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Manning Buyout Negotiations Have Begun

If America opens soon, then there will be fewer Americans then there would be otherwise.

Do you value economic well-being over human beings, mebane?

To put it in numbers, to date, so these numbers are increasing -

The state of New York has lost 552 lives per 1,000,000 citizens. That is 1 out of every 1,800 people in the state. That number is pretty staggering. That number could drop below 1,000. The country as a whole has lost 1 out of 13,000. So far.

Watch South Dakota this week - this pandemic is about to hit regional centers hard, like Sioux Falls. This thing is just getting started in some places.
For those that want to discuss Manning's "character", as a reminder he is fighting for every penny from an AD that wants to fire him for his terrible job performance, meanwhile other coaches around the country...

I am happy to discuss Manning's character if you can prove that Manning is "fighting for every penny." Do we have proof that he is insistent on his full buyout? And do we have any proof that Clawson is donating 5% of his salary and Manning is not???
I am happy to discuss Manning's character if you can prove that Manning is "fighting for every penny." Do we have proof that he is insistent on his full buyout? And do we have any proof that Clawson is donating 5% of his salary and Manning is not???

If by proof, you mean multiple meetings that occurred in mid-March in which Manning's representatives made no progress with Currie who was trying to buyout his contract and move on, thus resulting in Manning still being here... then yes we have proof.
Not to mention, as far as I'm aware (maybe there's an example out there somewhere), in 6 seasons he has never pointed the finger back at himself or his staff first. It's ALWAYS about the players not doing what he told them to do, transfers, injuries, etc. Too many people conflate being a nice guy who doesn't say dirty words with having good character. They aren't the same.

This I agree with. It is great when a coach makes it fun for us as fans and alumni to go/watch games, but the character of a coach is probably best judged by what the players think of him AND the arc of their experience while at Wake. Look at the collection of the players that played for Skip Prosser, from Josh Howard (for two years) up through Teague/Johnson. Every kid that comes out of Michigan State and Villanova has had such an amazing ride individually, collectively - stuff that translates for decades for each player.

Wake has lost I think at least three players before their senior that weren't drafted so that they could ... go play in Israel or the CBA or at Ohio State or Iona. Sarr may be next. That is because the experience has been chalk full of frustration, blame and pressure. There are exceptions. He's not an ogre under a bridge. Chaundee seems to sort of like his run here, but holy shit he's selling a tortured 4-year journey to a lot of the players who end up at Wake.
That is nearly two assistant professorships.

Not sure how that's relevant. It's not like any schools are reimbursing students on the academic side, so their revenue has remained constant and their costs have probably gone down.
If by proof, you mean multiple meetings that occurred in mid-March in which Manning's representatives made no progress with Currie who was trying to buyout his contract and move on, thus resulting in Manning still being here... then yes we have proof.

Maybe he gave 5% and Wake wanted 10%. Maybe he offered to give up 10% and keep his job.
I'm not defending DR or Mebane on this, because I don't think we're all that close to reopening, but regardless of who is making the decision and when it gets made, there is always going to be an economic component to this decision. At some point, cities and states are going to start telling people they can leave their home again and some number of people are going to get sick and die as a consequence. There is no scenario where we wait until the risk is 0.0% before we start letting people leave their homes. There is a certain amount of risk that comes with living and enjoying our lives, and we all know and accept that. Its the same reason we don't have a nationwide 20 mph speed limit even though it would save a ton of lives.

This. At some point, the testing will be where we can re-open society and successfully identify those that are sick to reduce the spread.
Yeah, colleges are hurting and will be hurting for the near future.

Colleges will try to keep as many of their students in the fold (by not increasing tuition and offering financial help or assisting with the loan process), but there will be a large segment of students that drop out because they (or their parents) can't foot the tuition bill next school year, or will transfer to lower cost public universities and community colleges. Would not be surprised to see a number of small private/low endowment schools go under, while others will limp through the next few school years on slashed budgets and reduced offerings. Among the cuts will be spending on athletics, particularly non-revenue sports. Lots of pain.
This. At some point, the testing will be where we can re-open society and successfully identify those that are sick to reduce the spread.

