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BillBrasky Memorial Political Chat Thread

Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

You’re a moron. Did you even go to Wake? Do you know what the racial experience is at Wake Forest? It’s a bunch of entitled white kids living in a country club for a few years where nearly the only black people they ever see on campus are either athletes or facilities workers. You could go days at Wake and the only black person you would see is either: on television, vacuuming the carpet in your lounge, or serving you food in the Pit. It’s the same way at Reynolda Village, and it’s the same at Graylyn. Have you ever been to a party at Graylyn? Like a sweet catered formal party? Guess who is serving all of the food and cleaning? Black people. Winston is one of the most segregated cities in the entire country, and Wake Forest even more segregated. Wake students call it “the bubble” because they don’t leave campus because of the juxtaposition - outside the bubble it’s “ghetto”, at least that’s how University and Polo were referred to when I was a student. The upper class student body at Wake is lilly white. White and rich. For my 18th birthday my parents gave me $50 worth of food stamps, and I met a kid during freshman orientation that had a helicopter. I grew up in trailer parks that were extremely diverse, I went to “rural”public schools in the triangle that were extremely diverse. Wake was the whitest place I have ever lived. Many of those same rich white kids who go to Wake Forest grow up in little white upper middle class bubbles where the majority of Black people in their lives are serving them in some capacity, so transitioning to Wake is relatively normal for them. That shit was shocking to me. Then you all graduate, move away with your business and finance degrees and many of you move on to your middle and upper class lives and I would bet you still don’t have many Black people in your bubbles that aren’t serving you in some capacity. Yet somehow despite your extremely limited life perspective your milquetoast pragmatic low tax limousine liberalism gives you some magic enlightenment on anti-racism because you vote for the worst Democrat possible every few years.

But yeah, I’d love for you to tell me more about mee-maw and paw-paw

Like I said, I understand your overall point but that's a shitty form of erasure in context. But you did help capture why I don’t react well to anybody on this board telling me to stop talking.
Like I said, I understand your overall point but that's a shitty form of erasure in context. But you did help capture why I don’t react well to anybody on this board telling me to stop talking.

Ok, I think I understand.
Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

Every once in a while I will have a slight twinge of empathy for anti-abortion activists, then I remember how monstrously this nation treats pregnant women, particularly the indigent, incarcerated, and workers

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Every once in a while I will have a slight twinge of empathy for anti-abortion activists, then I remember how monstrously this nation treats pregnant women, particularly the indigent, incarcerated, and workers

Do you think caring deeply about politics/society is a net positive for your daily mental health? Or are ya better off just getting a netflix account and an Xbox and making that your hobby?
Do you think caring deeply about politics/society is a net positive for your daily mental health? Or are ya better off just getting a netflix account and an Xbox and making that your hobby?

It has to be exhausting going through life so perpetually angry. It's like an infinite set of windmills to tilt at.
Do pregnant criminals usually eat a well balanced diet ?

Seems like cruel and unusual punishment from everybody's pro-life party.

It would be unsurprising had they kept her locked up to prevent an abortion while not ensuring the baby she is carrying is getting appropriate nutrition.
Well I mean I assume she got pregnant out of wedlock so she is disqualified from empathy or care from the GOP. As I understand it, they have “standards”.
Well I mean I assume she got pregnant out of wedlock so she is disqualified from empathy or care from the GOP. As I understand it, they have “standards”.

Not only that, she was incarcerated, so tough luck lady, you should have made better choices.
Not only that, she was incarcerated, so tough luck lady, you should have made better choices.

Interesting given that Republicans claim to believe innocent fetuses shouldn’t suffer due to the choice of the mother. But they have no problem imprisoning fetuses.
Everyone knows Jesus teaches us to judge, forsake, and punish loose women. The Bible tells us so
Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

Why did you turn that topic into a partisan issue? Do you think Democrats aren’t putting pregnant women in jail? Or that Democrats are providing maternity care for incarcerated pregnant women? You all are ridiculous for reducing everything down to partisanship. Hell, the only organizations caring for incarcerated pregnant women are religious church groups and planned parenthood.
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Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

You don’t recognize significant differences in the percentage of people in each party on prenatal care, choice, prisons, prisoner rights, sentencing, etc. That’s a rhetorical device you use to position yourself as an political outsider and people who engage with you as tools of the Dem establishment.
Political Chat Thread - All Topics & Rants Welcome

You don’t recognize significant differences in the percentage of people in each party on prenatal care, choice, prisons, prisoner rights, sentencing, etc. That’s a rhetorical device you use to position yourself as an political outsider and people who engage with you as tools of the Dem establishment.

Reducing every topic of injustice to ammunition for left/right squabbling is just an excuse to feed the liberal narrative that voting for Democrats is the solution to every problem. You position yourself as innocent and irresponsible for societies problems because you check the good voting box every two years.
I’m just trolling republicans you sanctimonious bore. I never said Democrats were pure and virtuous. But crusade away my man
Interesting given that Republicans claim to believe innocent fetuses shouldn’t suffer due to the choice of the mother. But they have no problem imprisoning fetuses.

Aren't fetuses always already imprisoned?
Reducing every topic of injustice to ammunition for left/right squabbling is just an excuse to feed the liberal narrative that voting for Democrats is the solution to every problem. You position yourself as innocent and irresponsible for societies problems because you check the good voting box every two years.

Are you innocent because you don't vote at all or because you frown while voting for the same side I vote for?