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CBM: X-Men '97 finale; My Adventures with Superman S2 May 25; The Boys S4 June 13

Disney would cast a legitimately silly hot Mary Jane. I'm sure about that.

From what I've read, Disney is skeptical that Spidey would make big money at the box office. The MCU is new and exciting. Spidey isn't. A Netflix show may be the right move to boost interest in the Netfliz shows and they can still do Spidey cameos in the movies.
You have a lot more comic knowledge than I do, but I call bullshit on the complexity comment if it's meaning what I think it means.

I'm not sure what you think I mean. The character has always been very emotionally complex and relatable. He and Daredevil are probably the most human super heroes amongst the larger than life Avengers. He fits in with Matt Murdock and Luke Cage (real people problems) more than he does with Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.
I would watch the shit out of the Defenders + Spidey. Though I'll watch the shit out of the Defenders either way, so.
Not sure I get why Disney would be skeptical of Spidey's earnings potential. ASM2 was a turdfest supreme and still made over $200M. I'm no Disney executive (my car and house confirm that) but I'd look at Spidey and think, if a shitstorm can gross $200M, imagine if we make a good movie.

I found all the points in Ranger's post encouraging. The last thing I want in a Spidey film is to see Uncle Ben die again and hear the old "With great power" yada yada yada. I'm also glad to hear of less emphasis on his romantic relationships, though I think of all comic book characters his girlfriend/wife relationships define him the most.

Most of all, I hope a rider gets attached that frees up Norman Osborne for the MCU. He was a fantastic villain as the head of HAMMER (successor to SHIELD in comics).
Not sure I get why Disney would be skeptical of Spidey's earnings potential. ASM2 was a turdfest supreme and still made over $200M. I'm no Disney executive (my car and house confirm that) but I'd look at Spidey and think, if a shitstorm can gross $200M, imagine if we make a good movie.

I found all the points in Ranger's post encouraging. The last thing I want in a Spidey film is to see Uncle Ben die again and hear the old "With great power" yada yada yada. I'm also glad to hear of less emphasis on his romantic relationships, though I think of all comic book characters his girlfriend/wife relationships define him the most.

Most of all, I hope a rider gets attached that frees up Norman Osborne for the MCU. He was a fantastic villain as the head of HAMMER (successor to SHIELD in comics).

Having a Dark Reign adaptation would be AMAZING.

The alienation of Spidey's romantic entanglements is curious. He has probably the best supporting female cast of any other comic property. Certainly the deepest.
It's not alienation. They're just talking about telling action adventure stories with romantic elements instead of vice versa.
It's not alienation. They're just talking about telling action adventure stories with romantic elements instead of vice versa.

Maybe alienation is the wrong word. My point being that it seems odd to downplay the love life for the character whose love life actually matters. The personal relationships of the character are central to who he is far more than any other character I can think. I'm usually the first to complain about unnecessary subplots involving a love interest for these kinds of characters...but in this case a Gwen or an MJ is actually important.

On another note, I saw Mockingjay tonight. I won't go full review mode, but I thought it was by far the strongest of the series. Much more complex than the previous two entries. I enjoyed it a lot.
Can Marvel do a Gwen vs. MJ storyline over several movies to keep it fresh?
Can Marvel do a Gwen vs. MJ storyline over several movies to keep it fresh?

I think so. They're very different characters, and those differences played out in the comics. The real importance of Gwen's character is how her death affects everyone, MJ included. One of my favorite stories in the comics is when MJ reveals she knows Peters secret and then they delve into the past of MJ, who for years had been portrayed as a flaky party girl. But, again, the Gwen/MJ dynamic would fit much better on the small screen where it has time to develop.
So, I have hulu+, but can only get the last 5 eps of Arrow on that, anywhere else have them legally or am I going to have to look elsewhere to continue catching up on Arrow?
First clip of Agent Carter:
So, I have hulu+, but can only get the last 5 eps of Arrow on that, anywhere else have them legally or am I going to have to look elsewhere to continue catching up on Arrow?

