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Wake Forest's own Tommy Elrod caught leaking football information to other teams

I think as this unfolds this will be the interesting part. Was it limited to former co-workers of Elrod, maybe he felt that Clawson slighted Grobe's assistants in interviewing for his staff and he was trying to help his former co-workers to try to make Clawson look bad? Or was he reaching out to provide information to others that he didn't have that relationship with?
Or very simply, he felt he could trust his previous colleagues. It was easy.

Far more risky to go out and give the information to people you may not be able to trust.
Tommy in Nevada?

The largest bowl bet placed at a William Hill sportsbook in Nevada as of Dec. 14: A $44,000 pop on Temple -13 versus Wake Forest in the Military Bowl on Dec. 27. Because of the big bet, which was placed Dec. 10, more money had been bet on the Military Bowl than had been bet on the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl between Alabama and Washington at William Hill.
Temple also attracted big money at the South Point sportsbook. "We took some big play on Temple," South Point sportsbook director Chris Andrews said. "Not sure how sophisticated it was, but it was big." The Military Bowl line had grown to Owls -14 at several sportsbooks as of Dec. 14.
this is what we've come to. pissing match with a fucking Temple troll.


Obvious parody is obvious. [/hook]
Based on the wording of Wake's release, it would seem that 1 of the 3 former Grobe coaches did not accept the materials. Obviously they didnt alert Wake, but they also didnt seem to accept it.
Not to diminish what Elrod did, because it was totally unethical, but I seriously doubt in the end that the scope of this thing will be nearly as broad as the board wants to believe.
Considering that Caldwell is 56-40 in the NFL and is heading to his 4th playoff appearance in 6 years as an NFL head coach, there must be some really awful NFL head coaches.
I still want to know how the evidence ended up in our locker room at UL. Gotta think a do-gooder from UL left it there. Why would there scouting report be in the opposing locker room?

I don't know why everybody is ignoring this post. Somebody at Louisville didn't think having this intel was correct and made sure we found out about it. Thanks to the person with a conscience!

Also, Elrod recruited John Wolford under Grobe and sold him on Wake. Then he insured he was subjected to a massive beating. I'm furious about this situation. I can't imagine what Wolford and his family feel. Since Elrod had complete access, surely he revealed injuries along with the plays.
You've got a guy you trust that can also be of great value to you. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. We give you special access, you become an advocate of the university and the athletic department. It is very common for us to have people in the media we can trust will back us. It's a PR best practice. Unfortunately, we just trusted the wrong guy.

I don't know why everybody is ignoring this post. Somebody at Louisville didn't think having this intel was correct and made sure we found out about it. Thanks to the person with a conscience!

Also, Elrod recruited John Wolford under Grobe and sold him on Wake. Then he insured he was subjected to a massive beating. I'm furious about this situation. I can't imagine what Wolford and his family feel. Since Elrod had complete access, surely he revealed injuries along with the plays.

Was it confirmed it was found in our locker room?
Not to diminish what Elrod did, because it was totally unethical, but I seriously doubt in the end that the scope of this thing will be nearly as broad as the board wants to believe.

Explain this. Pretty sure a lot of people assume he only shared plays/information with his friends working for other staffs, so 4 games. Doesn't change the fact that at least 1, and likely at least 3 FBS programs will be outed as cheaters.

That's a very big deal in itself, and there's still a chance the scope could reach other ACC schools, the potential for money to have been exchanged, etc.
What Donald Ross does have correct in his article in the paper is: what corporation in the country, after firing somebody, allows them back with full access to every little secret you are doing in your business? NOBODY! If that were BB & T here in Winston-Salem and they fired an executive, they would come into his office with security, take his computer and make him leave at that time with no more access to the property. So, given those parameters, why was a dismissed football coach who was then hired back as nothing more than regular media given more than general media access at most? Why was a fired person allowed back on the grounds and given full privileges into the sacred grounds of coaches meetings with all the plays? No other regular business would do that in the world?

Good lord, I am really losing patience with this idiotic line of thinking that several people has espoused. Stop making analogies that don't work. Stop showing your freaking ignorance of the reality of the situation. Just stop.

This wasn't like someone getting fired from a corporation. Not. at. all. This was a coaching change. When coaching changes happen at the top, most of the assistants are not typically retained. They move on and find other jobs. Sometimes they follow their old head coach to his new job, if he gets one. Other times they reach out to other coaching connections they have. Coaching is like a fraternity - coaches move around ALL THE TIME.
Elrod did not have to take the jobs at Wake. If he wanted to stay in coaching he could have done that - or at least tried. At the time it was made known that he was interested in getting out of coaching. Maybe because of the tragedy with his infant. Maybe because he decided he wasn't that great at it, who knows. In any event, the Wake community, who had rallied around him during his tragedy, rallied again and got him not 1 but 2 jobs within the family. Jobs he apparently was more than happy to take.

