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CT, pickles and political therapy, perfect ending.

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How do those of you with a spouse who works full-time and kids split up household/family duties?
We don't have any sort of system but pretty seamlessly split cooking/cleaning pretty evenly. Do a lot of it together. I WFH so I usually try to do a little something during lunch while listening to a podcast (fold laundry, put up clean dishes). I pretty exclusively do taxes, she's pretty much the gift buyer. We honestly just communicate really well and know how to ask for a little more when work is kicking one of our asses or something.
They are both funny to me. I'm more of a Bill Burr fan but if it's funny I will watch/ listen. I have seen a bunch of interviews where comics say folks are easily offended now. I agree with that. Did I mention that I like Bill Burr?

Genuinely wondering what is remotely funny about:

1. A (very) long anecdote about how Jim Carrey while method acting insisted people refer to him as Kaufman, with a punchline of "thats how trans people make me feel"
2. Recycling a joke/premise that Mike Huckabee made in 2015 (pretending to be trans like it's a choice to prey on women)

Chapelle isn't even attempting to be funny (or is just ridiculously lazy). He's just airing grievances.
Now it looks like he's choosing to appeal to a specific audience of people who get their laughs from bullying others.

Maybe this kind of thought is why they say easily offended now?
Maybe this kind of thought is why they say easily offended now?
No. They say "easily offended now" because the offended people don't feel like they have to stay quiet.

i really couldnt care less if comedians are butthurt

what a low stakes problem
Yeah. They don't seem to realize it makes them look thin-skinned. They can dish it from the comfort of a stage and a mulit-million dollar Netflix deal but they get bent out of shape if someone on Twitter with a trans flag on their name doesn't like their jokes.
Genuinely wondering what is remotely funny about:

1. A (very) long anecdote about how Jim Carrey while method acting insisted people refer to him as Kaufman, with a punchline of "thats how trans people make me feel"
2. Recycling a joke/premise that Mike Huckabee made in 2015 (pretending to be trans like it's a choice to prey on women)

Chapelle isn't even attempting to be funny (or is just ridiculously lazy). He's just airing grievances.

I'm not sure. I haven't watched his whole show yet. I have heard bad jokes and I just let it go. If it's constant bad jokes then I turn it off.
No. They say "easily offended now" because the offended people don't feel like they have to stay quiet.

Yeah. They don't seem to realize it makes them look thin-skinned. They can dish it from the comfort of a stage and a mulit-million dollar Netflix deal but they get bent out of shape if someone on Twitter with a trans flag on their name doesn't like their jokes.

"i can't say anything anymore!" while signing checks from Netflix, a worldwide streaming platform, showing up on podcasts and clips running 24//7 on youtube and every other social platform
The panic over the possible storm this weekend reminded me of the day they cancelled classes the night before due to the forecast and it never snowed at all. God I can’t even remember what year that was now. We are old.
How do those of you with a spouse who works full-time and kids split up household/family duties?
I work remotely and my wife works in the office 4 days a week, so I do most of the driving of the 3 kids (10-14) to school, picking up, taking to practices, etc., but my wife mostly plans the carpools, so I am a chauffeur. We both handle signing them up for their various activities and dealing with school stuff. During the workweek, I usually will make dinner 1 night a week (typically breakfast for dinner, or B for D as we call it), she makes it twice, and we order twice. I usually do all the laundry that is not hers. I do 90% of the grocery shopping. I do all the trash/recycling. I do 90% of the dog stuff, including all of the vet appointments. Kids are old enough now where they have chores, which is nice. So they will deal with the dishwasher, and sometimes the dog, and folding their laundry (and mowing the yard). Bottom line is I do most of it, but she makes more than I do now. Hoping that difference expands and I can be a full time Mr. Mom.
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gotta say I wasn't expecting to come back to two pages of posts detailing how to respond to my posts

if the chat thread's thinnest skinned man can't understand how his sad "I live for my company!" schtick comes off just as exhaustingly as the nightmare HR karen, I dunno what to tell you. that's the only joke I was making there 🤷
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I'm not sure. I haven't watched his whole show yet. I have heard bad jokes and I just let it go. If it's constant bad jokes then I turn it off.
Okay but when you are making bad or lazy jokes explicitly to punch down on people or play off Republican stereotypes, specifically on the heels of already coming under fire for other slightly less bad jokes, I think it's worth thinking about what that says about you as a person. Either he is truly transphobic and can't let it go or he's just trying to be insensitive for the sake of being insensitive and isn't even coming close to being funny.

I liked Anthony Jeselnik's take on this on Theo Von's podcast (starting at like 18:30).

