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Bullshit Trump Says

Emails are not a “contribution, donation, or thing of value” on any reasonable reading of that phrase.

Even if they were, if you believe the story that has been told so far, Jr. didn’t “solicit, accept, or receive” anything from the meeting.

Jr. may very well have violated other laws, but he didn’t violate section 30121.

Emails are property and it’s really hard to argue they had no monetary value to the campaign. And even if he didn’t solicit (hard to believe), if reports are true he conspired with his dad and others to “receive” those emails.
LOL @ that last sentence.

His last sentence actually has merit. Part of the reason the fires in CA are getting worse and worse is that the amount of available fuel isnt reduced enough via the timber industry the way it used to be.
Emails are not a “contribution, donation, or thing of value” on any reasonable reading of that phrase.

Even if they were, if you believe the story that has been told so far, Jr. didn’t “solicit, accept, or receive” anything from the meeting.

Jr. may very well have violated other laws, but he didn’t violate section 30121.

He went to the meeting to "solicit" things of value.
His last sentence actually has merit. Part of the reason the fires in CA are getting worse and worse is that the amount of available fuel isnt reduced enough via the timber industry the way it used to be.

Sort of...typically, over grown understory is the problem with forest fires. Dense, unmanaged understory allow what would otherwise be fast burning, low heat, low damage fires to burn hotter, which then allows the trees to burn which then leads to the fires getting out of control. Intermittent clearing of the fuel loads in the understory is a good fire management tool, but there is no profit in that. Maybe California has a different natural fire ecology, but in most cases, managing understory fuel loads is the best long term fire management strategy. What the timber industry wants are the trees. Removing trees reduces fire risk and intensity (but not as effectively as understory management), but also damages the forest ecosystems, and the wildlife populations that live there. I am not just talking about obscure warblers that no one but me cares about or the annoying spotted owls, I am talking about Elk, Deer, salmon/trout, grouse and turkey, etc. that bring significant economic input into local economies.
No, he went to the meeting hoping to receive information. He was solicited; he did not solicit.

This is a campaign finance law. Receiving dirt on an opponent doesn’t remotely fall within the concept of campaign finance. And even if it did, he didn’t actually obtain anything (again, if you believe him).

As for whether there was a conspiracy to violate 30121, I haven’t brushed up on my conspiracy law in a while—is it unlawful to conspire with someone to receive something from someone else when the person offering it doesn’t actually have the thing you are conspiring to receive?

In general, yes. Factual impossibility is not a defense to inchoate offenses.

And yes, receiving dirt on your opponent is related to campaign finance. If a campaign is given something it would otherwise pay for, then that’s a campaign donation. It’s why, among numerous reasons, every other campaign would have gone straight to the FBI if proposed with that meeting.
As an amoral New York City real estate developer, Trump has long supported the use of asbestos. In his 1997 book The Art of the Comeback, the future president wrote that asbestos is “100 percent safe, once applied,” despite the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the contrary. Here’s what else Trump had to say about the carcinogen:

“I believe that the movement against asbestos was led by the mob, because it was often mob-related companies that would do the asbestos removal. Great pressure was put on politicians, and as usual, the politicians relented. Millions of truckloads of this incredible fire-proofing material were taken to special ‘dump sites’ and asbestos was replaced by materials that were supposedly safe but couldn’t hold a candle to asbestos in limiting the ravages of fire.”

Trump has also on multiple occasions blamed the collapse of the two World Trade Center towers on the absence of asbestos. In June, All in With Chris Hayes aired a clip of Trump defending the material before Congress in 2005. “A lot of people say that if the World Trade Center had asbestos is wouldn’t have burned down, it’s wouldn’t have melted. OK?,” he said. “A lot of people in my industry think asbestos is the greatest fireproofing material ever made.” Trump went on to compare asbestos to a “heavyweight champion” compared to other building material, which he likened to a “light-weight from high school.”

Three thousand people are diagnosed in the United States each year with mesothelioma. If you or a loved one are diagnosed with mesothelioma call the number in my profile now. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in mills, shipyards, and in the heating, construction, and automotive industries may have put you at risk. Even people close to you could develop mesothelioma due to secondhand exposure. Please don't wait. Call me now.
Three thousand people are diagnosed in the United States each year with mesothelioma. If you or a loved one are diagnosed with mesothelioma call the number in my profile now. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in mills, shipyards, and in the heating, construction, and automotive industries may have put you at risk. Even people close to you could develop mesothelioma due to secondhand exposure. Please don't wait. Call me now.

LOL. The moment James Sokolove has waited for.
Three thousand people are diagnosed in the United States each year with mesothelioma. If you or a loved one are diagnosed with mesothelioma call the number in my profile now. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in mills, shipyards, and in the heating, construction, and automotive industries may have put you at risk. Even people close to you could develop mesothelioma due to secondhand exposure. Please don't wait. Call me now.

Lol. Well done.
1. It’s not an illegal witch hunt. Your team had more connections to Russia than the 1980 Soviet hockey team and you admitted to obstructing Justice on live TV.
2. It did not start with Hillary. The counterintelligence investigation started unofficially with foreign intelligence intercepts by allies who captured your campaign communicating with the Kremlin. Then it started officially when your foreign policy advisor drunkenly told the Australian ambassador to England that he was working with a “professor” to get dirt on Hillary Clibton.
3. The dossier is not phony. It’s a raw intelligence document and a lot of it has been corroborated already.
4. Carter fucking Page was actively recruited by Russian intelligence going back to 2013. Multiple Republican judges including on your watch approved FISA applications repeatedly. In addition Carter Page wasn’t even a member of your campaign during the period when he was surveilled.
5. Muellers team is not made up of 17 Democrats. There are 12 Democrats plus 5 unaffiliated and/or Republicans including Mueller himself who is a lifelong Republican and who was first appointed to positions by Reagan and Bush. Regardless, Mueller can’t choose a team based on party (it’s illegal) nor should he.

You can continue to say the sky is purple over and over again but it doesn’t change the color of the sky.