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Manning Buyout Negotiations Have Begun

I am pretty thankful we went down south for Winter break (February) and spent a week with my 81 year old mother. There is a very real chance I never see her again in person. She's healthy, statistically she has a 30-50% chance of catching the virus, maybe a little less in Beaufort, SC. Then, at her age, she has only about a 70-90% chance of surviving that. That is the math.
It is going to hit everywhere. Italy nad Spain are good looks at what US is going to look like 2 weeks from now. Our numbers parallel there's so much its scary.

And more importantly, it is an ugly way to die and it is not just old people who are dying. Lots of 30, 40, 50 yr olds in the hospital in really bad shape.
This thing attacks you really quickly - you can go from feeling fine to being close to death in a matter of hours. It basically drowns your lungs, you can't breathe because they are filled with fluid instead of air.

Albany, GA is a good idea of what can happen very quickly in a smaller city. They have a hot spot there, don't know how it originated, but a good number of the deaths in GA are from the one small area. There are 4 hospitals in the area and all of them are overwhelmed with patients. exurban and rural areas can be hit just as quickly as the more densely populated urban areas as they have alot fewer health services and usually have fewer ICU units per capita. Once you get a case or two it can expand really quickly.

My wife is very concered because her 91 yr old mother lives on Long Island. So far she has not gotten it, but obviously if she does her odds would not be good.

Yes, the majority of people who get it are not going to die, but do you want to take a chance on being the 1-2% that do. This virus is much more contagious than the flu. It lasts longer on surfaces, people who have no symptoms are contagious for 2-3 days before showing any symptoms (this is why the whole I should be able to go out because I have no symptoms causes issues), and it attacks the human body alot more quickly than a flu with a mortality rate in early tests running about 15 times the flu mortality rate.

Our failure to be ready to test extensively early on is going to make this alot worse than it could have been. When you can test extensively early on like South Korea did you can get in front of it and start to isolate all the people that have potentially been exposed. Unfortunately it is already too late to do that. It is in all 50 states and is spreading. We have no idea how many people have it other than it is alot more, probably by a power of 10, than have tested positive.

We have nurses living in our cul-de-sac. One works in ICU (and is 6 months pregnant). She says it is really scary. Most cities are already approaching max capacity and we are likely not near the peak of this yet.

People need to understand that even if we get past this first run, there will be others and we will likely need to have multiple instances of keeping people away from each other for the next 12 months.

Whether Wake has money to buy out Manning (and my gut is the answer to that is no or they already would have fired him), the ability to get a coach to agree to take the job is likely severly impacted. If they actually have the money the best case scenario would likely to be to name one of the assts as an interim and wait things out. Since that hasn't happened my gut (though obviously no inside info) is that the money is not there to take that step.
I read yesterday that 25% of Virginians in the high risk categories live a counties without a single hospital. Granted, some are in areas where one is not far away in another county or state but if you're a VA resident who shows up at a WV hospital that is already stretched … Frightening to consider how much health care rationing is in place and will go on. Some facilities are debating universal DNR orders for Covid-19 patients. Stay safe, everyone.
I hate to hear about what folks in NYC are going through - but, what is going on there now is never going to hit the rest of the country. At least not unless all the people there who have been exposed keep traveling to the rest of the country and taking it with them.

If ever we needed a "facepalm" pic, it's in response to this post. Come on, scooter, you're smarter than this.
If ever we needed a "facepalm" pic, it's in response to this post. Come on, scooter, you're smarter than this.

Looks like what scooter posted is what is being trafficked in conservative circles. Probably saying it's just an urban disease that won't affect "real Americans." Keep New York liberals away and you'll be safe.
To echo Rambling Red, my 85 year old neighbor was in the hospital after breaking his femur on a bicycle fall. Honestly, I had no idea he was that old judging by his health. Unfortunately for him, that happened three weeks ago so he had surgery and was in a rehab facility for a week after. He caught the virus and was transferred to the hospital. He had zero symptoms and the hospital tried to desperately release him to home quarantine because he was doing so well. His wife, my wife's ex-roommate 20 years ago, tried desperately to prevent it. As he was being released, he complained of a having a small temperature. This was last Friday. They reluctantly kept him in their iso wing. He died Sunday night, 48 hours later.

