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Romney on Obama Voters: stupid poors should buy more money

How so? He said that the 47% of people who support Obama are the same as the "half of Americans who don't pay income tax". That's pretty incorrect.

When someone creates an artificial script based off candid comments I'm sure it comes off that way. However he very easily could of been saying that there is 47% of the country that isn't going to vote for me (which is true, the undecideds make up maybe 8% of the voting block) and why should I worry about them. And then he goes into generalizing who those people are.

Once agan a dumb comment, but nothing ground breaking. He's correctly pointing out that he doesn't need to campaign to the people already voting for his opposition. The next time candidate President Obama shows up a NRA meeting and starts shooting skeet, I will stand corrected.
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He "retraction" is going to bite him on the ass also, "The Republican presidential candidate said tonight that his comments, secretly recorded at a campaign event earlier this year, were made while “speaking off the cuff in response to a question.”

“It’s not elegantly stated,” Romney said outside a campaign fundraiser in Costa Mesa, California. “Of course I want to help all Americans. All Americans have a bright and prosperous future.”
Yeah, that "off-the-cuff" reply isn't what I would have said. To many, that simply translates to "I went off script and said what I really think."

But it's not like there were a ton of great response options. Romney just has to hope that the conservatives on this thread are right, and everyone just decides to let it go. I'm skeptical that that will happen. See, tax returns.
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It would be nice if the Obama camp took the time to bury the rightwing myth that "poor people don't pay taxes" or "half the country doesn't pay taxes" once and for all. It's bullshit. And conservatives keep repeating it. Romney has opened up the door for Obama to debunk it and show how out of touch Romney is. I think this clip will prove to be a very big deal.
It would be nice if the Obama camp took the time to bury the rightwing myth that "poor people don't pay taxes" or "half the country doesn't pay taxes" once and for all. It's bullshit. And conservatives keep repeating it. Romney has opened up the door for Obama to debunk it and show how out of touch Romney is. I think this clip will prove to be a very big deal.

I agree, but how would one do that without a Bill Clinton-of-a-lecture? Not sure the American public needs another one of those, tbh.
I agree, but how would one do that without a Bill Clinton-of-a-lecture? Not sure the American public needs another one of those, tbh.

He could point out that a lot of the people Romney is talking about are low income senior citizens. Old people vote- and a lot of them were probably planning on voting for Romney. I trust the Obama camp can come up with some easily digestible facts without putting people to sleep.
I just went to the Fox News website to get their take on this and I see no mention of it. LOL!
Edited to say I now see a link to an article on it. It doesn't it look to be one of the main articles but it's there.
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He said in the above clip, "people who don't pay taxes".
For example, if you look at state and local taxes, the working poor actually pay a higher percentage of their income in these taxes in every state except for Vermont. In “Alabama, for example, low-income families (which make less than $13,000) pay 11 percent of their income in state and local taxes, while those making more than $229,000 pay just 4 percent.”
A lot of conservatives love to talk about class warfare. Only it's been viciously waged by them against the poor and working class of this country. They love to scapegoat the people at the bottom.
Tax Policy Center data show that only about 17 percent of households did not pay any federal income tax or payroll tax in 2009, despite the high unemployment and temporary tax cuts that marked that year.[5] In 2007, a more typical year, the figure was 14 percent. This percentage would be even lower if it reflected other federal taxes that households pay, including excise taxes on gasoline and other items.
It just gets better for Mitt.
Romney "47 Percent" Fundraiser Host: Hedge Fund Manager Who Likes Sex Parties
Leder has long been a fan of Romney. In January, the New York Times reported:

Years ago, a visit to Mr. Romney's investment firm inspired Mr. Leder to get into private equity in the first place. Mr. Romney was an early investor in some of the deals done by Mr. Leder's investment company, Sun Capital, which today oversees about $8 billion in equity.

