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Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - (and beyond) Discussion (spoilers allowed)

one of the them does blink when they are fire-lit slow walking into the castle. the walker to the NK's right around 1:12-4
I'm disappointed in the night walker story line. It seems like it serves no purpose other than to:

a) unite Westeros under a non-Cersei led banner
b) weaken said army
c) kill off Lyanna Mormont so no one tries to put her on the iron throne
i'm not a director but I just think it would make sense to give the audience some confirmation of that either pre or post NK death

i guess i'll be content with the blinking WW and the stiff breeze
That’s how I took it. And Martin always said he was more interested in having the overall story line as a battle with political undertones than a battle against the dead. So it does make sense to some degree that the final three episodes will focus on who among the living (with actual motives beyond converting everyone to the dead) will sit atop the iron throne.
I figured she just came in through the same path that the NK just walked through. We know she’s stealthy as fuck (as evidenced by the fact that the blood drops when she’s sneaking around earlier were louder than her movements).

She also snuck up on Jon without any warning earlier this season - although the area did have far more people when they surrounded Bran.

Yeah, this is the least of my issues with the episode, which does not really hold up will to hindsight. Arya was trained to be sneaky AF - tha's her whole thing. The rest of the wights were told to stand down by the NK so he could get his Bran-killing on. The general who looks like an Allman brother got his hair all windblown but missed our fast, sneaky heroine.
i thought that jon tracking shot was cool, too bad the battle lasted for four hours and we were more consumed with watching the NK walking in slow motion
Yeah, this is the least of my issues with the episode, which does not really hold up will to hindsight. Arya was trained to be sneaky AF - tha's her whole thing. The rest of the wights were told to stand down by the NK so he could get his Bran-killing on. The general who looks like an Allman brother got his hair all windblown but missed our fast, sneaky heroine.

yeah, she's shown to be able to move literally silently many times
The rest of the wights were told to stand down by the NK so he could get his Bran-killing on.

"stand down men I'm going to focus all my energy on stabbing this kid in a wheelchair, don't look around for anyone who could fuck this up by sneaking up on me"
I also think the show did a great job of setting up this episode from the overall carnage from previous seasons. Entering the episode there wasn't the typical sense of plot armor and so it felt like anyone could die. This only heightened the anxiety and foreboding as the battle unfolded. That no major protagonist died in the battle turned the show's themes on its head. While in most stories the protagonists survive everything until the end when one or two may die, protagonists have died throughout so when they survived it was equally as shocking when they all made it out.

That said, I'm sure plenty of death remains for the final battle in King's Landing.
look y'all i'll come clean

i bet someone ten dollars that Arya was gonna kill the NK but I said she was gonna use a face swap so I lost on a technicality and I'm just pissed that they went with Arya's superhuman speed and quiet instead because why not face swap because faceswapping is hella dope
Yeah the NK's entire focus and existence is predicated on killing the Three Eyed Raven. So when he breaks through the castle, reanimates his dead army halfway through the battle, and has Bran cornered after killing all of the men protecting him, it doesn't seem absurd (to me at least) that he would be solely focused on finishing the job rather than keeping one last eye out for a many-faced-god-trained "no one" to come flying through the air and kill him with valyrian steel.
I think this season would be better binged. A week between episodes is going to make every one feel disappointing, even if it is a marvel of production.

Not as good as Helm's Deep.

I don't disagree with this. I was on vacation with the family during s 8 e 1. We watched 1 and 2 back to back. Thought it worked pretty well that way. More satisfying I think.

If that was the end of the night king and ww build up it was a little lacking.

"I really want to move on to a new project. How do we wrap up this huge storyline about the night king?"

"Ugg. Don't care. Lets just have one big battle and let him get stabbed. Donezo."
The dragons were so underutilized.

Dany and Jon were torching the entire dead army with their strafing runs, and then just went up in the clouds to look for the Night King when they didn't know he was there?

Lighting the too small moat on fire was a great idea, and that makes sense, but why not have them keep torching the dead if that's working so well?

I guess it's not as fun a battle if you get to use your BFGs too often.
As an aside, how pitiful was Theon's effort to kill the NK? He knew he was going to die regardless, but he pulled the Rickon and ran in a straight line without any thoughts to deviate and the NK didn't even have to try hard to finish him off. NK didn't even flinch - just killed him immediately.