I think you'll probably have to torrent S3 at this point. It won't be on Netflix for a while and like you said, Hulu and CWtv.com only keep the last 5 episodes.
just finished the mid-season finales of arrow, flash, agents of shield and gotham over the last few days.

i am probably in synch with most reviews and fans of arrow and flash.

arrow has been pretty good over all. not quite what the second half of season two was but i thought it was pretty good compared to the previous season episodes setting up the second half. like others have mentioned if laurel becomes black canary after a few weeks of boxing training i will jump out a window. they really worked hard in season 1 to make her unlikeable and it's still a problem. i would also prefer full heal thea since they refused to have oliver just come out and say "i'm the arrow and 100 other people in town know so i figured i'd tell you. i'm pretty confident malcolm merlin your new daddy won't tell you..."

flash has really done a good job building their world. few shows start with the right tone from the early episodes. usually it takes a while to find it's voice (see AoS). agree that the iris stuff is the only realy issue. like a twenty something year old guy would not go after felicity even if he still loved iris. "you know what felicity i really love iris and i really dig you and have fun with you. since iris is dating someone and you love oliver we should just bang a few times and make everyone jealous. if it works great. if it does not... we banged. also, i'll finish fast but be ready to go again even faster."

AoS has been solid. more than anything that has happened i am really excited for what comes in 2015 especially as it leads into and out of avengers. with how well they worked into the final few episodes last season i have pretty high hopes.

gotham has had it's ups and downs. better than i expected over all. what i would consider the normal growing pains with a new show. dialog can be pretty bad at times. it's really unnecessary for them to beat the viewer over the head with the "foreshadowing" of the villain's origin stories. i get selina wants to be called "cat." anyone trying to watch this show is going to be a fan of comic book movies if not comic books themselves. they don't need to be so heavy handed.

not comic books but homeland has had some really solid action/suspense episodes recently as the season has wound down.

just finished the mid-season finales of arrow, flash, agents of shield and gotham over the last few days.

i am probably in synch with most reviews and fans of arrow and flash.

arrow has been pretty good over all. not quite what the second half of season two was but i thought it was pretty good compared to the previous season episodes setting up the second half. like others have mentioned if laurel becomes black canary after a few weeks of boxing training i will jump out a window. they really worked hard in season 1 to make her unlikeable and it's still a problem. i would also prefer full heal thea since they refused to have oliver just come out and say "i'm the arrow and 100 other people in town know so i figured i'd tell you. i'm pretty confident malcolm merlin your new daddy won't tell you..."

flash has really done a good job building their world. few shows start with the right tone from the early episodes. usually it takes a while to find it's voice (see AoS). agree that the iris stuff is the only realy issue. like a twenty something year old guy would not go after felicity even if he still loved iris. "you know what felicity i really love iris and i really dig you and have fun with you. since iris is dating someone and you love oliver we should just bang a few times and make everyone jealous. if it works great. if it does not... we banged. also, i'll finish fast but be ready to go again even faster."

AoS has been solid. more than anything that has happened i am really excited for what comes in 2015 especially as it leads into and out of avengers. with how well they worked into the final few episodes last season i have pretty high hopes.

gotham has had it's ups and downs. better than i expected over all. what i would consider the normal growing pains with a new show. dialog can be pretty bad at times. it's really unnecessary for them to beat the viewer over the head with the "foreshadowing" of the villain's origin stories. i get selina wants to be called "cat." anyone trying to watch this show is going to be a fan of comic book movies if not comic books themselves. they don't need to be so heavy handed.

not comic books but homeland has had some really solid action/suspense episodes recently as the season has wound down.

Homeland gets comeback show of the year. It was on my personal chopping block after last year but they reeled me back in. Folks have been clamoring for some Quinn action and that's something they delivered.
anybody see the premiere of Ascension on Syfy last night? Whoa...I'll be watching more for sure.
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