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Breitbart dead

Says the guy who personally attacks many from his alma mater because they don't believe in his radical politics or blindly accept that the crime rate among certain ethnic groups is unacceptable. I've forgotten more about the economy than you'll ever know. THE SPECULATORS@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking moron.

What lazy, absolute lies.

You need to cut down on your meds. If you do maybe daddy will buy you a Ferrari.

When the complete video was released, everyone acted as if her redemption from her racist feelings was being revealed for the first time, and the NAACP rallied around her and Vilsack offered her her job back (which she refused).

This supposed revelation on the full version of the tape was a handy excuse, but the facts had been revealed in the original tape had anyone listened or watched carefully.

What really was going on was that the crowd reaction to Sherrod’s comments caught on the tape was very damaging to the NAACP and those who attacked the Tea Party movement as racist. The crowd cheered when Sherrod recounted her long-ago hostility to the white farmer, and that crowd reaction was the real story. Focusing the debate on the editing of the tape was a convenient distraction.
And I chastised people on this board for calling W Hitler.

I've only read the Daily Kos once. Had their stories led to the firing of innocent people like Breitbart's did, I'd call them out for being wrong as well.

He was a bad guy. He didn't care about harming innocent people and lying about them to get more power for himself.

You act as some great proprietor of objectivity and use these boards as your forum for your propaganda because no one else gives a shit what you think. You're the ranting old man on the median of the highway of life. I imagine you pounding on the keyboard as you furiously rip brietbart; hoping for reaction, praise even because it'll be the only time today someone cares what you say.
You act as some great proprietor of objectivity and use these boards as your forum for your propaganda because no one else gives a shit what you think. You're the ranting old man on the median of the highway of life. I imagine you pounding on the keyboard as you furiously rip brietbart; hoping for reaction, praise even because it'll be the only time today someone cares what you say.

Says the guy who's whole internet persona is to be a racist dickhead. Pot, meet kettle.
Hannity releasing Obama video tonight the Breitbart said he was going to release on March 1st. The day he died.
Hannity releasing Obama video tonight the Breitbart said he was going to release on March 1st. The day he died.

Countdown to the lemmings proclaiming this video is damning evidence of whogivesafuckwhat...
Bunch of damn radical, Islamic, black, revolutionary, terrorists. Striking for diversity and not including white people. The guy is clearly a threat. I too judge everyone based on their actions 20 years ago- some of you shitty-diaper-wearing, or alcohol-and-drug-using bastards got some 'splainin' to do.
What a terrible thing that obama stood up for this guy:

"In the mid-1960s Bell was appointed to the law faculty of the University of Southern California as executive director of the Western Center on Law and Poverty. In 1969, with the help of protests from black Harvard Law School students for a minority faculty member, Bell was hired to teach there. At Harvard, Bell established a new course in civil rights law, published a celebrated case book, Race, Racism and American Law, and produced a steady stream of law review articles. As a teacher, Bell became a mentor and role model to a generation of students of color, but he played a delicate balancing act at the university. Bell became the first black tenured professor in Harvard Law School's history and called on the university to improve its minority hiring record."
whats so earthshattering about a video of Rick Santorum eating a hamburger?
So what is so bad about that video?

ELC, help me out on this one.
I saw the video as well, and couldn't figure it out. I think I am missing something. IS there more to that video that we aren't seeing where he goes off on some rich white kid?
Considering the crowd is mostly rich white kids, probably not.

Maybe to a FOX News/Breitbart audience that hates diversity, this just fuels the Obama hate.
I know people who seem to think he appeared out of nowhere so at least this proves he was at Harvard in 1990 and he's probably not a robot. With great hair. Its certainly not so exciting that it would give one a heart attack.
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I can't believe Obama killed a guy over that. Dumb move, Prez.

Below is footage of Barack Obama praising and hugging Professor Derrick Bell. It was spliced and diced by the media to avoid showing just how close Obama was to Bell. More than that, a close associate of the Obama campaign, Harvard Law School’s Professor Charles Ogletree, admitted on our exclusive tape, “We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now.”
In the 1991 video, which BuzzFeed licensed from WGBH Boston, a young Obama is shown speaking in support of Harvard's first tenured black law professor, Derrick Bell. Bell was staging a protest over the lack of female black professors at the school, and was taking an unpaid leave until Harvard hired a woman of color.As Bell said at the time, "My major effort in teaching is to convince students ... that they should be ready and able to take risks and make sacrifices for the things they believe in, and their real success in life will come from making those sacrifices and taking those risks, regardless of outcome. The best way to teach that is to practice it."


I'm still confused what is so wrong with Obama's allegiance to Bell.