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Clinton Email Problem

You are crazy. Bush voters were not (for the most part) holding their nose. Right, wrong or indifferent Bush voters were fired up to vote for him.

Your experience differed from mine. Most folks I knew who voted for GWB (especially the 2nd time) only did so because they didn't want a D to win.
Your experience differed from mine. Most folks I knew who voted for GWB (especially the 2nd time) only did so because they didn't want a D to win.

There was a 60% voter turnout for Bush's reelection. Only one election in modern history touches that (Obama I) and no reelection in modern history (including Obama) can claim that. You don't get that kind of turn out for someone that the voters are not enthusiastic about.
Pretty sure that goes both ways. It says a lot about the Pubs that they can't nominate someone clearly better, but it says just as much about the Dems that she's their frontrunner.

People underestimate the draw of identity politics. Geraldine Ferraro was nowhere near qualified to be VP in '84. Had Powell run in 1996 or 2000, Obama may not have happened. Women are the single largest voting bloc and 'Pubs don't have an alternative to HRC. First Latino or Asian President won't be nearly as big a deal as the first female president. Still doesn't make Hillary a great candidate. She's not just the Dem frontrunner.
Exactly. I'll add that it says plenty about the current Democratic Party as well.

I think people may finally appreciate the balls it took for Obama to declare for 2008 and take on the Clinton machine.

It did make it 2 minorities going at each other. If Obama were white he'd have been taken to the cleaners.
but I bet you are in the mood for balls

Angry posters post things like this. Don't be an angry poster. Just get better policies, and you'll be less angry. Life's too short to stay angry at people with better ideas.
Angry posters post things like this. Don't be an angry poster. Just get better policies, and you'll be less angry. Life's too short to stay angry at people with better ideas.

they really don't
You are correct.

Short, angry ginger lawyers post snarky things like this trying to look clever on the internet.

My mistake. Either way, the anger comes from a place of deep insecurity about their gingervitis.

Or maybe I just made that correction because I have a beer belly and fat face?
Angry posters post things like this. Don't be an angry poster. Just get better policies, and you'll be less angry. Life's too short to stay angry at people with better ideas.

so you are in the mood for balls, then

Or maybe I just made that correction because I have a beer belly and fat face?

Good for you. That sounds like a great service, and exactly the type of thing I was asking about.
My investment is a bit more. Based on a path that began volunteering to provide medical services to local migrant workers I saw a bigger need. A decade ago I put my life here on hold and moved to Central America for a year. I worked with a non-profit that was primarily providing medical and public health resources to Nicaraguan populations where resources and access were very limited. This also included working with Nicaraguan settlements in Costa Rica where those that had become Costa Rican citizens would still have difficulty receiving the basic medical care to which they were entitled through the socialized medical system. I would come to find out that sometimes they would not be given appropriate therapy for very basic and treatable medical issues because the local Costa Rican doctors didn’t think they were smart or reliable enough to follow directions. That is a level of prejudice many of us do not witness very often in this country. In addition to directly treating patients, we also helped provide education and resources to improve the quality/safety of their drinking water and other measures like building chimneys for their wood-burning stoves. The smoke in the home causes chronic lung and eye issues.
This led to (volunteer) leadership roles with 2 additional international non-profits in Central America. In the decade since, I have continued this commitment returning to volunteer 10-30 days every year in these underserved communities in Central America. None of this is very glamorous and typically involves very humble living conditions. It has been quite a rewarding experience and I have gotten a lot more out of it than I could ever put in. I look forward to raising my kids with the opportunity to spend parts of their childhoods in these communities to help shape their world view and appreciation for other cultures (and hopefully plant a seed of service in them). So, I am not who you would like to frame me as being. My life and actions tell quite a different story. An intolerant person whose decisions are driven by their prejudice doesn’t offer up as much as I have to live and work within another culture like I have. He would not value the immersion in another culture like I have. And I have given more than time and labor. Financially, I am well in to 6 figures. Other than my honeymoon, I haven’t taken a vacation in a several years so that I can dedicate my time away from my paying job to these projects. We have made dramatic impacts on local communities and a couple orphanages. We have even built a fully functional hospital run by local doctors and nurses, where before there was only a small outpost for a rotating doctor to come every couple weeks.
So, to have a little twit like you, whose actions are so quiet relative to his verbal accusations and arrogance, say that my prejudice is “the problem” is laughable.
Don’t be too down on yourself. We do need loud voices making it clear that it is no longer acceptable in our society to discriminate against or marginalize people for the color of their skin, their gender or even their sexual orientation. But let’s be clear, that is what your primary contribution is….talk.
If you weren’t so quick to expect your ethical supremacy over everyone else you might notice a lot more people doing good things. It might even open up opportunities for you to join in and get off your ass more than one day every other year. So, yes, I will keep “doing me”. At least doing me is actually DOING something. Based on our tangible accomplishments, I think it is working out fantastic. You keep talking and convincing yourself the rest of us are the problem.
It did make it 2 minorities going at each other. If Obama were white he'd have been taken to the cleaners.