When do you think that will be? mebane seems to value reopening the economy over waiting until science suggests we hit a reasonable threshold within this disease’s spread. That’s what I was responding to because we’re nowhere close at this point. We don’t even have the tech let alone the ability to scale it up yet.
If by proof, you mean multiple meetings that occurred in mid-March in which Manning's representatives made no progress with Currie who was trying to buyout his contract and move on, thus resulting in Manning still being here... then yes we have proof.

And we know that those meetings failed because Manning "fought for every penny?"

I don't think so. We assume a LOT on here ...
The scaling on testing needs to be massive. 1 million tests per day would mean almost a year to screen the US population.

The test that will allow the start of opening things is the antibody test that shows if you had the disease, recovered, and hence should be immune.
I am happy to discuss Manning's character if you can prove that Manning is "fighting for every penny." Do we have proof that he is insistent on his full buyout? And do we have any proof that Clawson is donating 5% of his salary and Manning is not???

We have proof that Clawson is giving up 10%, not 5.

When do you think that will be? mebane seems to value reopening the economy over waiting until science suggests we hit a reasonable threshold within this disease’s spread. That’s what I was responding to because we’re nowhere close at this point. We don’t even have the tech let alone the ability to scale it up yet.

Yeah, I have no idea. Once we have the testing, then I think we could make a much more informed decision. But right now... nadda.
The scaling on testing needs to be massive. 1 million tests per day would mean almost a year to screen the US population.

The test that will allow the start of opening things is the antibody test that shows if you had the disease, recovered, and hence should be immune.

Except there has been no conclusive finding that those who have recovered are immune or a determination for how long they would be immune.

Would be great if we could all wait until: a) everyone gets tested b) there is certainty that all those that have recovered can expect immunity for a substantial period (and there is antibody test to confirm asymptomatic cases who are now immune; and/or c) and there was a widely available vaccine. Don't think even the most cautious governors, will wait to that point to open things up.

Think its far more likely that there will be a graduated re-opening that is based upon a falling number of cases, an expectation that the health care system can handle small spikes in cases without shutting everything down, and continued, but reduced, social distancing rules. So, life will kind of return to normal in that offices and some retail will re-open, but mass gatherings will not happen, masks will be prevalent, and lots of things that we used to do often (going bars, restaurants, theaters, games, gyms) won't be available for a much longer period of time and won't come back for possibly years. Life will suck, but just not quite as badly as it sucks now.

High level sports that can rely on TV money (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, PGA, Tennis Majors, high level pro soccer) and have the resources to conduct vigorous testing and monitoring of athletes will return in fan free environments, but other sports that rely on ticket sales to survive and without the means to take reasonable steps to monitor the athletes (minor league baseball, minor league hockey, basketball) are screwed for a long time. Big time college sports will find a way to survive, but the number of sports sponsored by schools is going to take a big hit. Youth sports will be crippled for a long time as well, particularly, the big time travel events. Going to be weird.
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And we know that those meetings failed because Manning "fought for every penny?"

I don't think so. We assume a LOT on here ...

Why do you think they failed? You think Currie went in to discuss a buyout and wouldn't jump at a 25% discount? Also keep in mind Danny Manning was a multi-millionaire before he ever came to Wake Forest, would be a multi-millionaire without Wake Forest, and has a fuck you pay me because you can't afford to fire me attitude.
Why do you think they failed? You think Currie went in to discuss a buyout and wouldn't jump at a 25% discount? Also keep in mind Danny Manning was a multi-millionaire before he ever came to Wake Forest, would be a multi-millionaire without Wake Forest, and has a fuck you pay me because you can't afford to fire me attitude.

The man has no class
We have proof that Clawson is giving up 10%, not 5.

I suspect Manning would be interested in giving up 10% for next year if he remains the HC. This is nice of Clawson, but not exactly an apples to apples comparison.