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Official Russian Election Interference Thread

I wish Obummer had helped secure our border by issuing sanctions against Mexico and all these other countries that have flooded our nation with illegal immigrants. That would have been one executive order I could get behind. Oh well, Trump is gonna have fun undoing all this horseshit. Still, disgusting how Hussein is trying to make things as difficult as possible for our new president.
I wish Obummer had helped secure our border by issuing sanctions against Mexico and all these other countries that have flooded our nation with illegal immigrants. That would have been one executive order I could get behind. Oh well, Trump is gonna have fun undoing all this horseshit. Still, disgusting how Hussein is trying to make things as difficult as possible for our new president.

Maybe if Trump had actually listened to the intelligence briefings he received prior to being elected and acknowledged Russian interference, maybe obamas administration would've felt comfortable to work with him on developing these sanctions.

But typical Trumpist partisan hackery... deflect and don't take any personal responsibility for the situation.
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Trump statement.

I look forward to President Trump restoring friendly relations with Russia and you folks and the traitors in Washington saying how awful it is.
I despise Lindsay Graham.....and don't care for John McCain. Both of them are acting like petulant children because they have become irrelevant in their own party. Both should be challenged and taken out in a GOP primary the next time they are up for election. Of course, I'm pretty sure that McCain wouldn't run again.
I despise Lindsay Graham.....and don't care for John McCain. Both of them are acting like petulant children because they have become irrelevant in their own party. Both should be challenged and taken out in a GOP primary the next time they are up for election. Of course, I'm pretty sure that McCain wouldn't run again.

Don't forget Supreme Fuckhead Paul Ryan. Trump will have his hands full dealing with these assholes, who are determined to undermine him every step of the way.
Board liberals are really having a terrible time moving past this election, aren't they? 12 months of posting showed that they never saw it coming. This post from DeacWatcher back on August 17th sums up arrogant elitist attitude that the entire bunch of them had about this election....and shows how out of touch they are with reality:

08-17-2016, 08:55 PM

Again, where is bkf when needed. He said this was gonna be close due to hatred of HRC. Ha! This is gonna be a blowout for the ages. Screw you bob as well as bob2.

If Dems get Senate, murica finally gets a balanced or better than scotus.
Bobs - I think you guys are having a harder time letting go of the election than any liberal on here. Most of the posts I've seen and all of mine have been about not letting a foreign state off the hook for undermining our democratic process.

Look forward to Trump and his administration fixing the problem.
You gotta love the hypocrisy of Trump shills buying the "rigged election" bullshit just 2 months ago, and now they don't want to believe our intelligence services confirming that Russia interfered in the election. Hmm, I wonder what circumstances might have changed that these people so distrustful of our Democratic process just 60 days ago are now confident the process was fair and above board...
You gotta love the hypocrisy of Trump shills buying the "rigged election" bullshit just 2 months ago, and now they don't want to believe our intelligence services confirming that Russia interfered in the election. Hmm, I wonder what circumstances might have changed that these people so distrustful of our Democratic process just 60 days ago are now confident the process was fair and above board...

If you really were a Bernie supporter, as you claim, you would know the process was rigged and your man got screwed.
Putin is licking his chops. If Trump pulls the sanctions, Putin will salivate. He will have greatly helped Trump win the election. Trump will know all the details and then take off the sanctions. If that's not kissing Putin's ass after the dictator impacted our election, I don't what would be.

What's even worse is Trump is too stupid to understand how much he would owe Putin.

It's outrageous that Trump has not even taken the time to see the intel on this major issue. The fact that he is putting learning the intel until next week shows he doesn't understand the office he's about to take and that he's the laziest person ever to be POTUS.
Bobs - I think you guys are having a harder time letting go of the election than any liberal on here. Most of the posts I've seen and all of mine have been about not letting a foreign state off the hook for undermining our democratic process.

Look forward to Trump and his administration fixing the problem.

You evidently do not see the irony of this post. You guys are still looking for excuses....still not believing that you could have lost. Elitist arrogance must be a powerful elixir.
One of Russia's first reactions is to take it out on the children.

Russia's first visible action came later Thursday, when Russian authorities ordered the closure of the Anglo-American School of Moscow, a US official briefed on the matter said. The order from the Russian government closes the school, which serves children of US, British and Canadian embassy personnel, to US and foreign nationals.

You evidently do not see the irony of this post. You guys are still looking for excuses....still not believing that you could have lost. Elitist arrogance must be a powerful elixir.

Bob for the fiftieth fucking time. I am not looking for any excuse. Trump won...what's done is done. But to push this aside and say move on like our PEOTUS and others here want to do is bullshit. Aside from all of domestic and geopolitical implications of letting a foreign state do this, do you want to give a foreign state incentive to take a bigger step next time? Let's give them an incentive to hack our electrical grid, our banking system, our military secrets, the 2020 election when China or Russia decide that Trump is now an enemy despite him doing a lot of good things for the country...

I would be banging this drum no matter who won...and have been banging it since the summer.
Let's hope Trump can restore good relations for the sake of the children. I'm sorry Obama did that to you kids.
If you really were a Bernie supporter, as you claim, you would know the process was rigged and your man got screwed.
Unfortunately the DNC couldn't prevent Donald Trump from participating in the election, so Bernie's situation is irrelevant. Find me the millions of Republicans whose Trump votes didn't count and were thrown away. Find me the millions of illegal immigrant votes and dead people on the voting rolls. You can't because it's complete bullshit. The hypocrisy of Trump supporters burying their heads in the fucking sand over the Russian election interference is beyond ludicrous.