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ACA Running Thread

Lol god damnit. I'm out.

I'll leave with this: health care is a basic human right and I don't give any fucks about how many small business owners have to put in extra administrative work to make sure they're compliant (especially since this is an easy fix: decouple employment and health insurance) and I sure as hell give zero fucks if upper class Joe Schmoe has to change plans because he's got a plan close to the margins that aren't compliant. Literally I give zero fucks about that and I shed zero tears.

Enjoy your upper class white pity party while millions of people get insurance they couldn't otherwise afford. I'll sleep damn well tonight.
I am just going to place this here....did I somehow miss this being discussed?

A key consultant to the creation of ACA explains the intent behind creating a very confusing law.....

The end justifies the means? There are so many things wrong with this it is hard to begin. The guy basically confirms the tin foil hat. The admin created a law they knew the public would hate, but made it so confusing (aka lied) in order to get the thing passed. It isn't a tax, it is a tax....you can keep your plan....rates will go down....etc...

This is the article I saw for anyone that is interested:

I am just going to place this here....did I somehow miss this being discussed?

A key consultant to the creation of ACA explains the intent behind creating a very confusing law.....

The end justifies the means? There are so many things wrong with this it is hard to begin. The guy basically confirms the tin foil hat. The admin created a law they knew the public would hate, but made it so confusing (aka lied) in order to get the thing passed. It isn't a tax, it is a tax....you can keep your plan....rates will go down....etc...

This is the article I saw for anyone that is interested:


I think most people are resigned to the fact that the Administration lied to get this thing passed and they and their sheeple don't care who it hurts or how, as long as it helps the people they wanted to help (in fact, one poster essentially conceded as much in post #2502). Truth is the first casualty in any war, right? This plan was never intended or designed to do the things on the front of package, and we were told---told!---we weren't allowed to read the warning and ingredient labels until after we'd purchased it and eaten the meal. If you believe do-gooder, progress window dressing from this point forward, it's on you. You've had your warning, and its name was ACA.
their sheeple don't care who it hurts or how, as long as it helps the people they wanted to help (in fact, one poster essentially conceded as much in post #2502).

That's correct, I value people being able to have health care more than I value how small business owners have to reallocate their time to deal with health care.

Also the rest of your post reads straight out of the Blaze. Fear-mongering at its finest! EBOLA! ISIS! MUSLAMS! LESBIANS! GAYS! OH MY! I bet half the GOP jumps at their own shadow when they step outside in the morning.
That's correct, I value people being able to have health care more than I value how small business owners have to reallocate their time to deal with health care.

Also the rest of your post reads straight out of the Blaze. Fear-mongering at its finest! EBOLA! ISIS! MUSLAMS! LESBIANS! GAYS! OH MY! I bet half the GOP jumps at their own shadow when they step outside in the morning.

If it was such a good policy, why not argue for it? Seems like that sets a low enough expectation for any politician-friend or foe-to be asked to comply with.

I'm not surprised you're going full ends>means for Team Youguys, but can you at least acknowledge what the Admin has admitted (namely, that the lowly voters weren't worthy of the facts on ACA)? Conceding that the signature promise of a Presidency was a willful fabrication (and what's the counter argument at this point, post-admission?) seems a bit of a compromise of values (or failing to do so is a compromise of integrity). You pick.
Okay, but I would hope as the leader of the country he could hold back from blatantly lying to the American public because it is politically beneficial.

I didn't vote for him in '08 but thought he was doing a pretty good job until that moment.
That's correct, I value people being able to have health care more than I value how small business owners have to reallocate their time to deal with health care.

Also the rest of your post reads straight out of the Blaze. Fear-mongering at its finest! EBOLA! ISIS! MUSLAMS! LESBIANS! GAYS! OH MY! I bet half the GOP jumps at their own shadow when they step outside in the morning.

But it is terrific prose. You gotta admit it is fun as hell to read a jhmd jimmy rustle.
No I'm not going to play your game. You can play alone and continue to fear-monger.

Surrender accepted. If you had a good answer as to why they had to deliberately mislead the electorate about something that will unquestionably touch each and every breathing American's life, I'd expect to have heard it instead of the punt you just offered up. History may one day record ACA as a success and you may--may---be able to point to the end as having been worth the means, but the manner in which it was passed was a deliberate lie.

And you knew it even before they admitted it. Thus, the pissyness.
By the standard of things like the Iraq War(s) and WOT, the ACA is a huge success already. I mean, if we save 1 baby's life it is a success, despite the cost and the sacrifice.
I don't know if healthcare is a basic human right because I've never thought about it, but I believe that everybody should have access to it.

The ACA is terrible though.
Surrender accepted. If you had a good answer as to why they had to deliberately mislead the electorate about something that will unquestionably touch each and every breathing American's life, I'd expect to have heard it instead of the punt you just offered up. History may one day record ACA as a success and you may--may---be able to point to the end as having been worth the means, but the manner in which it was passed was a deliberate lie.

And you knew it even before they admitted it. Thus, the pissyness.

I've never said anything opposed to any of that. Politicians lie all the time and it's sad. I'm not gonna get my panties in a wad over it because whoever the next person in office will lie about shit too. Breaking news. At least this political deception ended up with millions of people getting health insurance that they otherwise wouldn't have had. The last president's lies (also condemnable as political deceit) engaged us in a decade-long war in the Middle East.

I wouldn't have intentionally misled the public about the ACA, but by the same token I don't disagree with their assessment of why they felt they needed to lie. Look no further than the ACA/Obamacare split in support from the American populous to determine that the American people at large are about as smart as a brick wall.
Trillions of dollars to and tens of thousands of soldiers lives lost to protect Americans from possible death and disfigurement from terrorists? cool! I take pride in America for this!!!

Trillions of dollars spent to get healthcare to millions of Americans and definitely save lives and prevent disease? worst thing that has ever happened. I'm ashamed of America for this.
I don't know if healthcare is a basic human right because I've never thought about it, but I believe that everybody should have access to it.

The ACA is terrible though.

ACA would be infinitely better if not for Roberts allowing for states to nullify a federal law if chose to do so. With 100% compliance, the results would be substantially better.
Trillions of dollars to and tens of thousands of soldiers lives lost to protect Americans from possible death and disfigurement from terrorists? cool! I take pride in America for this!!!

Trillions of dollars spent to get healthcare to millions of Americans and definitely save lives and prevent disease? worst thing that has ever happened. I'm ashamed of America for this.

Yeah. Our spending priorities aren't about saving lives. If they were, we'd be spending more on a lot of things besides national defense.
Yeah. Our spending priorities aren't about saving lives. If they were, we'd be spending more on a lot of things besides national defense.


"What's an enumerated power?" - PhDeac
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ACA would be infinitely better if not for Roberts allowing for states to nullify a federal law if chose to do so. With 100% compliance, the results would be substantially better.

Wait, hold on,...the tardometer just vibrated....Yes, definitely tracking signals here....Since Roberts was appointed by Bush,....buffering...buffering...the failure of Obamacare is actually Bush's fault!!!!!!!!1111111111
