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CT 178: The thrill is gone

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Yeah I'm not sure if we'll get into downtown Charleston at all. We rented a house in Folly Beach which now that I look at a map is like a flipping hour away (okay wait that's with current traffic... it's like 40 minutes away) from the wedding location.

What town is it? Pm if you're too #nervous
What percentage of parody accounts are well done (even if you exclude Moonz's)? I feel like the old boards had much higher quality parodies. Someone gets a decent idea and they post like ten times in 30 minutes. Millennials don't know restraint.

i think i've had exactly two parodies, the first one i am really, really happy with and retired a while back, and the second one, you rep-slapped me for posting too much too quickly... rightfully so, though

i just think most parodies are really unnecessary... which helps make the really well-done ones stick out even more

in terms of a percentage, i dunno, 15%? 20%?
trip to DC to visit mah frands

i think we'll go to bars and drink beers

I'm so jealous of this. Miss DC.

Hope Everton gives you something to celebrate.

I'm taking it easy this weekend so watching a lot of football at home Saturday morning. West-Ham/Chelsea and Everton/Arsenal to cheer on all my friendz teams. Gotta have the DEACS on too. Will probably do some work Saturday afternoon or just get strong and hang out in the park if the weather is nice.

Sunday 7am visit to the local sports pub for SPURS. Should be nice and loose for the big PANTHERCAT game Sunday "night".

Healthy mix of video games where I can.
Got a mandatory meeting Monday morning after I had planned to take a vacay day since I'll be getting home super late after pcats game. fuuuuuuu
No idea about weekend plans. Tee ball banquet, maybe the state game?
Heading to a Truck Touch tomorrow...firetrucks, cherry pickers, and school buses, oh my! Apparently some moon bounce, face painting, balloon, food truck stuff as well.
Also, I was going to post this on the FB thread, but it's not so much something crazy that a friend has posted. More like the best article ever...



A 32-year-old Los Angeles woman is claiming that she was impregnated by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and is now suing his estate. Kiera Johnson, the married mother of two, claims that she was raped by the ghost of Michael Jackson – and her white husband Ken Johnson is sticking by her side.

Kiera claims she was watching the 2 hour Michael Jackson 30 Year Anniversary Special on DVD which aired on HBO in 2001 when she suddenly dozed off during the performance of Thriller. It was at that point, things went horribly wrong. “All of a sudden, I was awakened by a hand caressing my face. But I was home alone, my husband was at work,” Kiera recalls. “The next thing you know, I’m having this erotic encounter with Michael Jackson. But it wasn’t the white Michael Jackson, he was black, and dressed like he was straight out of the Thriller video. I told him to stop, but he would listen.”
Kiera thought nothing more about the “realistic encounter” she had with M.J. – until September 25, 2015 when she gave birth to her third child. “Everything was going well with the birth,” said her husband Ken. “But then when I saw my son, and he was black, I said ‘What the hell is this!’ I was in absolute shock. That’s when Kiera told me about her terrifying dream. I think it’s wrong what happened and that’s why we are suing Michael Jackson’s estate. We just want a decent amount of child support to help raise his son.”

Kiera insists she has never cheated on her husband Ken with anybody of any race. Ken says he believes his wife and has no reason to not trust her, she is his “queen.” The Johnsons say they are willing to accept an out-of-court negotiation and are giving the Jackson family until January 1, 2016 to respond. As of yet, the Jackson family has not responded publicly to the allegations
Going to bed here shortly to get up at 4AM in order to be in position at 9AM in the morning for tailgating.
Just watched Brooklyn 99 from earlier this week...

Holt is back for good! Yes!
Ah, for the distribution of participation trophies.

Even worse, this follows the fact that every kid on the team earned the game ball once. And they didn't keep score #thehorror

But seriously they are 4, participation trophies are fine with me at that age. Next division up, not everyone gets trophies.
Even worse, this follows the fact that every kid on the team earned the game ball once. And they didn't keep score #thehorror

But seriously they are 4, participation trophies are fine with me at that age. Next division up, not everyone gets trophies.

Why do they even need trophies? They are 4. Half of them are probably still sucking their thumbs.
Reset Bridget Fonda's while you're at it.



I'd really much rather get something like @ mentions workable so if I do @towniedeac it gives him a notification that I've mentioned him in a post. That would be sweeeet.

This would be so cool!

my favorite thing about drake is that he's the most popular rapper in the world right now and wakeandbake still thinks rappers all carry guns and are a bad influence on kids because #gangs

moisturizing lotion puts drake on its hands to get softer


"let's see if we can actually get people to wear this!!!" <-- i'm convinced this is what most 'fashion' is.
this, to me, looks like french person meets canadian tuxedo meets sherlock holmes.

Drop the jean jacket and I like it.

Yep, quoted leeb to say that I like it without the jean/chambray whatever.

In Vegas to celebrate my grandfather's 90th, OG style.

That's pretty badass. Also, that is 20/25 years older than my grandfathers.
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