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CT 177: Strong Like Bull

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I was to the point yesterday of creating my own facebook notice with something crazy buried in it like everyone must send tsy $5 now, just to see how far it'd get passed around.

I've tired of trying to get people to Snopes things. When I show the Snopes "It's False, Dummy" info, they're like "I figured that, BUT I just want to be sure". :rulz: #theworldisfullofi9iots
A big tree fell and the power went out in my neighborhood this morning, while I was in the shower. My whole day feels out of whack now from the disrupted morning.
A big tree fell and the power went out in my neighborhood this morning, while I was in the shower. My whole day feels out of whack now from the disrupted morning.

Trees falling on lines and knocking out power kind of makes me laugh these days. That is one of the biggest NIMBY fights we have with the rich olds in upper NW and MoCo. People chain themselves to their trees when we try and trim them back to protect the lines but then they get super mad at us when a tree falls on a line and knocks out power. Our Deputy GC has some absolutely hilarious vids he's taken on his phone when interacting with the people.
Trees falling on lines and knocking out power kind of makes me laugh these days. That is one of the biggest NIMBY fights we have with the rich olds in upper NW and MoCo. People chain themselves to their trees when we try and trim them back to protect the lines but then they get super mad at us when a tree falls on a line and knocks out power. Our Deputy GC has some absolutely hilarious vids he's taken on his phone when interacting with the people.

Oh yeah this is def a thing. I do some work with a utility and people are allllways pissed about the tree trimming ("they're historical trees!" "They left a mess in my yard!") until they have a power outage caused by trees ("they don't trim enough!" "Put all wires underground!").
yo econ/finance/banker folks, have u read about sweden's negative interest rates also how does it feel that all the econ you learned in school is upside down now
because I'm sure the margins on "transmission" are super tight
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yo econ/finance/banker folks, have u read about sweden's negative interest rates also how does it feel that all the econ you learned in school is upside down now

I was talking to my dad (PhD in Finance) about negative interest rates a few weeks ago and my head started hurting so I just got up and poured myself some more whiskey and tried to erase that nonsense from my memory.
Trees falling on lines and knocking out power kind of makes me laugh these days. That is one of the biggest NIMBY fights we have with the rich olds in upper NW and MoCo. People chain themselves to their trees when we try and trim them back to protect the lines but then they get super mad at us when a tree falls on a line and knocks out power. Our Deputy GC has some absolutely hilarious vids he's taken on his phone when interacting with the people.

Thankfully the big tree in my front yard is far enough back from the road that it's not part of the routine tree-hacking around the power lines, but it would certainly knock shit down if it fell over (probably my house instead of the lines). The complaints I hear about most are that the workers who lop the limbs off the trees are utility guys not tree guys, so they end up cutting trees in a way that is both unattractive and bad for the tree. There are a lot of trees that should probably just come down completely instead of having their tops sliced off every year. I'd prefer underground wires but I'm not going to get that in a historic neighborhood.
yo econ/finance/banker folks, have u read about sweden's negative interest rates also how does it feel that all the econ you learned in school is upside down now

haha "econ you learned in school" hahaha

Tuffalo and I talk about this a lot, but I generally think the WF econ department was kind of shit. I probs should have been a different major.
haha "econ you learned in school" hahaha

Tuffalo and I talk about this a lot, but I generally think the WF econ department was kind of shit. I probs should have been a different major.

you and i talked about this a good deal over 60 beers at TW's bach party too

(team emo is awesome if you can't tell)
haha "econ you learned in school" hahaha

Tuffalo and I talk about this a lot, but I generally think the WF econ department was kind of shit. I probs should have been a different major.

My pops is of the opinion that all econ departments are kind of shit. He views it as a major with little actual practical application, like History or Political Science. My brother was Econ and I was PolSci, so we've both heard his opinion on the subject a number of times.
Bout to go get my eyes checked for the first time in 15 years. The eye doc roped me in when I scratched my eye last week and I'm pretty sure she's going to tell me I'm legally blind even though I can see just fine.
haha "econ you learned in school" hahaha

Tuffalo and I talk about this a lot, but I generally think the WF econ department was kind of shit. I probs should have been a different major.

eh, we wuz strong at micro and applied math/econometric methods, but pretty weak on the macro side imo.

simplest explanation for negative interest rates is that is that most people would pay to not have to keep all their money themselves -- basically paying for storage, theft protection, etc.
check this bro out http://immunology.washington.edu/philip-d-greenberg-md


we just named him co-editor-in-chief of one of our journals

if rj had only gone into academia instead of....entrepreneurship. he'd be everybody's favorite prof.
and this guy (one of our fellows) just won the lasker award (something like 90% of lasker winners go on to win nobels)


immunology...so hot right now

in a nutshell, he's training the immune system (specifically t-cells) to do its job correctly

and this guy (one of our fellows) just won the lasker award (something like 90% of lasker winners go on to win nobels)


immunology...so hot right now

in a nutshell, he's training the immune system (specifically t-cells) to do its job correctly


So that guy has definitely tried to diddle a 5-year old, right?
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