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bye bye obamacare

Done! Now over to the Senate. Nah nah nah nah. Goodbye OBummerCare and let's move on to the budget and other important issues.
TheReff doesn't know because he hasn't read it. Neither did most people who just passed it.

CBO score is going to be amazing on this one.
Done! Now over to the Senate. Nah nah nah nah. Goodbye OBummerCare and let's move on to the budget and other important issues.

This is what an evil rube looks like, folks. Willful, proud ignorance, hypocrisy and soullessness, writ large.
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TheReff is one of those people that thinks him and his family is in the group that's doing the fucking, when in reality they live mediocre pedestrian lives and are constantly being fucked.
What would have happened if two Dem congressmen did not vote for this bill? would have been 215-215
No Dems voted for it. I guess it came out that two did but that's a mistake.
Seriously its like the last election taught you guys nothing. People are dumb, really fucking dumb. This idea that this ruins the republicans is nonsense. Since first it's never passing the senate as is so this as is just fires up the rube base without the rube base knowing anything but Fuck that Obama guy, see TheReff. Next let's pretend this passes as is, rubes are ecstatic because there are now lower premium choices. Obamacare doesn't go away but now they have the option to go buy the Grenada college of medicine plan for 20 dollars a month. Some time passes and it's great they have only paid 300 dollars for a year and half of coverage but then they get sick, very sick. So they go to the hospital and find their plan doesn't cover hospitalizations or emergency services, they don't know what's wrong so a full lab workup is ordered, not covered, they need an expensive drug also not covered. Now they have spent 150,000 dollars, because you know Obamacare sucks! That's how this plays out over and over with the rube army.
Seriously its like the last election taught you guys nothing. People are dumb, really fucking dumb. This idea that this ruins the republicans is nonsense. Since first it's never passing the senate as is so this as is just fires up the rube base without the rube base knowing anything but Fuck that Obama guy, see TheReff. Next let's pretend this passes as is, rubes are ecstatic because there are now lower premium choices. Obamacare doesn't go away but now they have the option to go buy the Grenada college of medicine plan for 20 dollars a month. Some time passes and it's great they have only paid 300 dollars for a year and half of coverage but then they get sick, very sick. So they go to the hospital and find their plan doesn't cover hospitalizations or emergency services, they don't know what's wrong so a full lab workup is ordered, not covered, they need an expensive drug also not covered. Now they have spent 150,000 dollars, because you know Obamacare sucks! That's how this plays out over and over with the rube army.


13 of the 23 GOP members from districts won by Clinton in the last election voted in favor of this bill which is sitting somewhere south of 25% popularity. The ACA is above 50% at this point. Similarly, there are 11 states where over 30% of the under-65 population has pre-existing conditions and they all voted for Donald in 2016. These are the states that are going to be hit the hardest by an insurance system that doesn't do something to control the pre-existing condition issue. Insurance will be extremely costly for them, if they can get it at all. Furthermore, if my reading of the bill is correct there is a 30% surplus penalty on insurance if you're uninsured for two consecutive months. So if you lose insurance and can't find it (due to expense or difficulty of acquiring it because of expense, or for any reason) and two months go by it's even MORE expensive. Additionally, this bill appears to get rid of two taxes on the wealthiest Americans (top 1-2%) which helped form the cornerstone of the ACA.

This bill cuts taxes for the wealthy while fucking the middle and lower class.

ETA: Obviously, this only matters if it passes the Senate. I was attempting to take an objective look at the bill as is if it passed the Senate as is.
Seriously its like the last election taught you guys nothing. People are dumb, really fucking dumb. This idea that this ruins the republicans is nonsense. Since first it's never passing the senate as is so this as is just fires up the rube base without the rube base knowing anything but Fuck that Obama guy, see TheReff. Next let's pretend this passes as is, rubes are ecstatic because there are now lower premium choices. Obamacare doesn't go away but now they have the option to go buy the Grenada college of medicine plan for 20 dollars a month. Some time passes and it's great they have only paid 300 dollars for a year and half of coverage but then they get sick, very sick. So they go to the hospital and find their plan doesn't cover hospitalizations or emergency services, they don't know what's wrong so a full lab workup is ordered, not covered, they need an expensive drug also not covered. Now they have spent 150,000 dollars, because you know Obamacare sucks! That's how this plays out over and over with the rube army.

and this will all be Obummer and Hillary's fault. Trump 2020.
Seriously its like the last election taught you guys nothing. People are dumb, really fucking dumb. This idea that this ruins the republicans is nonsense. Since first it's never passing the senate as is so this as is just fires up the rube base without the rube base knowing anything but Fuck that Obama guy, see TheReff. Next let's pretend this passes as is, rubes are ecstatic because there are now lower premium choices. Obamacare doesn't go away but now they have the option to go buy the Grenada college of medicine plan for 20 dollars a month. Some time passes and it's great they have only paid 300 dollars for a year and half of coverage but then they get sick, very sick. So they go to the hospital and find their plan doesn't cover hospitalizations or emergency services, they don't know what's wrong so a full lab workup is ordered, not covered, they need an expensive drug also not covered. Now they have spent 150,000 dollars, because you know Obamacare sucks! That's how this plays out over and over with the rube army.

this guy gets it. they're probably going to gain votes in the mid-terms