensive buddy. Just trying to figure out where you stood. Your post implied condescension towards Carson's stance, and so I was looking for clarification. I agree with your stance. I ran a 10k two weekends ago here in Mississippi and the flag protesters (meaning the people who go to public events with a truck load of confederate flags) came out and were standing on the side walks and walking around. I am pretty docile in general but I verbally assualted one of them. We were trying to have a community event and there was a great representation of races at the race all having fun, and they came out there to stir the pot. Pissed me off. Fly your flag, just do it on your property and certainly don't do it on public property. Hopefully MS will change our state flag soon. I think there is momentum growing for that.

You're confusing your posters.
The video Carly Fiorina referred to re: Planned Parenthood and abortions has been released.

Every doctor's opinion I've read has stated that this was a miscarriage, not an abortion. Further, this Cunningham guy won't say if it came from PP, won't divulge his "sources," and of course, the video has no audio.