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I see DDD that you've been having digestive problems for most of your life. That sucks.
Has anyone ever shit their pants while sober as an adult. According to a podcast I’m listening to it happens frequently, and I can’t fathom how this is so.
Has anyone ever shit their pants while sober as an adult. According to a podcast I’m listening to it happens frequently, and I can’t fathom how this is so.


Once about ten years ago. I was working a construction job and just kept putting it off until it was too late.

Second time was a couple years back: I had some bad food and didn't realize it. I felt kinda off for a few hours, but then all the sudden my body just went into, "if everything doesn't leave your body right now, you're going to die" mode.
My buddy that teaches in Charlotte caught the Covid from his high school and his husband tested positive as well but hasn’t gotten sick from it, and he just texted me “turns out Will is a gaysymptomatic carrier” and now I think this entire pandemic may have been worth it for that pun alone.
Just the once, in college.

Came close on the way to work a couple years ago, had to get off metro and run into a couple stores to ask to use the bathroom.
How often does everyone piss in a bottle while on the highway?

I'm a solid 6-8 times a year.
My buddy that teaches in Charlotte caught the Covid from his high school and his husband tested positive as well but hasn’t gotten sick from it, and he just texted me “turns out Will is a gaysymptomatic carrier” and now I think this entire pandemic may have been worth it for that pun alone.

I assume he teaches at a private school because CMS is nowhere close to opening high schools, despite saying all students need to come in for finals in three or four weeks. The can't even find staffing to run the buses for middle schools.
while driving? that's impressive

I pull over and pee on the side of the road

Yeah, I get in the right lane and flop my meat sword out and do my best not to piss all over myself. It's helpful when in traffic and things are slow. I piss all day about every 2 hours due some meds I take, so it's almost unavoidable at times. Sometimes there isn't a good place to pull over. My new thing is, when I have the time and there's a good location, walking in hotels and acting like I belong there and walking straight to the bathroom.
Has anyone ever shit their pants while sober as an adult. According to a podcast I’m listening to it happens frequently, and I can’t fathom how this is so.

I have a story on this one that I don't think I have ever shared (if I have and you read it before, sorry).

Several years ago I was given one ticket to the Duke-UNC basketball game in CH. They were work tickets and I was sitting beside a co-worker who was a UNC fan. As a sports fan I figured I should go. It was the game where Duke was behind the whole game and some nameless (to me) Dukie guard ended up hitting a three-pointer to win at the buzzer. I know, I know, that sounds like every Duke game, but whatever... I didn't get to see any of that happen anyway.

Right before half I start feeling kind of bad. Chilled and upset stomach. I go to the bathroom and find a stall. Within a span of about 5 minutes I become so chilled I am shaking so badly I literally can't hold my phone still to text my wife. I felt profoundly bad - just kind of all over. I don't remember whether I had diarrhea there - probably did. I was in there for a while - a long while - all the way through halftime and more. I didn't know what to do - wasn't sure I had the energy to walk to my car. There was no way my wife could come get me - too far away, too much game traffic in CH, we'd have two cars there, etc.

Finally, I decide to head to my car. I get out of the stadium and head that way - I was parked somewhere near the baseball field, as I recall. As I neared my car I started having stomach cramps and needed to find a bathroom - now. I started fast walking (while clenching) from building to building. I don't know the campus and they all looked like dorms or other buildings with no public bathrooms. I headed back to my car thinking maybe I could drive somewhere. Nope, bad idea - I turned around and starting looking for a bathroom again - Ugh, so frustrating! Why can't I find a bathroom?! I'm standing on the sidewalk near the baseball field trying to decide whether I can find a dark spot in the grass away from the sidewalk to drop trou and go for it when - it happens. Strangest thing - against all my efforts to stop it my body just opened up and filled my pants - there was no real warning that was about to happen. I was in shock; standing there, not knowing what to do next...

I took my jacket off and tied it around my waist. I needed to find somewhere to clean up. I walked down a different street and spotted a kind of student convenience store in the bottom of some building. I go in and ask if they have a bathroom - they do! (why couldn't I find this place earlier?!) They pointed me to the back - it was a weird place, I think it was undergoing renovations or something - I had to walk a long way through a dark labyrinth to get to the bathroom - all the while doing the pants-full duck walk. I know the person behind the counter could tell something was up - not sure what gave it away; the look on my face, the funny walk or, worst case scenario, the smell...

