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Democratic Candidates for POTUS, 2016 edition

You people are thinking too much. I've said it before, I will say it again, it's the truth in America today. Scott Walker is too ugly to be elected President.

Walker's only appeal is to the most hateful conservatives and people who don't know anything else about him besides he hates unions and education. Once other conservatives see him, they'll realize he's a ugly unelectable donk.
Off year elections and Koch Brothers' money cover up a lot of bald spots shaped like Africa...
Walker's only appeal is to the most hateful conservatives and people who don't know anything else about him besides he hates unions and education. Once other conservatives see him, they'll realize he's a ugly unelectable donk.

So much hate.
Martin O'Malley releases his plan for criminal justice reform:

A Reinvestment and Rehabilitation Framework for America’s Criminal Justice System

There's a lot in there.

I dd not read thoroughly but it looks quite good. I am not sure how much of this would get passed through congress but this would be very positive improvements.

Why does this guy get no traction? He seems intelligent, charismatic, and has thoughtful ideas. It's hard to believe that this guy is an afterthought but Hillary is all but crowned.

I listened to Hillary speak today. When she tries to speak passionately it really comes out like your ex-wife screaming at you for leaving the Cheetos out. I know she has all the right people behind her, but if she wins, then the Dems could have ran anybody. She comes off very unlikable. I don't know what positive attributes she has other than being the first woman. Could be that's enough.
You could say the exact same thing about Kasich and Huntsman in the GOP. Why aren't they leading the way instead of Trump and Walker and Cruz?
I really think Trump is winning the GOP because there is just that much hate for politicians and Trump does not come across as a politician. Kasich is a pretty solid. I hope he makes the debates and gets some traction. I know this board liked Huntsman, but he was a dead man walking since he was an ambassador in Obama's administration. I doesn't make it right, but I think he never had a chance. Same thing with Christie after he cosied up to Obama. The GOP base really does not trust anybody that gets close to Obama. It is not particularly flattering of the GOP base, but it seems to be the case.
Nobody is going listen to the architect of Baltimore's criminal justice system.
The timing after his drama with the Black Lives Matter protesters makes this seem more like a political move than anything, like he saw a niche that he could fill. Which isn't a bad thing for the election, if he gets some positive feedback and/or a bump in the polls, it could force other candidates to talk more extensively and more specifically about criminal justice reform.
Latest rumor is that Biden's dying son urged him to run for President. Can see Biden winning vs Trump or the GOP nominee and Trump. People like Biden personally, but too many screw ups to win against a (reasonably) credible candidate. Biden's approval ratings are at all-time high and losing to HRC or Sanders in the primaries would be a humiliating end to his career.
Latest rumor is that Biden's dying son urged him to run for President. Can see Biden winning vs Trump or the GOP nominee and Trump. People like Biden personally, but too many screw ups to win against a (reasonably) credible candidate. Biden's approval ratings are at all-time high and losing to HRC or Sanders in the primaries would be a humiliating end to his career.

Biden would make an excellent Vice-President. DO IT, HILLARY.

(I'm no scholar of the constitution; I'm pretty sure it's cool)
A person can be Vice President for as many years as they want. No term limits for that office.
The democratic party is throwing cold water over anyone that wants to get in the race vs HRC. It would be interesting if Elizabeth Warren would reconsider with HRC's numbers going down and Sanders going up.
Boldness matters in presidential politics. GOP looks really weak now in dealing with Trump. Challenging Bush St was seen as a long shot, but Bubba still jumped in. Gore was a stiff, but running away from Bubba was a mistake. Obama was an unknown. Doubt that Biden gets in unless HRC is floundering. Also think that if Biden gets in, Warren may follow. It's the last chance for both and they won't run unless there's a clear opening. Don't think every Dem could win, but Trump in the field (either as the GOP nominee or as an independent) opens it up for multiple Dems.
I think there is a clear opening with HRC's numbers floundering and there is not much she can do to reverse them. Even if that server comes back totally clean, she's still been tarred.

I really believe Biden, Warren, and any other Dem should get in as there is indeed an opening seeing that Sanders is cutting into the HRC advantage. I am starting to really want to hear what Bernie Sanders has in mind. I hope he comes down south sometime soon.

Good article below on Sanders vs Pubs.

Wishful thinking about Sanders. He will be competitive which is good for Hillary when it comes down to it. Every Bernie voter will eventually line up for her and she won't be rusty.
I feel like the Republican party won't have too much difficulty branding Sanders as as COMMUNIST and uniting the base against him.
the base is already united against anybody the Dems run

it's anybody left of the tea party that the GOP has to worry about in the general election
I really disagree with the "well Bernie is doing is so Biden and others need to get in."

Clinton is going to win the Dem. primary and there wasn't really anything anybody was going to be able to do to stop her. All her dirty laundry has basically come out, she has huge name recognition, and she started with a massive lead. Those combined make it wishful thinking for people to say others should have entered the race IMO. Also Sanders increases have not come due to a decreased liking/popularity of Hillary, just an increase in interest in Bernie - likely indicating that Biden isn't going to merely siphon off voters, he would need to take them and that was never going to happen in a political battle between Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton IMO.