The paper noted that Leder is something of a poster boy for private equity—and not in a good way:

Mr. Leder personifies the debates now swirling around this lucrative corner of finance. To his critics, he represents everything that's wrong with this setup. In recent years, a large number of the companies that Sun Capital has acquired have run into serious trouble, eliminated jobs or both. Since 2008, some 25 of its companies—roughly one of every five it owns—have filed for bankruptcy. Among the losers was Friendly's, the restaurant chain known for its Jim Dandy sundaes and Fribble shakes. (Sun Capital was accused by a federal agency of pushing Friendly's into bankruptcy last year to avoid paying pensions to the chain's employees; Sun disputes that contention.) Another company that sank into bankruptcy was Real Mex, owner of the Chevy's restaurant chain. In that case, Mr. Leder lost money for his investors not once, but twice.

But Leder does differ from Romney in one significant fashion: how he likes to have a certain sort of fun. In August 2011, the New York Post reported,

It was as if the Playboy Mansion met the East EBond at a wild party at private-equity titan Marc Leder's Bridgehampton estate, where guests cavorted nude in the pool and performed sex acts, scantily dressed Russians danced on platforms and men twirled lit torches to a booming techno beat.
The GOP really needs to get the NEO-Cons out of Mitt's ear if he has ANY chance of winning in Nov. (IMO) With his comments in the past week, you can pretty much forget about President Obama moving out of the White House!
BTW, I told my commie lib friends that all you have to do is let Mitt run his mouth and he will run right out of the race.
When someone creates an artificial script based off candid comments I'm sure it comes off that way. However he very easily could of been saying that there is 47% of the country that isn't going to vote for me (which is true, the undecideds make up maybe 8% of the voting block) and why should I worry about them. And then he goes into generalizing who those people are.

Once agan a dumb comment, but nothing ground breaking. He's correctly pointing out that he doesn't need to campaign to the people already voting for his opposition. The next time candidate President Obama shows up a NRA meeting and starts shooting skeet, I will stand corrected.

Did you listen to it? He specifically says the 47% who support Obama are the same people as the people who "don't pay income tax".

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. 47 percent of Americans pay no income tax.

You think I'm misinterpreting that?
I think the Romney defense is no defense. Just don't address it. It's not like people don't know that political parties operate like this -- take care of your supporters and donors and screw everyone else.

The clinging to religion and guns comment comes to mind, like Ph said. But obviously, that comment didn't terminally wound Obama. Of course Obama had the media on his side, Romney outside of Fox doesn't.

Romney's biggest problem is that no one has any reason to get excited about him. No one really likes him. People would vote for him if they were given a reason. So far they haven't been. Obama had no more substance in 2008, but he made people believe he would make a difference. Now we know different, but now he's the incumbent and someone else has to give the electorate a reason to think *they're* something unique.
Romney's statement is much worse than the "guns and religion" comment. The people Obama was talking about actually do cling to their guns and religion. Romney's statement is false on many accounts.
Romney's statement is much worse than the "guns and religion" comment. The people Obama was talking about actually do cling to their guns and religion. Romney's statement is false on many accounts.

I'm sure they think of it as being clingy, as well.

Both parties marginalize and barely think about people outside their core constituency and donor base outside of election season. I can't help but notice that the quote Obama's camp is sending over social media was from when he won the election...of course he's going to be all about sounding inclusive and shit.

I'm sure in private they're all like "too bad we can't just let all these Todd Akin-voting fucktards choke on industrial pollution."
Romney's statement is much worse than the "guns and religion" comment. The people Obama was talking about actually do cling to their guns and religion. Romney's statement is false on many accounts.

So, so nice.

In other words, both candidates made sweeping, conclusory generalizations about the other side, and I agree with Obama's.
So, so nice.

In other words, both candidates made sweeping, conclusory generalizations about the other side, and I agree with Obama's.

Is 47% of the population going to vote for the President? Does that same 47% pay no taxes? No? The the statement is way off.

Find another jump circle to defend. This one ain't worth it.
The Romney statement is both simplistic and more than inaccurate. Nevertheless, the reality that 47% of Americans do not pay any income taxes is a huge problem - political, social and economic - for the country as a whole and not just for the Republicans trying to sell a lower taxes message.