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CT 75: oh snap get it get it

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Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic is the best show of all time.
wife just informed me that she's buying new christmas stockings for the (soon to be) four of us. two hundo later, i guess my new stockings will more effectively hold fruit and nuts? fuck me running, that's cray cray.
Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic is the best show of all time.

I could kind of see me one day at least having a significant amount of canned goods and things like that. What's the worst that happens?
Finally went by Trader Joes in Winston. It was smaller than I remember others being, but I reintroduced myself to Two Buck Chuck.
Today can eat a bag of dicks.

My boss comes in this morning and tells me, "This is one of the worst drafting jobs I've ever seen."

So I go into word and apparently, at some point between making my edits and printing, everything decided to fuck itself up. Numbers lists were off. Paragraphs were indented halfway across the page. Things that were underlined and italicizes no longer were. It looked like a retarded child or possibly a Maryland grad had done the work.

I make all the changes again. Print it off and it's fine.

Go into the document 4 hours later and there are issues again.

I've been working nonstop since this morning and have completed three documents that took me roughly 4 hours total yesterday.

I didn't know you were a secretary.
wife just informed me that she's buying new christmas stockings for the (soon to be) four of us. two hundo later, i guess my new stockings will more effectively hold fruit and nuts? fuck me running, that's cray cray.

Shit, man. No. That's not ok. You need to get that receipt and exchange those stockings for a 6 pack of white tube socks and $196.01. Get your daughter to decorate it with some markers and shit and you have a keepsake and talking point that lasts a lifetime. That and $196.01.
Finally went by Trader Joes in Winston. It was smaller than I remember others being, but I reintroduced myself to Two Buck Chuck.

Its $2.99 brah, gotta call it 3 Buck Chuck to be accurate. That being said I gotta nice Shiraz last week when I stopped by. Probably gonna keep it around the apartment and break it out when some babes come by.
Shit, man. No. That's not ok. You need to get that receipt and exchange those stockings for a 6 pack of white tube socks and $196.01. Get your daughter to decorate it with some markers and shit and you have a keepsake and talking point that lasts a lifetime. That and $196.01.

I been there, man. Mrs. Say Hey spent a shitload of money on stockings last year (?). I was like, "uh, we already HAD stockings." It's like, no, these stockings look nicer. WGAF? I don't know, man, I don't know. I just live here.
Would you rather have Manute Bol's legs and Muggsy's arms or Muggsy's legs and Manute's arms?

For n00b reference:


i don't think there's really a choice there. if you go with muggsy's legs and manut's arms, they'd be dragging on the ground. you HAVE to go with the long legs and short arms.
Can we all talk about what we're all thinking when we look at that picture? -- how much heat was Manute Bol packing? It looks like it was likely hanging from Muggsy's shoulder to his elbow. That's awesome. Ladies of the Pit, your thoughts, please.
i don't think there's really a choice there. if you go with muggsy's legs and manut's arms, they'd be dragging on the ground. you HAVE to go with the long legs and short arms.

How would you tie your shoes? Did you think about that? Could you even wipe your ass?
How would you tie your shoes? Did you think about that? Could you even wipe your ass?

does the hybrid person have the combined income of both players? because if so, i bet you could afford a bidet, and slip on shoes.
Long arms would be much less restricting. You would be like a T-Rex with Muggsey arms.
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