His wife can't find a crematorium that will take him. He's in a refrigerator somewhere as they sort that out. There will be no funeral. We'll have a memorial service at some point in the distant future. He has 105 year old Uncles still alive, so while 85 is really old, his life was cut short. He essentially died from a bike fall. He should have fallen a week or two earlier and he'd be safe at home.

But this is where we are heading. He was scared on Saturday and he was basically all alone. They gave him morphine because of the terror the feeling of drowning ...
You've got those tens of thousands of college age Spring Break returnees who may be carrying the virus and are able to transmit to it to others without knowing they are doing it. This may be the most dangerous aspect of the virus in the US. They will be going back to nearly every state.
I hate to hear about what folks in NYC are going through - but, what is going on there now is never going to hit the rest of the country. At least not unless all the people there who have been exposed keep traveling to the rest of the country and taking it with them.

scooter - you live near Raleigh, correct?

not to pile on, but here is what Wake County is doing right now

As a result, starting today, the county will reserve its tests and protective gear for two main groups of people if they become symptomatic:

Seniors ages 65 and older and people with underlying health conditions. They will be among the first to be tested, because they are most at risk of experiencing serious illness if they contract the virus.

First responders and healthcare workers. They are on the frontlines of this situation, and if they are infected, the county doesn’t want them spreading COVID-19 to anyone else. Conversely, if they test negative for the virus, they can return sooner to their important jobs caring for and protecting our residents.

so - if you are 60 years old with no underlying health condition, you can't be tested - even if you are exhibiting symptoms and even if you live with someone who is 65 and/or has an underlying condition

Why, you ask, is Wake County doing this?

The Benefits of our New Strategy
By shifting to a new strategy, the county is able to preserve limited protective equipment and test kits for groups at highest risk of contracting the virus and experiencing significant health impacts such as hospitalization, organ failure or death.

The new approach also enables the county to help protect our community’s healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed, so local hospitals can continue to treat only those who need critical care.

Because Wake County - not NYC - has run the numbers, and:

1. They don't have enough tests;
2. they are concerned that they won't have enough PPE to protect healthcare workers
To echo Rambling Red, my 85 year old neighbor was in the hospital after breaking his femur on a bicycle fall. Honestly, I had no idea he was that old judging by his health. Unfortunately for him, that happened three weeks ago so he had surgery and was in a rehab facility for a week after. He caught the virus and was transferred to the hospital. He had zero symptoms and the hospital tried to desperately release him to home quarantine because he was doing so well. His wife, my wife's ex-roommate 20 years ago, tried desperately to prevent it. As he was being released, he complained of a having a small temperature. This was last Friday. They reluctantly kept him in their iso wing. He died Sunday night, 48 hours later.

His wife can't find a crematorium that will take him. He's in a refrigerator somewhere as they sort that out. There will be no funeral. We'll have a memorial service at some point in the distant future. He has 105 year old Uncles still alive, so while 85 is really old, his life was cut short. He essentially died from a bike fall. He should have fallen a week or two earlier and he'd be safe at home.

But this is where we are heading. He was scared on Saturday and he was basically all alone. They gave him morphine because of the terror the feeling of drowning ...

I am sorry to hear about your neighbor. However, your 85 yo neighbor's wife was your wife's roommate 20 years ago. There's a lot to unpack here.
I am sorry to hear about your neighbor. However, your 85 yo neighbor's wife was your wife's roommate 20 years ago. There's a lot to unpack here.

He was 85. She (Ellen) is 70. My wife is 55. When my wife was 30, she and Ellen, then 45, were roommates for three or four years before she and I got married. Got it?
I am sorry to hear about your neighbor. However, your 85 yo neighbor's wife was your wife's roommate 20 years ago. There's a lot to unpack here.

Not really. It’s NYC.
You guys read Rambling Red's post yesterday, right? It was pretty interesting. In a nutshell, you are asking a coach to relocate during the beginning of a pandemic. That means shopping for a house, packing a house, hiring movers, etc... Not to mention swinging through and visiting the facilities of the school you are considering taking their offer. There are some issues related to hiring a new coach that suddenly have higher hurdles than they did 3 weeks ago.

Again, I still hope we let Manning go and make a splash hire, but it is not high on my personal priority list right now. Getting to the grocery store and back without getting infected is higher. Trying to figure out my kid's school is higher. My Mom's isolation in Beaufort, SC is higher. The well being of health care workers all over the country is a lot higher. I know there are only a few of us in NYC who post here, and I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but when what is happening here hits the rest of the country two, three, four weeks from now, I think it'll hit home harder. I am making decisions right now for the safety and well being of a handful of people.

