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CBM: X-Men '97 finale; My Adventures with Superman S2 May 25; The Boys S4 June 13

JGL pulled off "dark" pretty damn well in TDKR, even if it was mostly the backstory that was created for him.
Disney is doing a Marvel-themed touring show similar to Cirque de Soleil. 24 city tour for one week each.

Marvel Entertainment is working with Los Angeles entertainment company Hero Ventures to create The Marvel Experience, an interactive road show with a "4D motion ride" and high-tech attractions featuring Marvel's most popular superheroes. The $30 million touring production is slated to begin next year, and has a lead producing team that includes former Live Nation chairman Michael Cohl and Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark Broadway co-producer Jeremiah Harris.

The Marvel Experience is built to be an immersive, first-person story set in the Marvel Universe of heroes and villains. Its "big top" will be a traveling dome complex approximately the size of two football fields, with digitally projected animation, origin stories told through motion comics, virtual-reality and holographic simulations and even integrated social media adding to the all-ages entertainment.

Sean Haran, Marvel vice president of business development, said to expect "a transformative, traveling destination that will deliver to fans and families an exciting, groundbreaking and unique experience."
if by disaster you mean people will still pay $50 for a night at the movies to see this pile of shit, then yes, disaster
I didn't pay for Superman (although I will likely shell out $7 for HD PPV), really cant see myself paying for Batman Vs. Superman or whatever this next abortion is going to be called. Affleck blows as an action herro.
Bryan Cranston playing a brilliant megalomaniac scientist? I'm listening.
i am not as down on affleck as many are. he has done some good work largely when he is the director or more hands on role. almost as if he turns into an idiot when trying take a simple acting role. maybe he likes to not think every now and then. he might even do a solid batman under the right circumstances. maybe. those circumstances are probably not as the dark night returns old grizzled version (if that is what happens).

some might even call this sacralidge but i don't like christian bale and his bruce wayne/batman was not much better than mediocre in my opinion. had the scripts for those movies not been so great with great creators working on them he would have stood out a lot more.

it's been said a lot but dc has done a really poor job of casting for most of their movies over the years. marvel has destroyed them.
Patton Oswalt on Facebook...

No matter how many times you post your stupid "Fire Ben Affleck from Playing Batman" petition, I'm going to delete it and block you. Take a deep breath, and think for a second:

Yeah, the dude's made some bad films. Every actor has. Every actor does. Every actor will. It's a huge, arcing career and NO ONE has control over where it goes. Movie to movie, year to year, you're collaborating and trying and risking and, sometimes, yes -- failing.

Plus, everyone seems to forget that he had the world dropped in his lap when he was YOUNG. And, judging by how other suddenly-famous youngsters do in the same situation, he fared pretty well. Even when it went wrong, he seemed to keep a self-deprecating, long-view philosophy about the burning freak carousel he'd found himself on.

And then what happened? I mean, he'd fallen from a HEIGHT. You know what happens to 95% of people who weather a descent that steep? They come apart, fray at all of their sanity nodes, and give up.

But then there's the 5% who embrace crushing defeat and see it for the gift it is. And here's the gift: when you fail, and fail UTTERLY, you wake up the next morning and see that the world didn't end. And then the fear of failure is gone. And you're free. You're free to proceed on your own terms and pace -- if you have the ego that permits you to.

Ben brushed himself off, realized he'd kept his eyes open on the movies he'd done, and started directing. And he's become a damn good one.

A Batman portrayed by someone who's tasted humiliation and a reversal of all personal valences -- kind of like Grant Morrison's "Zen warrior" version of Batman, post-ARKHAM ASYLUM, who was, in the words of Superman, "...the most dangerous man on the planet"? Think for a second and admit that Ben Affleck is closer to THAT top-shelf iteration of The Dark Knight than pretty much anyone in Hollywood right now.

I'd write more, but I have to go work on my post about how an overweight 44 year-old comedian with bad feet and insomnia would be a bold choice for The Joker.
nice piece but Affleck is not this:

''A Batman portrayed by someone who's tasted humiliation and a reversal of all personal valences -- kind of like Grant Morrison's "Zen warrior" version of Batman, post-ARKHAM ASYLUM, who was, in the words of Superman, "...the most dangerous man on the planet"? Think for a second and admit that Ben Affleck is closer to THAT top-shelf iteration of The Dark Knight than pretty much anyone in Hollywood right now."
In an attempt to draw comparisons, this 1988 Los Angeles Times letter is being sent around the Internet.

Mr. Mom as Batman?
July 03, 1988

So Michael Keaton has been cast as Batman/Bruce Wayne (Cinefile, by Leonard Klady, June 26)?

He might have made a good Joker, but his comic style, which he seems unable to shake (but can amplify), has doomed this promised "serious" treatment of Bob Kane's character to the same tired, boring level of artificial "camp" that made the TV series a hit yet simultaneously doomed it to an early cancellation.

The painful lesson of "Superman III"--when you don't treat venerable superheroes with respect the audience rejects the property--has been ignored in this cynical, opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the success of "Beetlejuice" (same director, same star).

The Sam Hamm script that director Tim Burton is filming has many blunders, but does treat the characters basically seriously. Obviously, in casting Keaton, Burton is rejecting this approach altogether and going after a manic comedy.

Batman has been a popular character for almost five decades--not because he is a figure of comedy, but precisely because he is \o7 not\f7 , especially in the last couple of years. By ignoring this, by casting a clown as Batman, Warner Bros. and Burton have defecated on the history of Batman and on the hopes of those who appreciate the character and his potential.

Better they should have filmed Frank Miller's "Batman: the Dark Knight Returns." But that would have required courage, taste and imagination.

North Hollywood