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ACA Running Thread

There could be two outcomes of repeal/replace:

1. They keep most of the things that help people and call it their own
2. After they emasculate ACA and their plan fails, we are driven to a single payer or single payer plus system

The best part is repealing most all of this crap they put in without giving Congress a chance to even read about it to know what was in it!
Health Insurance for All! I can't wait to see that. I would totally support DtlbhT in that effort.
I think #2 has always been the ultimate goal with the ACA, which I think even the dems crafting it weren't thrilled with. Put enough things in that you can't really take back because people would understandably go apeshit and genuinely fuck up lives, get the ball rolling towards single payer
Rand Paul says he's finished drafting a bill to replace Obamacare.

I imagine something like this.

Your interpretation of this is enlightening. You believe that this politics board is the reason I'm upset about the topic? Wake up. There are a million upset women marching on DC the day after the inauguration, do you believe they are upset because of the OG board? Bernie Sanders is having "Save Healthcare" rallies in Michigan, do you believe those people are rallying to change opinions on the OG boards? Go outside in a public place and you are going to find people who are pissed that the ACA is going to be repealed. It's pretty clear this is gamesmanship to you, something to talk shit about on the internet like a sports score, something that won't really affect your life.

How is that any different than all of the people who vocally, and more important through their 2010 and ultimately 2016 votes, were pissed about Obamacare being passed? You are acting like there are not completely legitimate reasons that the ACA sucks balls and was a failure from the jump.
How is that any different than all of the people who vocally, and more important through their 2010 and ultimately 2016 votes, were pissed about Obamacare being passed? You are acting like there are not completely legitimate reasons that the ACA sucks balls and was a failure from the jump.

Will Trumpcare be a success from the get go in your opinion?
I have no idea. I guess we'll just have to pass it to see what is in it. But I'm pretty sure it will be more of a success than Obamacare; it certainly can't be worse.
Of course we will not know about its success until it is put in motion, the only difference then will be that the repubs will own it and be subject to the same slings and arrows that the dems have faced for the last six years. ACA actually worked in what it was intended to do, 20000000 more people with coverage is nothing to laugh at.
How is that any different than all of the people who vocally, and more important through their 2010 and ultimately 2016 votes, were pissed about Obamacare being passed? You are acting like there are not completely legitimate reasons that the ACA sucks balls and was a failure from the jump.

Obamacare is deeply flawed and still did much more good than harm. The people who consider it a complete failure are wrong. There are always going to be losers in a program of major income redistribution. Republicans had years to work with Obama on the ACA and they refused, they have had 8 years to develop a replacement and they haven't.
Of course we will not know about its success until it is put in motion, the only difference then will be that the repubs will own it and be subject to the same slings and arrows that the dems have faced for the last six years. ACA actually worked in what it was intended to do, 20000000 more people with coverage is nothing to laugh at.

It should not be hard to add 20 million people to the health care rolls when the government forces you to enroll and pays for almost all of it. You probably could have done that without completely destroying the market for the rest of the people. Hopefully Rand and company will get it right. No doubt those arrows are coming either way.
Of course we will not know about its success until it is put in motion, the only difference then will be that the repubs will own it and be subject to the same slings and arrows that the dems have faced for the last six years. ACA actually worked in what it was intended to do, 20000000 more people with coverage is nothing to laugh at.

No chance pubs take heat for any negatives with repeal or replace. They are passing that buck all day e'ryday.
It will be sorta like Medicaire Part D which the repubs passed under Bush which was underfunded by 4 trillion dollars until Dems fixed it in 2010. Never heard a word from them about how that went wrong, just blamed Obama for the deficit increase that was their own handcrafting.
Obamacare is deeply flawed and still did much more good than harm. The people who consider it a complete failure are wrong. There are always going to be losers in a program of major income redistribution. Republicans had years to work with Obama on the ACA and they refused, they have had 8 years to develop a replacement and they haven't.

You keep saying that but it just simply is not true. There are multiple replacement plans out there. Which one, or combination thereof, that gets picked is still up for debate, but the inauguration hasn't even happened yet.

And your opinion is that the people who consider it a complete failure are wrong; and my opinion, and that of most Americans, is that your opinion is wrong.
You keep saying that but it just simply is not true. There are multiple replacement plans out there. Which one, or combination thereof, that gets picked is still up for debate, but the inauguration hasn't even happened yet.

And your opinion is that the people who consider it a complete failure are wrong; and my opinion, and that of most Americans, is that your opinion is wrong.

So there ARE replacement options, they just can't decide which one to go with? That doesn't make it any better. Again...8 years they've had to decide and sell to America. If they truly have all these replacement options, how come nobody seems to know what they are?
So there ARE replacement options, they just can't decide which one to go with? That doesn't make it any better. Again...8 years they've had to decide and sell to America. If they truly have all these replacement options, how come nobody seems to know what they are?

People prefer to react like you did. It takes more than a week to undue a bill that makes up 1/6th of the economy and replace it with a better option. One would assume there will be some wrangling before the final bill is decided on.
Obamacare is deeply flawed and still did much more good than harm. The people who consider it a complete failure are wrong. There are always going to be losers in a program of major income redistribution. Republicans had years to work with Obama on the ACA and they refused, they have had 8 years to develop a replacement and they haven't.

Busy day and i just took a break to look at the web and it looks like Trump has a secret plan to cover everyone, andit is cheaper and less complex.

This guy is some kind of super genius secret wunderkind man-boy!


President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid …

Trump said his plan for replacing most aspects of Obama’s health-care law is all but finished. Although he was coy about its details — “lower numbers, much lower deductibles” — he said he is ready to unveil it alongside Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). …

As he has developed a replacement package, Trump said he has paid attention to critics who say that repealing Obamacare would put coverage at risk for more than 20 million Americans covered under the law’s insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion.

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.” …

“It’s not going to be their plan,” he said of people covered under the current law. “It’ll be another plan. But they’ll be beautifully covered. I don’t want single-payer. What I do want is to be able to take care of people,” he said Saturday.