JESELNIK: Yes, and all these comics now, it's like almost the point is to get in trouble. It's like, “Why are you giving me sh-t? I'm I'm a comic, I'm allowed to say whatever I want.” That's wrong, as far as I'm concerned. Art-

VON: Say it again so I don’t [unintelligible]

JESELNIK: People think like, “Oh, as a comic your job is to get in trouble,” but they don't want to get yelled at. Like, it's okay to make people mad, but they don't want any pushback, and I think that's wrong. As a comedian, you want to make people laugh. This is a quote attributed to Andy Warhol that I love that’s just “Art is getting away with it.” You know, if you put out a special and everyone's pissed, you didn't get away with it. You need to make everyone laugh so that they’re like, “Yeah, he talked about some f-cked up stuff, but we're all happy. That’s art. Otherwise, you’re just a troll.
The panic over the possible storm this weekend reminded me of the day they cancelled classes the night before due to the forecast and it never snowed at all. God I can’t even remember what year that was now. We are old.
hurricane floyd day (off) was probably the most beautiful day in winston that year iirc
"i can't say anything anymore!" while signing checks from Netflix, a worldwide streaming platform, showing up on podcasts and clips running 24//7 on youtube and every other social platform
Yeah, it's exhausting. Chappelle's career for the last 5 years is, "I'm not allowed to say anything anymore", and then he says the thing he can't say, and the audience says, "hey look, he just said the thing he told us he's not allowed to say, I recognize that, he is a rebel, and I will applaud and yell, even though what he said was not actually funny."
Yeah, it's exhausting. Chappelle's career for the last 5 years is, "I'm not allowed to say anything anymore", and then he says the thing he can't say, and the audience says, "hey look, he just said the thing he told us he's not allowed to say, I recognize that, he is a rebel, and I will applaud and yell, even though what he said was not actually funny."
"what the hell do you call that?!"
"being Conservative"
i mean stand up comedy is a market like any other

these dorks either don't realize it (and are idiots) or pretend not to realize it (and are cynical)

the age of mass culture is dead. now, if you don't like one performer, then you can just find another

which is hilarious to even be talking about given how popular these dudes are and how lucrative their schticks are
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I get my daughter up, wife "cooks" her breakfast while I shower, I get her dressed and take her to daycare, wife usually picks her up around 2-3ish, sometimes I pick her up depending on when she's done with her classes. I play/do stuff with her when I get home while my wife cooks, then one of us will clean the kitchen while the other does bath/gets her ready for bed, both play with her until bedtime (whoevers arms she winds up in).

Other tasks - my wife does most of the laundry, I take out trash/recycling bins and do whatever outside house stuff there is. She orders groceries, I pick them up, we both unload them.

I would say the most uneven distribution probably comes from her doing the majority of the "deep cleaning" that has become necessary with 14 showings over the last three months. That's primarily due to the timing of when we receive word they're coming and what time the house has to be ready to go by.

Think that's about it as far as the day-to-day goes. On weekends we are both hands on doing what we can to keep her alive and happy.
Most Mondays-Thursdays my wife gets up earlier than me, showers, then gets our son up and gets him breakfast while I shower. She usually leaves by 7:30 and I get him dressed then take him to school. Wife picks him up in the afternoons. Every other Wed he has a Zoom therapy session that I do with him and then I take him. He's resuming swim lessons today so I will take and pick up on Thursdays to take him to swimming. He's about to start OT on Fridays and my wife will take him and take him to school.

At night I do most of the cooking and if we eat with him I'll clean the kitchen after he goes to bed. We both are in there while getting him ready for bed (bath, teethbrushing, getting dressed) and I do most of the reading. Then we alternate who stays in his room til he falls asleep. If we haven't already eaten, the other parent will go out to get takeout.

On regular weekends if we don't have early plans I get up early Sat mornings to feed the cats and wait for my son to wake up. Wife wakes up at 9. We switch on Sundays.

In terms of chores

Wife: laundry, vacuuming, organizing/straightening things
Me: Clean the kitchen and bathrooms, mopping, take out trash and recycling, most grocery shopping, random shit like changing lightbulbs/fire alarm batteries/fixing things, I take care of any car maintenance, checking mail (our mailbox is across a busy street since a rural route and can only have on one side of road)
Stand-up comedy used to be a relationship between a comedian and the people in their audience. If anyone didn't like a joke, they'd either leave or heckle, and the comedian could put them in their place and maintain control of their show.

Now stand-up comedy is content like TV shows or movies and their subject to the same criticism we've seen those media get for years. And comedians don't like it. So it looks like they're treating the trans community as hecklers and doing stand-up sets about what they'd say in response.

No comedian is funny to everybody, but Dave Chappelle used to have a very broad audience. Now it looks like he's choosing to appeal to a specific audience of people who get their laughs from bullying others.
Chappelle's Show was appointment viewing in the Wake dorms my first couple of years. then the next few days everyone was using whatever that week's catchphrase was.
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