Nah. Obama was much more in line with the New Democrats than Hillary. He could have been purple and glittery and he would have beaten her.
I'm not in the mood to TobaccoRoad you today, dv7.

Good for you. That sounds like a great service, and exactly the type of thing I was asking about.
My investment is a bit more. Based on a path that began volunteering to provide medical services to local migrant workers I saw a bigger need. A decade ago I put my life here on hold and moved to Central America for a year. I worked with a non-profit that was primarily providing medical and public health resources to Nicaraguan populations where resources and access were very limited. This also included working with Nicaraguan settlements in Costa Rica where those that had become Costa Rican citizens would still have difficulty receiving the basic medical care to which they were entitled through the socialized medical system. I would come to find out that sometimes they would not be given appropriate therapy for very basic and treatable medical issues because the local Costa Rican doctors didn’t think they were smart or reliable enough to follow directions. That is a level of prejudice many of us do not witness very often in this country. In addition to directly treating patients, we also helped provide education and resources to improve the quality/safety of their drinking water and other measures like building chimneys for their wood-burning stoves. The smoke in the home causes chronic lung and eye issues.
This led to (volunteer) leadership roles with 2 additional international non-profits in Central America. In the decade since, I have continued this commitment returning to volunteer 10-30 days every year in these underserved communities in Central America. None of this is very glamorous and typically involves very humble living conditions. It has been quite a rewarding experience and I have gotten a lot more out of it than I could ever put in. I look forward to raising my kids with the opportunity to spend parts of their childhoods in these communities to help shape their world view and appreciation for other cultures (and hopefully plant a seed of service in them). So, I am not who you would like to frame me as being. My life and actions tell quite a different story. An intolerant person whose decisions are driven by their prejudice doesn’t offer up as much as I have to live and work within another culture like I have. He would not value the immersion in another culture like I have. And I have given more than time and labor. Financially, I am well in to 6 figures. Other than my honeymoon, I haven’t taken a vacation in a several years so that I can dedicate my time away from my paying job to these projects. We have made dramatic impacts on local communities and a couple orphanages. We have even built a fully functional hospital run by local doctors and nurses, where before there was only a small outpost for a rotating doctor to come every couple weeks.
So, to have a little twit like you, whose actions are so quiet relative to his verbal accusations and arrogance, say that my prejudice is “the problem” is laughable.
Don’t be too down on yourself. We do need loud voices making it clear that it is no longer acceptable in our society to discriminate against or marginalize people for the color of their skin, their gender or even their sexual orientation. But let’s be clear, that is what your primary contribution is….talk.
If you weren’t so quick to expect your ethical supremacy over everyone else you might notice a lot more people doing good things. It might even open up opportunities for you to join in and get off your ass more than one day every other year. So, yes, I will keep “doing me”. At least doing me is actually DOING something. Based on our tangible accomplishments, I think it is working out fantastic. You keep talking and convincing yourself the rest of us are the problem.

Who can resist the temptation of the COPY/PASTE?!?!?!

Let thee that hasn't copy/pasted cast the first CTRL+V.