I get in the bathroom, grab a bunch of paper towels, some wet, some dry, and head into a stall. I strip down, throw my underwear away and start cleaning myself up. I ended up coming out of the stall naked from the waist down and spending like 30 minutes with my pants spread on the counter trying to clean them the best I can. Luckily no one else make the trek to that bathroom. When I finally emerged I met one of the workers heading back that way - I'm guessing they were coming to see what the hell I was doing back there so long. I made it to my car and drove home - I filled the seat of my pants with clean, dry paper towels but it was still pretty nasty. I got home and got in bed just in time to hear my wife screaming with joy as Duke made the shot to win (yes, she is a Duke fan). The last thing I did before I went to sleep was send a work e-mail canceling a work trip I had the next day to New York. By the time I woke up I was perfectly fine. I have no idea what I had - so weird, so sudden, so violent, so short-lived...
Has anyone ever shit their pants while sober as an adult. According to a podcast I’m listening to it happens frequently, and I can’t fathom how this is so.

Yea bro, I have definitely shit myself. more like a shart+ but still.
I have a story on this one that I don't think I have ever shared (if I have and you read it before, sorry).

Several years ago I was given one ticket to the Duke-UNC basketball game in CH. They were work tickets and I was sitting beside a co-worker who was a UNC fan. As a sports fan I figured I should go. It was the game where Duke was behind the whole game and some nameless (to me) Dukie guard ended up hitting a three-pointer to win at the buzzer. I know, I know, that sounds like every Duke game, but whatever... I didn't get to see any of that happen anyway.

Right before half I start feeling kind of bad. Chilled and upset stomach. I go to the bathroom and find a stall. Within a span of about 5 minutes I become so chilled I am shaking so badly I literally can't hold my phone still to text my wife. I felt profoundly bad - just kind of all over. I don't remember whether I had diarrhea there - probably did. I was in there for a while - a long while - all the way through halftime and more. I didn't know what to do - wasn't sure I had the energy to walk to my car. There was no way my wife could come get me - too far away, too much game traffic in CH, we'd have two cars there, etc.

Finally, I decide to head to my car. I get out of the stadium and head that way - I was parked somewhere near the baseball field, as I recall. As I neared my car I started having stomach cramps and needed to find a bathroom - now. I started fast walking (while clenching) from building to building. I don't know the campus and they all looked like dorms or other buildings with no public bathrooms. I headed back to my car thinking maybe I could drive somewhere. Nope, bad idea - I turned around and starting looking for a bathroom again - Ugh, so frustrating! Why can't I find a bathroom?! I'm standing on the sidewalk near the baseball field trying to decide whether I can find a dark spot in the grass away from the sidewalk to drop trou and go for it when - it happens. Strangest thing - against all my efforts to stop it my body just opened up and filled my pants - there was no real warning that was about to happen. I was in shock; standing there, not knowing what to do next...

I took my jacket off and tied it around my waist. I needed to find somewhere to clean up. I walked down a different street and spotted a kind of student convenience store in the bottom of some building. I go in and ask if they have a bathroom - they do! (why couldn't I find this place earlier?!) They pointed me to the back - it was a weird place, I think it was undergoing renovations or something - I had to walk a long way through a dark labyrinth to get to the bathroom - all the while doing the pants-full duck walk. I know the person behind the counter could tell something was up - not sure what gave it away; the look on my face, the funny walk or, worst case scenario, the smell...

I get in the bathroom, grab a bunch of paper towels, some wet, some dry, and head into a stall. I strip down, throw my underwear away and start cleaning myself up. I ended up coming out of the stall naked from the waist down and spending like 30 minutes with my pants spread on the counter trying to clean them the best I can. Luckily no one else make the trek to that bathroom. When I finally emerged I met one of the workers heading back that way - I'm guessing they were coming to see what the hell I was doing back there so long. I made it to my car and drove home - I filled the seat of my pants with clean, dry paper towels but it was still pretty nasty. I got home and got in bed just in time to hear my wife screaming with joy as Duke made the shot to win (yes, she is a Duke fan). The last thing I did before I went to sleep was send a work e-mail canceling a work trip I had the next day to New York. By the time I woke up I was perfectly fine. I have no idea what I had - so weird, so sudden, so violent, so short-lived...

all i got out of that story is your wife is a Duke fan, and that is all I need to know.
i tried to change my little title underneath my handle and it reverted to whatever this is
One of my exes shit herself while I was showing her around my old neighborhood in NY. I wanted to help but genuinely had no idea what the correct play was. Figured it was best to give her space and never mention it.

No this wasn't dash.
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