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Ask me about Eastern Europe

I'll speak for myself. A tour of Eastern Europe has moved up my list of places I want to go.

To that end, I have to ask, how are Africans and Black Americans treated over there?

And I vote for more pictures, particularly of the hot chicks mentioned on page 1.
btw - I have a bunch of pictures from all over eastern europe (not just tourist sights, but everyday life in places like Russia, Serbia, Poland, etc). I don't want to turn this into a "photos of my life thread" but if you'd be interested in seeing some I'll put them up.

I don't know if it comes across in this thread, but I love this part of the world. I love the people, the food, the manic nature of life and intense pride most Eastern Europeans have for their history and nationalities. I wish more people from the west would come and visit and see for themselves - it's like so many tourists treat the old iron curtain as some barrier they still can't cross.

One annoying impediment: visas. For most of western and central Europe, you can go without applying for a visa (thank you visa waiver program). I would love to take a weekend trip to STP, but the cost of visas is actually higher than the cost of the plane ticket.
True - Russia is a pain in the ass about visas. But you can even go to Serbia without a visa. Outside of Russia and Belarus, traveling without a visa is fairly simple.
I'll speak for myself. A tour of Eastern Europe has moved up my list of places I want to go.

To that end, I have to ask, how are Africans and Black Americans treated over there?

And I vote for more pictures, particularly of the hot chicks mentioned on page 1.

Do you have money and an American accent? You'll be treated as well as anywhere else in Europe for the most part (read: not as good as in the USA, but not too poorly). In the more rural regions that might not be true, but very few tourists make it that far.

Are you broke and sound like you're an immigrant from Africa? Yeah, that's going to suck.
...the most beautiful of Russian cathedrals was built on that spot in St. Petersburg (Spasa Na Kravi).

Semi-off-topic for where this thread is going, but if you ever go to St. Petersburg you must visit this cathedral. It is absolutely one of the most stunning sights I've ever seen.

And yes, the visa process is a pain -- moreso for men, according to our adoption agency.
Russia pretty much tried to stop UN intervention in Libya. What did the Russian people think of this?
Massive indoor market in Budapest (on the Pest side) ... tons of individual stalls selling all sorts of fresh produce.


Croatian butcher in Zagreb


Russians hanging out in the fountains in Chistiy Prudiy (clean ponds) park in Moscow


List of various forms of flavored brandies (rakija) at a Croatian bar


Vendor selling roasted nuts from a cart in front of Partizan Belgrade graffiti in Belgrade


Street dog enjoying the sun in Serbia


Mother of the Motherland statue looking over the Dnieper River in Kiev - WW2 devastated the Ukraine like no other place.


Children sledding down a hill towards the Dnieper outside of Kiev


Central market square - Krakow (Poland)


Kazimerz - the old Jewish neighborhood in Krakow. Now a full-on hipster neighborhood.

Fresh Pilsener in Prague


Outdoor hockey in Prague


Typical central European food - pork, potatoes, bread, sausage and beer

Russia pretty much tried to stop UN intervention in Libya. What did the Russian people think of this?

They approve. They see their role in foreign policy to counter balance the US and NATO - so their general position is opposite those two entities.
They approve. They see their role in foreign policy to counter balance the US and NATO - so their general position is opposite those two entities.

So basically if a new Hitler emerged, Russia would be content to look the other way.
So basically if a new Hitler emerged, Russia would be content to look the other way.

Not specifically (obviously they have sided with the US/NATO on a number of items the past decade), but in general they do see themselves as a counter balance to the US hegemony.
Fascinating stuff. I'll be pulling for Medvedev in 2012.
There are some tartar, khazakh and tajik women in Russia who would melt your teeth. They just look like sex on legs. So exotic and sultry.

So she wasn't an exception. I want to go there now. Or get a mail order bride or two from those places