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Chat Thread 2021: huge historic day today ! you are living history congrats !

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i can concur that the first entry on that list is amazing. My family has been stopping there for lunch on the way to and from the Redneck Riviera since at least 1975.

I’ve driven past their my entire life and never stopped there. Usually it’s too early/toward the end of my trip so not ready to stop.
Full Lockdown #2 starts tonight, and considering I am still fat and my liver hasn't recovered from the last one, this is going to be fun. Boa Confinamento!
Apart from catamount, has anyone just wholesale resumed their day to day activities carefree? I feel like the difference between full lockdown and whatever we're currently in here is meaningless for me.
I've gone to the office everyday and eaten lunch out most every day. I haven't been to the gym though. Recently I've stopped eating out lunch due to the surge, winter weather, and complete ignoring of the 50% capacity rules. Definitely would have gone to the Duke's Mayo Bowl given the opportunity. Have not traveled anywhere besides driving to the beach.
By "eating lunch out" do you mean getting your bread bowl badge inside Panera or takeout?
There is a handful of places I feel okay eating inside that look like they have good ventilation and practices and I was able to eat outside through October if I chose to do so. There are a few places I've turned around and walked out of. While I haven't been back to my gym, I know a lot of people who have returned to that gym safely.

Meanwhile, my nextdoor neighbors got it over Christmas from their son, via their in-laws in coastal SC.
I mean I wish the guys had finished repairing my spin bike and I had gotten myself a new pair of running shoes before all non-essential businesses shut down. But I think the main part of it is mentally hearing a 'one month lockdown.' Its cold not much is going on, kinda just adds on.
I guess I don't know what full lockdown means, but activities I currently do that could be impacted are going to the grocery store, going to parks and forest preserves (were off limits in the spring), and I guess there are some other non-essential retail I've gone to every few weeks for this or that.
I've also got one kid in middle school everyday and one in high school who is full remote and both play sports. I don't worry about going to the grocery store or wherever. I've had no problem avoiding crowds. Everyone around here wears a mask.
By "eating lunch out" do you mean getting your bread bowl badge inside Panera or takeout?

Luckily, my favorite BBQ place has a unique set up. It is in marina center. It has sliding doors to the outside on two sides and towards the water. They have three sided ventilation and only allow three tables inside (each is near an open door, but I haven't used them). Outside, on the water, they have about 4-6 tables that are open air and twenty feet apart from each other.

I've only eaten there once over the past few months, but if any place is safe, this one has the best chance.
seems to me the parents with kids in public primary school are sort of fatalistic b/c their kids are in the system all the time. i think that makes sense.

i just started going back to my office this monday. we still don't do anything but takeout and basically just hiking for outdoor activities that aren't in the neighborhood.

i go into stores and stay away from people; most people are wearing masks and the losers can be avoided for the most part.
Even though I've had the bug, we still don't eat indoors, I go to the gym at 4:20 in the morning when there's literally no one in there but me and leave when the 5 am crowd starts showing up. We will go into grocery stores to pick out meat and produce because you get rotten shit in my area otherwise, but do grocery to go on everything else. We see my folks on weekends for hikes but that's about it until they get their vaccine. Of course, all these precautions seem kind of silly given how much time I spend with kids in the gym and the way we've had Covid hit our team.

Even in Trump country USA, everyone is wearing a mask in grocery stores now, so there's that.
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my wife had a run in a few months ago with a mouth breather but i have yet to witness any true dickheads/confrontations
Even though I've had the bug, we still don't eat indoors, I go to the gym at 4:20 in the morning when there's literally no one in there but me and leave when the 5 am crowd starts showing up. We will go into grocery stores to pick out meat and produce because you get rotten shit in my area otherwise, but do grocery to go otherwise. We see my folks on weekends for hikes but that's about it until they get their vaccine. Of course, all these precautions seem kind of silly given how much time I spend with kids in the gym and the way we've had Covid hit our team.

Even in Trump country USA, everyone is wearing a mask in grocery stores now, so there's that.

I never thought about that question. Are they doing gym classes at school?

BTW, you have moved up the board ladder. Trying to get you to replace Numbers/Doofus as the default option on board polls.
Bro's I need to lose some weight.

My problems are:
1- Eating on the run when traveling for work...A lot of drive thru...I know there are healthy options but fucks sake gimmie a greasy burger
2- Wife has the metabolism of a 10 year old and can eat anything she wants and not gain a lb. So peer pressure or what not.
3- I find the need to have 1 or 2 bourbons or 3 or 4 beers about 5 days a week and that is going to be next to impossible to break the habit.
4- It's damn near impossible to find time to work out other than Mako hours, like 4:20ish, but I spend that time with his mother, so I guess I need to prioritize.
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