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CTYB4.0: approaching Mako’s dinner time

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6:30 Wake up
7:30 Take kids to daycare
8-11 Apply for jobs/interview/network
11-12 Self loathing
12-2 Apply for jobs/ interview/network
2-3 Walk Dog
3-4 Exercise
4:30 Pickup kids from daycare
5-7 Parent
7 Put kids to bed
7:30-9 Spend time with wife.
9 Bed
I am working and also looking for a new job... That 11am-12pm self-loathing is something I do, as well. I usually try to exercise then and it helps me feel less terrible.
How do we feel about sandwiches? I'm a big sandwich guy overall - absolute sucker for some carbs and bread
Love them. Try to limit myself to 2-3 a week max. That includes Burgers, cheese steaks, etc. Anything with bread, meat, cheese.
How do we feel about sandwiches? I'm a big sandwich guy overall - absolute sucker for some carbs and bread
I’ve gotten a wee bit sick of my standard turkey sandwich I take to work two times a week but I love a good sub or sandwich shop
My 4yo has entered a phase where he likes to copy everything we say. I handle it by telling him I don't think what he is saying is funny and then I ignore that he's doing it. He doesn't care.

He also apparently put his snack bag (cloth) over his head at pre-school and his teachers couldn't get it off so they had to take him to the office (nurse?) to get it removed.

Every day it becomes more clear that my daughters got all of the good genes and my son is basically Danny DeVito from Twins.
I am working and also looking for a new job... That 11am-12pm self-loathing is something I do, as well. I usually try to exercise then and it helps me feel less terrible.
It’s not as crazy as the guy who eats a banana everyday at 9:30
I’m just depressed about living in the sticks, probably feeling guilty from killing Bambi on Saturday
do you even live in the sticks?

there are a lot of poor people in the sticks who could benefit from improved transit infrastructure
On the other hand, a conversation he was having with my wife meandered into what happens to dead people and the punchline is that my son told my wife that he wants to be buried next to me with a hole in each of our coffins to that we can hold hands forever.

I love the shit out of that kid.
As soon as one holiday ends, my 4yo incessantly asks about the time to the next one.

We're currently on "How many days is it till leprechaun day"
6am - Wake up and make breakfast for my kids
7am - Start working
11am (ish) - Exercise
12pm (ish) - Lunch
12:30pm - More work
2:30pm - Get kids from bus stop; More work
4:30pm - Finish work and do whatever the wife/kids need me to do
5:30pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Kids go to bed; Wife and I watch TV
9pm - Read in bed
10pm - Sleep

The kids have different activities pretty much every weeknight, so that part of the routine varies greatly each day.
As soon as one holiday ends, my 4yo incessantly asks about the time to the next one.

We're currently on "How many days is it till leprechaun day"

I had that conversation with my 4yo at breakfast today. He knows the holidays by the candy you have that day (which is 100% my fault).

Him: Are the only 3 holidays Christmas, Easter, and Halloween?
Me: No... There are others. The next one is Valentine's Day.
Him: Oh yeah, I like those heart candies. How many days until Easter?
7:10-7:45: Wake Up, get ready for work, help kids get ready for school,
7:45: Drive to work
8-12: work
12-1: lunch, errands, take a deuce
1-5: work
5-5:20: drive home or drive to daycare
5:30-6: prepare dinner or pick kids up from daycare
6:10-6:45: eat dinner, talk to kids and wife
6:45-7: clean up kids, clean up dinner
7-7:30: play with kids or give them baths
7:30-8:15: bed time routine
8:15-9: put kids back to bed and clean up, do laundry
9-11: watch tv, spend time with wife
11-11:30: do more chores
11:30 -12: take a deuce, get ready for bed
12: put baby back to sleep
12-1:30: scroll social media, watch sports, shop for shoes, rant about politics on tunnels
4-4:15am: put baby back to sleep
7:10 wake up
I would probably argue with how loosely they define “urban”, and 20% of the American population is 67 million people .
If preferred, focus on the other 80% then, and improve the pedestrian and train/bus infra for them. China manages a pretty good national rail with a huge rural population.
Pre pandemic our kids were largely happy (at least not complaining) to be in bed around 8 most nights. Over the last few years we slacked and now it's a battle to sit down with the wife by 10 to watch something. It's definitely big difference and kind of a bummer (less alone time with the wife - tv/buns/etc).

I keep threatening to leave em upstairs to do their thing and have our own movie night. Adult or otherwise. Someday.
How do we feel about sandwiches? I'm a big sandwich guy overall - absolute sucker for some carbs and bread
Arnold Keto buns/bread have been a game changer for me. Give me all the carb substitutes because I love carbs!!!
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