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Career mid life crisis

Only if you move to Tampa and bang hotties four a week. Otherwise, you will be stuck behind a desk somewhere anyway without the one thing that keeps you from putting a bullet in your head.

Yeah but with the freedom to pick up and leave anytime you want. Thats the one thing I love right now. My job is pretty shitty but I take solace in knowing that I could pick up and move at any moment. I'm not married, no kids, no mortgage, and no student loans.
Yeah but with the freedom to pick up and leave anytime you want. Thats the one thing I love right now. My job is pretty shitty but I take solace in knowing that I could pick up and move at any moment. I'm not married, no kids, no mortgage, and no student loans.

Stop copying my style bro
During summers in high school and college, I had to work jobs that required hard physical labor, were dirty, and didn't pay much at all. Where I grew up, you didn't have any other choices for summer jobs. Having that perspective has really helped me appreciate what I do now. I can never complain about sitting at a desk in the air conditioning when I think about what my life would be like if I wasn't fortunate enough to get a good education and I had to get up every day for 40 years and do the types of jobs I used to have to do that were "careers" for other people I worked with.
I'm not complaining about the following neg rep, but thought it would be fun to share this ironic gem:

You obviously doesn't value correct grammar. #4 should be "its."
Yeah but with the freedom to pick up and leave anytime you want. Thats the one thing I love right now. My job is pretty shitty but I take solace in knowing that I could pick up and move at any moment. I'm not married, no kids, no mortgage, and no student loans.

As thetwinandreben likes to say "bullet train to the middle."
It's not what you do, it's who you are. I was at a big firm and hated it because I didn't love what I did, but there are plenty of people who absolutely love it. I'm a person who will never love my work; there's nothing I could possibly be passionate enough about that would allow me to love working. I seriously can't think of anything -- being a bartender on an island? Sounds good just because I'd be on an island. I'd probably want to shoot myself a few hours into the shift.

Now I'm in house counsel, have regular hours, dont bill my time, have vacation I can actually use, and like the people I work with. That's about as good as it's going to get for me. Lawyers always say don't be a lawyer because of the type of people people who become lawyers are. They're hard to please, they like to bitch if they're not happy, and if they make a career switch they will pretend it was the best thing they've ever done because they hate the idea of admitting a mistake. I'm a lawyer and that type of person when not on message boards.
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Sounds like a lot of the men of the pit have weighed in here. I want to know what the women think who get trapped in the same situation. Im sure they feel the resentment and probably wish they had more fulfilling lives as well.

i'll chime in here. i have had two careers since getting out of grad school. the first i absolutely hated. i was miserable all day every day. it paid well, given my lack of experience, and had good benefits. but beyond that, it was completely unfulfilling, and i spent so many hours working that i had no time for a fulfilling time outside of work. i thought at the time that ALL corporate and desk jobs were like that. it was my goal to work for a non-profit, because i thought that was the only way to have a fulfilling job.

i quit that job and spent 4 months living in the woods and hiking while i tried to figure out what i wanted to do next. wound up more confused than ever before about what i wanted to do with my life. came home and tried to pursue non-profits but didn't come across anything (late 2009. the economy sucked), so i pursued the corporate route just thinking it'd be temporary. got into my current company, and found out that there ARE actually great corporate jobs out there. while there are certainly bad days every now and then, my job has overall been wonderful. every time i have asked for a change of some sort, it has happened (i started in operational reporting, but my background was SEC reporting, so i asked for the switch. it happened almost immediately). they pursued me when a position opened that is impossible to get hired into externally. you MUST be promoted from within. i got that job and have been doing it for about 6 months now. it has challenged me a lot, but also given me direct access to all of our top executives, and put me on the fast-track to climbing the corporate ladder. i mostly control my own work, have a great relationship with my boss, and daily get to do work that is actually meaningful to the company.

it's certainly not saving the world like i thought i had wanted to do. but i work with awesome people. i get paid well enough. my boss values work-life balance. i'm challenged every day to stretch myself and learn new things, yet i feel like if i ever got overwhelmed or felt in over my head, they would provide whatever training i needed.

i never thought i'd be a career woman. i always wanted to take the wife/mom route someday. and i still think that'll likely end up being the case eventually. but for now, my career is the most important thing in my life, and i actually kind of like it that way.
And the hits keep coming....The stock market has ruined a lot of plans for an early retirement.