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Chat Thread Dreadnought: Self-Destruct Sequence Initiated

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He's talking about me wanting to move away from NC in the next little bit.

Which I have been going back and forth on. Let's be serious though---I'm all talk when it comes to moving, so I'll probs be staying here forever.

Home is where the heart is, even when it's a shitty, broken down home. Might as well try to make some repairs.

My aunt, who has Irish dual citizenship, is talking about moving from New Hampshire to Ireland. I asked her to imagine how bad it would be for the at-risk groups if all the privileged people just up and moved away. That's not the way to improve things.
We let the palmas of the world win, y'all. Soak it in.
So what about your hometown? Where are the boundaries within which one can move and not be a coward? State boundaries?

That's a fair point. To be fair though, my county stayed fairly blue yesterday. Do you not find it problematic at all for liberal causes that liberals are congregating on the coasts mostly? As long as the EC is a thing, that will lend itself to these types of PV/EC splits. I'm pretty YOU DO YOU on most things, but if you are someone who cares about this sort of thing and/or the state you are leaving, then it's hard to be part of the solution.
So we should all hope Cory Booker balls out now and preps for 2020, right?
So we should all hope Cory Booker balls out now and preps for 2020, right?

Let's have a good primary with good candidates, and see where the chips fall. If things get better over the next four years, Trump beats all comers. If they don't, then he's pretty vulnerable to an inspiring message. It will be hard for the party more in control of all levels of government than any time in decades to run campaigns as scrappy underdog outsiders.

But I am a big fan of Cory Booker. BIGLY.
That's a fair point. To be fair though, my county stayed fairly blue yesterday. Do you not find it problematic at all for liberal causes that liberals are congregating on the coasts mostly? As long as the EC is a thing, that will lend itself to these types of PV/EC splits. I'm pretty YOU DO YOU on most things, but if you are someone who cares about this sort of thing and/or the state you are leaving, then it's hard to be part of the solution.

There are certainly problematic consequences to the demographic shifts re: urban versus rural and how it affects the presidential election.
Or to quote PFTcommenter, the comment section won.
A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support

I realize there's a lot of Tunnels talk coming over to the CT, but it is a pretty big deal.

Here's one thing my friend posted that explains it a bit as well:

Hey folks, time for a privilege check. I see a lot of "well this sucks, but let's move on" posts on here this morning. Yes, of course that is true. But messages like this are coming mostly from my fellow white, middle class citizens. Please realize what a place of privilege we come from to be able to just say that.

Imagine you are black and woke up to a president endorsed by the KKK whose followers regularly talk about lynching.
Imagine you are Muslim and woke up to a president who said that members of your faith need to be banned from entering our country and that your neighborhoods must be patrolled.
Imagine you are LGBT and woke up to a president who believes that who you are is a sin and who wants to take away your only recently earned rights.
Imagine you are sick and able to cover your bills because of Obamacare and woke up to a president who wants to dismantle it and leave you with the choice of going bankrupt or getting care.
Imagine you are very poor and woke up to a president whose economic plan intends to only reward billionaires like himself while leaving you so far behind that no matter what you do, you can't get ahead.
Imagine you are a woman and you woke up to a president who wants to take away your rights to make choices about your own body, who treats women like objects, and who brags about sexual assault.
Imagine you are a parent and you woke up to a president who calls climate change a hoax orchestrated by the Chinese who has doomed our planet to destruction within your child's lifetime. And a president who disregards any reasonable action on gun control, making it easier for mass shootings to happen regularly.

I don't at all mean to say that the sentiment behind your posts is wrong. We absolutely must find ways to come together and move forward. But please recognize what it must be like to be someone whose life could be forever changed by this man. Those of us white middle class folks with jobs and salaries and insurance will probably be ok, even if we're unhappy. So don't just offer platitudes. It's like thoughts and prayers after a shooting.

How was the affected groups' turnout?
Let's have a good primary with good candidates, and see where the chips fall. If things get better over the next four years, Trump beats all comers. If they don't, then he's pretty vulnerable to an inspiring message. It will be hard for the party more in control of all levels of government than any time in decades to run campaigns as scrappy underdog outsiders.

But I am a big fan of Cory Booker. BIGLY.

I mean it just kind of depends on if we are dealing as a fact-based society, or a "post" fact-based society.

Looking at unemployment, jobs, the economy, etc. over the past 8 years and you would guess that we would want to elect a Democrat to be POTUS again. There will almost certainly be a recession of sorts over the next couple of years (not really Trump related at all). I can't say that I have much faith at all in the US voting population to take facts and statistics and utilize them in any meaningful way right now.
I mean it just kind of depends on if we are dealing as a fact-based society, or a "post" fact-based society.

Looking at unemployment, jobs, the economy, etc. over the past 8 years and you would guess that we would want to elect a Democrat to be POTUS again. There will almost certainly be a recession of sorts over the next couple of years (not really Trump related at all). I can't say that I have much faith at all in the US voting population to take facts and statistics and utilize them in any meaningful way right now.

All politics are personal. Educated folks voted for Clinton because they are probably doing fine recovering from the recession. The working class aren't. You are going to vote for a change. In the same way, we have a lot of privileges when it comes to issues you care about at the voting booth, poor folks care primarily about their livelihoods, and who can blame them?
Pretty sure Modest Mouse wrote an album about this election in 2008: We were dead before the ship even sank
Let's have a good primary with good candidates, and see where the chips fall. If things get better over the next four years, Trump beats all comers. If they don't, then he's pretty vulnerable to an inspiring message. It will be hard for the party more in control of all levels of government than any time in decades to run campaigns as scrappy underdog outsiders.

But I am a big fan of Cory Booker. BIGLY.

I'd be down with a 2020 primary cycle of Warren/Gillibrand/Booker/Warner, and see what happens. Or, just say fuck it and hand the nom to Michelle.
Chris Murphy seems cool, but he looks like a cross between James Franco's little brother and the dude from Grizzly Bear.

not Ed Droste, the blonde one
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There are more women here than in the Tunnels it seems, so I'll ask the question here:

Why didn't the Access Hollywood tape convince white female voters away from Trump? According to the Guardian:

Although last night's exit polls do show that 54 per cent of women backed Clinton compared to 42 per cent for Trump, these numbers were not significantly different from how women voted in 2012.

That's insane to me. The tape is literally a presidential candidate bragging about getting away with sexual contact because of his celebrity status. I've heard from men, so I'm really only curious as to what the women who post here have to say about it.
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