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Another Season Going Nowhere Fast - Dan Collins MTOW

"We still have a winning record (14-12) so you're winners. So let's just all strive to get a little bit better.''

Wow... let's strive for mediocrity! What a great message. No wonder this team folds so quickly under pressure, even their coach is telling them they are a bottom half ACC team at best.

Does anybody support Bz anymore? Bueller?

Did Bzzz really say that???? The only reason we have an overall winning record at this point is because his buddy Ron got the non-conf schedule loaded up with cupcakes. We're not even going to sniff .500 in an ACC that outside of about 4 teams isn't really that good. The conference record is really what matters, everybody know that. I can't wait to see this coach and his loser mentality hit the road.
I'm assuming everyone is excited for when DC takes the gloves off completely when Bzzz gets fired?
If anyone gave a shit about Wake hoops outside of our own little pond, [Redacted]'s comments would be a total embarrassment to the university. This guy is a complete clown.
Reached a new low for me too Dan. I taped the game and after I saw the result, dis not even bother to watch, SOS
I expect more defense of the players and more attacks on bandwagon fans in the coming weeks. This is setting up perfectly for Ronnie to let Bzz resign and tell everyone how he changed the culture, built character and left a solid foundation. And he'll add at the end, "it's sad that there were so many detractors that didn't give him a chance."
I expect more defense of the players and more attacks on bandwagon fans in the coming weeks. This is setting up perfectly for Ronnie to let Bzz resign and tell everyone how he changed the culture, built character and left a solid foundation. And he'll add at the end, "it's sad that there were so many detractors that didn't give him a chance."

Not what an AD wants to say before recruiting a new coach.
We're back to "desperately trying to fight the urge to throw my remote through the screen" basketball now. Yet I still watch.

Late night I kept thinking - hey, the zone actually got lucky and they started out cold (1-9), surely we'll go back to a high-pressure man to make sure they don't get it going from deep to get back in this thing.

From what I remember we didn't switch out of the zone until they hit 7 more 3's and went up 52-38. After the switch we got it down to 6 before falling apart down the stretch as usual - Travis and Cav just went to meltdown land, 1 for 6 combined while Codi missed 3 of 4 free throws.

Also spectacularly bad - the two inbound passes we just handed to Maryland for layups, along with the pure panic we showed under a simple, mediocre press that produced 2 turnovers and 4 points. 8 points just gifted away due to unprepared or lazy bullshit.

Maybe [Redacted] has a gambling problem and is trying to point shave as a coach. This game reminded me of Odom refusing to ditch the packed in 2-3 against Butler. Gonna go read the countdown thread to make myself feel better.
If you haven't noticed, Wellman hasn't been seen or heard from in a while. Just like during football season. The wheels are in motion, only a matter of time.
Buzzdicklick keeps harping on a winning record. Surely that isn't the expectation in year 4 of the Era Of Unwiped Ass. Gee, guys. Let's play a bunch of scrubs OOC and have a shitty record against a horrible ACC, and then all feel good about ourselves because we finished 16-15.

I fear that RW had set the bar as low as a "winning" record here in Year 4 of the Bzzaster, and that explains the woeful OOC schedule, but thankfully Bzzz can't even get there. Whew!
Dan is finally fed up with this fiasco as we all have been for quite some time. Welcome to the party, Dan.
I too didn't even bother watching, but tuned in a couple times early in the first half. Just had no interest, which is disappointing. To the column, though.

Wake turned the ball over four of its next six possessions, managed to score on just four of it's final 20 trips downcourt in the half and found itself trailing 30-25 at half to a struggling team playing poorly.

Good Lord.

"I told them that people are always doubting,'' [Redacted] said. "We live in a negative society. I told them that. They're on Obama. They're on LeBron. They're on everybody. Everybody's got an opinion about something.

I guess whatever he can say to try to make things not seem as bad as they are. Still, invoking Obama and Lebron made laugh.
The last three paragraphs about MD missing us because they've kicked our ass so consistently over the past 4 years is classic.

One more thought to sleep on: Forget the tradition, forget the rivalries. What Mark Turgeon will miss most when the Terps bolt for the Big Ten next season will be the series against Wake.

Maryland has not finished in the first division of the ACC during [Redacted]'s time at Wake, though at 7-7 as we stand, the Terps have a shot this season. The Terps were 7-9 in the conference in 2010-11, 6-10 in 2011-12 and 8-10 in 2012-13. And they were 7-0 those three years against the Deacons, meaning a third of their ACC wins came against one team.

Tonight made [Redacted] 0-8 against Maryland. And it made Turgeon sorry the Terps had Wake only once on the regular-season schedule.
The LeBron / Obama quote is downright infuriating on at least two levels:

one, because any comparison between the professional performance of those two gentlemen and Jeff [Redacted] defies credulity on any objective or reasonably subjective basis;

and two, because [Redacted] is attributing criticism toward his job performance as the inevitable result of us living "in a negative society" in which everyone has "an opinion about something." [Redacted] does not suck at his job because of the type of society we live in or because of the prevalence of opinions generally; he sucks because every conceivable metric we have for evaluating collegiate basketball coaches says he sucks.
Two Super Bowls for Bz also, correct?