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Bannon to be co-#2 in WH policy making

Give them time, McFly. The KKK has been around for 150 years, so they had a 50 year runway before those 3k killings. BLM has been around for only 3 years and has a few dozen deaths on their hands already. Don't worry, they'll get there.

Woof, education has failed you.
Give them time, McFly. The KKK has been around for 150 years, so they had a 50 year runway before those 3k killings. BLM has been around for only 3 years and has a few dozen deaths on their hands already. Don't worry, they'll get there.

What "few dozen deaths" are "on the hands" of BLM?

this administration is already struggling. It's been one week, and they aren't even in the WH. Totally unprepared and uninformed cretins. Giuliani as Secretary of State? Boy oh boy

do y'all really not realize we're headed towards a racewar and more than 3k people are gonna die?

Interesting. How do you all think this ends? the oppressed just stay oppressed forever peacefully eventhough they can all kick our asses?

Absent some very serious changes like mandates that the racial makeup of the police force mirror the community and/or rules in place that anytime an officer takes a life he's remanded to desk duty, there will be more cops killing people, people killing cops in retaliation that probably comes to a head during the next depression.

If there's one thing I've learned since coming over to the tunnels, y'all suck at predicting the future.
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The more I read about Bannon, the more I like, even if he is a racist. Someone like him just well could fix washington. What's everyone so afraid of the Alt-right for? You read the wikipedia about it and its just internet trolls. The 2 & 2's of the world enjoying getting a rise out of people. They have no platform other than entertaining themselves. I'm alt right by definition and I'd never vote Republican in my entire life and believe in reparations.

Zionism and Antisemitism are not mutually exclusive imo. I have met several christian evangelicals that have this weird obsession with the idea of Israel and its connection to end of times prophecies. It is like they project upon "Israel" their own beliefs while Israel (the real country and not the imaginary idea) pockets their donations and couldn't give a fuck.
Zionism and Antisemitism are not mutually exclusive imo. I have met several christian evangelicals that have this weird obsession with the idea of Israel and its connection to end of times prophecies. It is like they project upon "Israel" their own beliefs while Israel (the real country and not the imaginary idea) pockets their donations and couldn't give a fuck.

Thinking about 2&2 being 39 makes me think he was in the running for the trophy for being the youngest "Get off My Lawn" person in the past fifty years. He's been here over a decade. Thus, he's been GOMY since his twenties.

I wonder if his mom gave him Geritol and Metamucil rather than mother's milk and juice.
Thinking about 2&2 being 39 makes me think he was in the running for the trophy for being the youngest "Get off My Lawn" person in the past fifty years. He's been here over a decade. Thus, he's been GOMY since his twenties.

I wonder if his mom gave him Geritol and Metamucil rather than mother's milk and juice.

he probably lives in an apartment
Black cops are just as able to commit atrocities against black people as white cops are.

OK, but that isn't what agitates black people. To solve the issues we either need to fix the problem or appear to fix the problem. Do we have an actual problem or do we have a PR problem? The killing of black men by cops is probably more of a PR problem at this point. The total amount of people killed by cops per year is around 1,000. 300 of which are black. Racially motivated killings of black men by cops is probably what, 50-100 a year, or about as many people who die from bees each year. The much bigger problem is the imprisonment of the black community. But the media is more focused on the killings than the imprisonment these days, so it appears more like a PR problem.

Get that shit outta here, hack. You don't even understand what you post.

Panthers is right - these Christians (Bannon etc) only care about Israel because they believe they need it for salvation at the rapture. They don't give a fuck about the Jews specifically, they are just using Israel.

Activism doesn't just have to do with police brutality, it's about unequal policing/enforcement. It's about a lack of trust flowing in each direction between two groups. Killings, especially racially motivated killings, just make headlines. There's no PR firm that's going to heal generations of mistrust. But there are good examples in places like Dallas of community building, training, and adding resources that are worth emulating.

Agreed with all of this. Are you disagreeing with my 2 proposed solutions as a start? (the third being the obvious, cutting off the war on drugs). Those 3 things would be a damn good start.