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CT 192: Chat Rules Everything Around Me

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Meanwhile, the Reynolda House says:

Bring your Pokémon game. Reynolda House is a Pokéstop! Catch Ansel Adams: Eloquent Light then catch the Pokémon that live with us.

The two museums are definitely designed with different plans in mind.
Oh man, Ansel Adams exhibit at the Reynolda House?

I hope all you WS peeps have gone to this.
Kids' preschool had a end-of-year party last week at local park in picnic shelter next to pond and lots of geese. These fucking geese were so bold, man, they would waddle up to you and get right in your face and like hiss for food. Literally hiss like that snake in Rikki Tikki Tavi. Scared the beejesus out of the kids, unsettled me a little bit as well if we're being honest. I'm the dad though so I kept shooing this one goose away and it would come back and I'd shoo it away and it would come back and finally the last time I shooed it away we were several yards from the picnic table and I stopped and it stopped and we looked at each other for a second directly into each others' eyes like we were having a real human-animal connection and I kind of thought in my head "dude, if you come back again, I'm going to have to kick you or slap you and that's probably going to make the kids even more upset, and probably freak out the other hippie parents, so please just go away for good or go bother someone else and that way we'll both be cool" and, honest injun, that muthafucka waddled off and I didn't see it again. Deep.
Kids' preschool had a end-of-year party last week at local park in picnic shelter next to pond and lots of geese. These fucking geese were so bold, man, they would waddle up to you and get right in your face and like hiss for food. Literally hiss like that snake in Rikki Tikki Tavi. Scared the beejesus out of the kids, unsettled me a little bit as well if we're being honest. I'm the dad though so I kept shooing this one goose away and it would come back and I'd shoo it away and it would come back and finally the last time I shooed it away we were several yards from the picnic table and I stopped and it stopped and we looked at each other for a second directly into each others' eyes like we were having a real human-animal connection and I kind of thought in my head "dude, if you come back again, I'm going to have to kick you or slap you and that's probably going to make the kids even more upset, and probably freak out the other hippie parents, so please just go away for good or go bother someone else and that way we'll both be cool" and, honest injun, that muthafucka waddled off and I didn't see it again. Deep.

u are the geese whispers

i <3 these posts.
you might be an old if you get mad at kids for enjoying things.
you might be an old if you get mad at kids for enjoying things.

i think it's less the 'kids enjoying things' aspect than it is the 'people being painfully unaware of their surroundings because their phone is 6" away from their face at all times.'
i think it's less the 'kids enjoying things' aspect than it is the 'people being painfully unaware of their surroundings because their phone is 6" away from their face at all times.'

speak to your geese. train them. herd them. wander the park and sic them on the nerds!

Die, geese. I heard there's such thing as a hunting permit for Canada Geese. Even though I despise hunting, I'm thinking of getting one to kill these vile beasts.
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