The fetish-ization of this decision - it feels as dated as Marky Mark or Vanilla Ice.

Who gives a fuck if he has to relocate. He could shelter in place in his current home for the rest of his fucking life with the money he will get.
Who gives a fuck if he has to relocate. He could shelter in place in his current home for the rest of his fucking life with the money he will get.

A little tone deaf. Not concerned about Danny's home life. His replacement, however, gonna be hard to get them to come take a look, walk the halls, explore the facilities, and search for a new home. For example, Beilien is what, 68? Matta is 55 but with health issues in his past.
To echo Rambling Red, my 85 year old neighbor was in the hospital after breaking his femur on a bicycle fall. Honestly, I had no idea he was that old judging by his health. Unfortunately for him, that happened three weeks ago so he had surgery and was in a rehab facility for a week after. He caught the virus and was transferred to the hospital. He had zero symptoms and the hospital tried to desperately release him to home quarantine because he was doing so well. His wife, my wife's ex-roommate 20 years ago, tried desperately to prevent it. As he was being released, he complained of a having a small temperature. This was last Friday. They reluctantly kept him in their iso wing. He died Sunday night, 48 hours later.

His wife can't find a crematorium that will take him. He's in a refrigerator somewhere as they sort that out. There will be no funeral. We'll have a memorial service at some point in the distant future. He has 105 year old Uncles still alive, so while 85 is really old, his life was cut short. He essentially died from a bike fall. He should have fallen a week or two earlier and he'd be safe at home.

But this is where we are heading. He was scared on Saturday and he was basically all alone. They gave him morphine because of the terror the feeling of drowning ...

damnit, jaybone, that is awful. sorry to hear about your friend.
I know, it is freaking sad and scary. And I share this, honestly, because I want FoxNews type viewers or people who believe Trump when he says words, to understand the reality of this virus and the future of most areas of the country going forward - be it 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 6 weeks behind ... it is terrorizing. It really is.
teachers across this country learned how to do distance learning for all of their students in less than a week and we're worried that Currie won't be able to talk face to face to a coach?. Get it done over Zoom or a hundred different other ways to talk to someone. Send them a virtual tour of the new facilities. Send them a hype video that some 20 year old intern made. Hell, a new coach doesn't even have to move to Winston-Salem right away, he can hire coaches and send texts to recruits from his lazy boy in Ohio or Michigan or wherever he currently lives. This is a time for thinking outside the box and making bold moves, because I guarantee UNC and DUKE and 100 other schools are thinking ahead to the future, while we are still making excuses for status quo.
Other than the fact there are cases in all fifty states? Other than the fact that LA is growing as quickly as NYC? How about IL? How about over 1000 cases in GA and FL?

Stop believing the RW insanity.

Stop trying to make it political. Of course it is everywhere and will continue expanding and getting worse for a while - but I feel pretty confident in saying that it won't be like it is in NYC in the rest of the country. Just like it was not in the rest of China like it was in Wuhan. I know they took stronger actions than we did but we are catching up on actions and people seem to be taking it seriously.
Seriously. All the misinformation is making things worse.

Y'all really sicken me trying to make this a political thing or assume I get all my news from Fox. Most of my family is in healthcare and I am not an idiot. I am not trying to minimize this terrible situation at all. It is ugly and will likely get uglier for a while now. I recognize a lot of what Trump is saying as unrealistic and uninformed - of course. I'm not sure why he says some of it - other than to give people hope?

We absolutely need to take it seriously and abide by all of the restrictions, etc. But if we do that it will slow and we will get past this. I do have hope that the warmer weather will also help tremendously...
Stop trying to make it political. Of course it is everywhere and will continue expanding and getting worse for a while - but I feel pretty confident in saying that it won't be like it is in NYC in the rest of the country. Just like it was not in the rest of China like it was in Wuhan. I know they took stronger actions than we did but we are catching up on actions and people seem to be taking it seriously.

What do you meant by "the rest of the country"? Atlanta is already out of ICU beds.

Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, in 71,800 square miles and has 58.5 million people and got totally locked down. That's as large of an area as the states of NY, CT, and MA combined.