As for giving him access - that wasn't really an option. It is part of his job. As a team's radio analyst/color guy he is part of the team. Radio guys all over the country have the same access - tons of people with knowledge about those situations in various places have chimed in to confirm that.

People just need to face facts and stop trying to blame Wellman or Clawson or whomever. The guy did something that was unprecedented. Something that no one could have possibly predicted. There were absolutely no precautions or other actions that any reasonable person would have or could have taken to prevent this.

Somebody please make the stupidity stop!
To be clear again since my comments in the paper didn't include the preference that what Elrod did is just morally wrong. It may not be illegal but I do agree it is horrible and now that I have the info from Louisville, I must come up here and apologize. Clearly, Elrod was wrong. To the extent that was left out of my comments when they cherry picked which ones to print, I apologize. Elrod shouldn't be giving away any confidential information. Very immoral.

Elrod always dissected our plays on the radio. I still say if we don't want the other side to see something super secret, no media member or me or any donor no matter how loyal should have that stuff. You never know someone's motivations. He doesn't need advance warning of reverses or trick plays to announce.

But again my apologizes that my comments are a little strong there.
This has got to be the funniest story I've heard in a long while. I can't believe we're playing your embarrassment of a football program in a bowl game. What should be the capping off to a great year by Temple, playing a decent opponent in a warm weather bowl game, will instead be a 3.5 hour long discussion of your dysfunctional rinky dink football program, after we obliterate you in the first quarter, in the cold. As bad as all of this is, your team doesn't even have a color guy for the radio broadcast now and I bet your coach will never allow one. We deserve better than this.

I completely get why you guys are not excited to play us but please for the love of God don't start trashing Wake's football program when you guys are are nothing more than a blip on the college football map as well. It probably says more about your program that in one of your better years, you guys get to play a small "rinky dink" 6-6 Wake Forest team. I fully expect you guys to handle us and then some. I just hate that you guys don't get to play Toledo in your bowl game this year. Good luck.
Even more fascinating is the consideration that WF acted with two independent employers (IMG & the capital management firm) to grant Elrod access to its sensitive information post-2014.

Zero accountability for these decisions to pull shoestrings by the A.D... It's been well documented (even on this thread) that Tommy was a disgruntled former (actual) employee of the university.

Dude had personal tragedy/turmoil in his life. That does not absolve 'the powers that be' from assessing the risk factors in keeping him around.

Elrod showed loyalty to his co-worker/s and not his (former) university/boss... yet, here we are... ready to doxx/run this dude out of town.

Time to simmer down. Find out what other schools knew & when. I have a feeling that when the dust settles... We'll all be uncomfortable with what happened, but we're not exactly going to be a murderous mob.

Stop. Just stop. Every team lets their radio guy see this stuff.
Good lord, I am really losing patience with this idiotic line of thinking that several people has espoused. Stop making analogies that don't work. Stop showing your freaking ignorance of the reality of the situation. Just stop.

This wasn't like someone getting fired from a corporation. Not. at. all. This was a coaching change. When coaching changes happen at the top, most of the assistants are not typically retained. They move on and find other jobs. Sometimes they follow their old head coach to his new job, if he gets one. Other times they reach out to other coaching connections they have. Coaching is like a fraternity - coaches move around ALL THE TIME.
Elrod did not have to take the jobs at Wake. If he wanted to stay in coaching he could have done that - or at least tried. At the time it was made known that he was interested in getting out of coaching. Maybe because of the tragedy with his infant. Maybe because he decided he wasn't that great at it, who knows. In any event, the Wake community, who had rallied around him during his tragedy, rallied again and got him not 1 but 2 jobs within the family. Jobs he apparently was more than happy to take.

As for giving him access - that wasn't really an option. It is part of his job. As a team's radio analyst/color guy he is part of the team. Radio guys all over the country have the same access - tons of people with knowledge about those situations in various places have chimed in to confirm that.

People just need to face facts and stop trying to blame Wellman or Clawson or whomever. The guy did something that was unprecedented. Something that no one could have possibly predicted. There were absolutely no precautions or other actions that any reasonable person would have or could have taken to prevent this.

Somebody please make the stupidity stop!

Great post. Staying as an assistant coach when a new coach is hired is the EXCEPTION to the rule. Anyone equating it to being fired from a job is clueless. On top of that, WF actually did offer Elrod two jobs after Grobe left. WF looked after Elrod; anyone claiming that Elrod was somehow aggrieved is too stupid to be reasoned with.