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A Haunted Chat Thread: So Many Cities in #Decline

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what's everyone's kids going as? my son is a squirrel. for the longest time he said he wanted to be caterpillar. then one day he switched to squirrel. we figured we'd hold off til last second on buying his costume lest he change his mind, but about a month ago his grandmother asked him what he wanted to be and a few days later a squirrel costume showed up at the house.

I'm a little #nervous because yesterday he saw a billboard with a kid dressed up as a superhero and he said he wanted to be that. I think I was able to talk him down that he's gonna be a squirrel.
Harry Potter theme for our family.

Oldest daughter - a black dog (Sirius Black in grim form)
Youngest daughter - Hermione
Me - Harry Potter
Wife - Hedwig (which I think is a lame choice, but whatever).
This sounds both fun and very challenging.
Yeah it's cool. I haven't done it yet. My favorite thing to do in the "talk" section is roll their dice with different flavors/components and then the bartender working is challenged to come up with a cocktail that meets all three criteria.

Last time I was there I rolled "smoky", "vodka", and "shaken" lolllll. Destiny is all.
Is a peer telling you to be more succinct as a general comment to your presentation style annoying af or am I being silly. 1) I think I’m pretty succinct in general and 2) I ain’t gonna be able to change the way I present shit, it’s pretty baked in
Dressing the dog up as a panda bear I think. Either that or the bunny costume.

I have a bear onesie I toss on every year. I think I'm gonna wear it at work and see how much wine we can sling that way
We got Murphy a denim jacket. LadyYB wanted to find some baby timberlands for him to wear with it
Yeah it's cool. I haven't done it yet. My favorite thing to do in the "talk" section is roll their dice with different flavors/components and then the bartender working is challenged to come up with a cocktail that meets all three criteria.

Last time I was there I rolled "smoky", "vodka", and "shaken" lolllll. Destiny is all.
Nothing screams having a good time like "smoky" and "vodka."

I did the creamsicle drink last night and I mean you could easily down four of them before you realized what was going on. Sign me up.

I was responsible and only had two cocktails and then my wife and her boss poured everybody that was still there (industry folks and several of her former coworkers who came by for the open after their shift) this limited release high proof Privateer Rum which...absolutely slapped.
I had heard of easytalk but didn't know what the concept was. This looks...super dope. What a fantastic idea. We will definitely go when we're in town next.
what's everyone's kids going as? my son is a squirrel. for the longest time he said he wanted to be caterpillar. then one day he switched to squirrel. we figured we'd hold off til last second on buying his costume lest he change his mind, but about a month ago his grandmother asked him what he wanted to be and a few days later a squirrel costume showed up at the house.

I'm a little #nervous because yesterday he saw a billboard with a kid dressed up as a superhero and he said he wanted to be that. I think I was able to talk him down that he's gonna be a squirrel.
The 5yo is Chelsea from Barbie and the 8yo had this pretty amazing idea to wear a combination old lady/green apple costume. She’s going as a Granny Smith apple
Nothing screams having a good time like "smoky" and "vodka."

I did the creamsicle drink last night and I mean you could easily down four of them before you realized what was going on. Sign me up.

I was responsible and only had two cocktails and then my wife and her boss poured everybody that was still there (industry folks and several of her former coworkers who came by for the open after their shift) this limited release high proof Privateer Rum which...absolutely slapped.
Yeah. To the bartenders credit, he did a pretty good job making it work.

I love good rum. That sounds dope.
Who runs easytalk DF09? This looks like somebody with a litany of experience in the industry (the whole Ginger Fox Beverage concept seems amazing)
We also have a Hermione here, as well as a dead/zombie cheerleader (wtf)
Some pretty good costumes at pinball league

what's everyone's kids going as? my son is a squirrel. for the longest time he said he wanted to be caterpillar. then one day he switched to squirrel. we figured we'd hold off til last second on buying his costume lest he change his mind, but about a month ago his grandmother asked him what he wanted to be and a few days later a squirrel costume showed up at the house.

I'm a little #nervous because yesterday he saw a billboard with a kid dressed up as a superhero and he said he wanted to be that. I think I was able to talk him down that he's gonna be a squirrel.
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