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2020 Democratic Presidential Nominees

So it looks like the candidate I've liked the most for the last 6-7 months won IA, and I feel more despondent than ever about democracy in America. First of all, I'm listening to someone explain how Bernie did well in the college counties, but maybe Buttigieg did better in counties that get weighted differently, but we're not really sure.... Fuck Iowa. I went to college and law school, and I have no idea how IA counts and weighs its votes. The whole caucus system needs to die now. Fortunately, I think the only caucuses remaining are NV (but too soon), ND and MT. Second of all, maybe give new equipment a dry run the next time around? Thinking of you there NV.

But most importantly, what has apparently happened to Biden the last few weeks is the last way I wanted Biden to go down. No one, except maybe Jill, was in love with Biden. He was just Obama's veep who we were mostly all comfortable with but didn't really want to see as president at this point in his life. I've kinda expected all along that Biden's numbers would fade because he'd be having too many senior moments. Let's face it - Biden, Sanders, Warren, Trump and Bloomberg are all in their 70s, but Joe definitely comes across as the oldest. But that's not why he came in 4th in IA. His poll numbers have only dipped over the past 2-3 weeks. Some of that may be due to Bloomberg's increased advertising, but I really gotta think the main reason has been all the Pub talking points during Trump's impeachment about Biden being the sleazy 1 here. It looks like the impeachment proceedings have hurt Biden more than they've hurt Trump - Trump's approvals are about the highest they've been over the last 2 years. Again, I don't mind seeing Biden go down, but I don't want the reason to be this chilling. Last night's real winner is Trump. IA Dems look like morons, and their attacks on the candidate they least want to face in the general are working.
Everything we heard about Biden in Iowa was lack of ground game and how he was running on electability. All it took was Bernie, Liz, and Pete to convince people they’re electable and for Amy to convince people she’s viable to knock Biden down.

Bernie rose in the polls. Pete has a consistently strong campaign. Liz and Amy got some good endorsements. Biden had no momentum.

A map I got from a FL Pete organizer.

Fits what I heard about Pete doing well in rural counties.
So it looks like the candidate I've liked the most for the last 6-7 months won IA, and I feel more despondent than ever about democracy in America. First of all, I'm listening to someone explain how Bernie did well in the college counties, but maybe Buttigieg did better in counties that get weighted differently, but we're not really sure.... Fuck Iowa. I went to college and law school, and I have no idea how IA counts and weighs its votes. The whole caucus system needs to die now. Fortunately, I think the only caucuses remaining are NV (but too soon), ND and MT. Second of all, maybe give new equipment a dry run the next time around? Thinking of you there NV.

But most importantly, what has apparently happened to Biden the last few weeks is the last way I wanted Biden to go down. No one, except maybe Jill, was in love with Biden. He was just Obama's veep who we were mostly all comfortable with but didn't really want to see as president at this point in his life. I've kinda expected all along that Biden's numbers would fade because he'd be having too many senior moments. Let's face it - Biden, Sanders, Warren, Trump and Bloomberg are all in their 70s, but Joe definitely comes across as the oldest. But that's not why he came in 4th in IA. His poll numbers have only dipped over the past 2-3 weeks. Some of that may be due to Bloomberg's increased advertising, but I really gotta think the main reason has been all the Pub talking points during Trump's impeachment about Biden being the sleazy 1 here. It looks like the impeachment proceedings have hurt Biden more than they've hurt Trump - Trump's approvals are about the highest they've been over the last 2 years. Again, I don't mind seeing Biden go down, but I don't want the reason to be this chilling. Last night's real winner is Trump. IA Dems look like morons, and their attacks on the candidate they least want to face in the general are working.

Joe comes across as the oldest? Dude Bernie looks like his head comes out of his chest, and he’s fresh off a heart attack.
Unless they’re waiting until after the SOTU.
This doesn't solve the problem.

True, but then he can pay Bernie $2 million to drop out, and we are all good, right? Take out the outliers, get us all back within 1 standard deviation, and keep chugging along.
they may claim they were waiting, but if they really were then they would have announced that a while ago

after last night's disaster, they would falling over themselves to let people know results were forthcoming if they were confident they were
I did not foresee Ph being the most annoying poster in this debacle.

FWIW, the Sanders campaign gave staff instructions about what language to use in interviews and speeches yesterday, specifically telling them that no matter what results came out, staff weren’t allowed to use terms like “rigged” and definitely weren’t supposed to attack the party or other candidates. So far as I’ve seen his campaign staff and surrogates have stuck with that. It’s just the extremely online folks who are frustrated. I still think this is a bad look for the party of course. And as lots of folks are saying no matter what the final tally, Iowa shouldn’t be first, everyone should get to vote, and the system is real weird.
It’s annoying when people talk about Bernie supporters and Bernie supporters defend themselves by talking about how the staffers are not doing what nobody said they were doing.
It’s annoying when people talk about Bernie supporters and Bernie supporters defend themselves by talking about how the staffers are not doing what nobody said they were doing.
