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Breitbart dead

In the 1991 video, which BuzzFeed licensed from WGBH Boston, a young Obama is shown speaking in support of Harvard's first tenured black law professor, Derrick Bell. Bell was staging a protest over the lack of female black professors at the school, and was taking an unpaid leave until Harvard hired a woman of color.As Bell said at the time, "My major effort in teaching is to convince students ... that they should be ready and able to take risks and make sacrifices for the things they believe in, and their real success in life will come from making those sacrifices and taking those risks, regardless of outcome. The best way to teach that is to practice it."


I'm still confused what is so wrong with Obama's allegiance to Bell.

They hugged!!!

This type of association attack is absolutely meaningless against an incumbent. No one cares about a minor piece of background minutia about the guy who's already been president for four years. No one. An incumbent rises or falls on his presidential record and the state of the economy.

A twenty-year-old alleged hug? I doubt anyone rational would've cared much in 2008, either.
The more entertaining part is watching Hannity try to spin how Obama being present for a protest in support of increased minority and female hiring/tenure is not only bad, but radical. It's a non-story and he knows it.
The more entertaining part is watching Hannity try to spin how Obama being present for a protest in support of increased minority and female hiring/tenure is not only bad, but radical. It's a non-story and he knows it.

But then why did Obama kill Breitbart?
How is he spinning it? I'm really at a loss for what is wrong with this unless Republicans are just taking off the mask and going all out anti-diversity. Seems like the goal of this protest was to get Harvard Law to realize two things:
1. There are talented black female law professors out there.
2. Harvard Law should hire them.

What problem do Republicans have with that?
He was essentially saying that Obama wasn't there in support of diversity, but instead to show solidarity with a "radical" professor who was akin to the Reverend Wright of education, and that his hug showed how close they were. He was arguing that Obama's presence and support for him was racially charged. The whole thing was ludicrous especially considering that from what I can see Bell isn't viewed as a radical by most, and that the actual protest where Obama was speaking was in favor of what most would agree is a good cause.

Reaaaally grasping at straws.

I think all you need to know is that foxnews.com has it as somewhere around the 25th lead story, wedged between such hot topics as "police find family of reclusive twins dead" and "apple threatened with lawsuit over e-book prices". I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if it was a real story which could impact Obama in any way, they might be advertising it a tad more.
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"I wouldn't vote for Richard Burr for dogcatcher. I don't give a flying fuck where he went to school."

"During the time since 1985, there was only one game when Coach Knight coached a team against WF....the pre-season NIT at MSG in Nov, 2005. Obviously, I was pulling for Texas Tech in that game.

"....I chartered such a bus for a trip to the WF-UNC game at Chapel Hill.....and wore a Carolina sweatshirt."

For real? You don't give a flying fuck where he went to school? Color me shocked, Benedick.
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Bell isn't important enough for this to matter. He's also dead. If he were alive this would be a bit of a story. He certainly said and wrote some things that would have been problematic politically for Obama. I also don't know what you can gather from a "hug" that suggests Obama is so clearly tied to this guy.
because Harvard Law is some fringe rogue institution Obama shouldn't haven't any involvement with. Christ, this is low even for Hannity, who loves these "Obama as a radical" stories.
So Obama kissed the ass and praised his fellow leftist academics. That's nothing we don't already know. Unless there's a tape a week with a new radical association from now until election time, there isn't much to see here.
Especially considering how difficult it would be for any conservative candidate to kiss an academic's ass. Having to be around them in the first place and all.
because Harvard Law is some fringe rogue institution Obama shouldn't haven't any involvement with. Christ, this is low even for Hannity, who loves these "Obama as a radical" stories.

Obviously Obama is going to be associated with Harvard. He went to law school there.

And this professor was more than a left leaning professor. He absolutely had ideas that were far left and even what most rational people would call radical.

I think what makes the story a non-issue, however, is that just because you are present with a person doesn't mean you agree with them on all issues. Until I see Obama proclaiming that African-Americans get to pick and choose which laws they want to obey and other similar stuff put forth by Bell, I don't think there's a reason to get underwear in a ball over this type of thing.

And it shouldn't be surprising or shocking that those who dislike Obama are going to try and play this up. It happens all the time - on both sides.
my thought is if Harvard Law employed the guy he can't be that bad. you may call him a leftist radical or whatever, but the bottom line is, the guy worked for one of the most prestigious law schools in the world, one that has a reputation to uphold, so they aren't going to stake their reputation on one crazy dude.
Hannity appealing to the lowest common denominator of the Republican party. God I hate that fucker.
Unless there's a tape a week with a new radical association from now until election time, there isn't much to see here.

No one give crap about this stuff when discussing/assessing an incumbent president. He's already been president for four years. We aren't trying to anticipate how he'll handful the job. His past associations become essentially all meaningless. Incumbents are judged solely on their records as president. Everything that came before might as well not exist (caveat: so long as it isn't criminal or sexual [and even then, it'd have to be really, really bad]).
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Below is footage of Barack Obama praising and hugging Professor Derrick Bell. It was spliced and diced by the media to avoid showing just how close Obama was to Bell. More than that, a close associate of the Obama campaign, Harvard Law School’s Professor Charles Ogletree, admitted on our exclusive tape, “We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now.”

Accept that it was aired in 2008.

But before Breitbart.com released the footage, PBS Frontline published the full unedited video themselves, noting that they had previously included the footage in their election special The Choice 2008.

“There’s nothing new about the clip or Obama’s role in the controversy at Harvard Law School,” PBS said. “It’s been online at our site and on YouTube since [2008].”