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Does Putin have something on Trump? (Answer: YES)

This is a fascinating read about Trump's speech at the Mayflower Hotel (referenced in sessions article above).

Note the date it was written...April 27, 2016...long before the Russian scandal received any traction.

Donald Trump’s Russia connections
Realists with Moscow ties are lining up behind Republican frontrunner.
By JAMES KIRCHICK 4/27/16, 9:56 PM CET Updated 4/29/16, 7:58 AM CET

That Trump would choose the Center for the National Interest as the place to premier his new seriousness on foreign policy has Manafort’s fingerprints all over it. For Manafort and the Center have something very important in common: both have ties to the Russian regime of President Vladimir Putin, (whose ambassador to the United States sat in the front row for Trump’s address).


As for the Center, both it and its journal, the National Interest, are two of the most Kremlin-sympathetic institutions in the nation’s capital, even more so that the Carnegie Moscow Center, which has evolved from a hub of Russian liberalism into an accomodationist, intellectually-compromised think tank.

Center director Dmitri Simes worked as an aide to Nixon and for decades has used his connections to the Kremlin — real or perceived — to cultivate a reputation in Washington as one of the few Russia hands who intimately knows that country’s politics. For years, the Center for the National Interest partnered with the Russian government-funded Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, a New York-based institution whose head, Adranik Migranyan, was personally appointed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, according to a State Department cable released by Wikileaks. In May 2014, the two think tanks held a press conference defending Russia’s position in Ukraine.

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This is a fascinating read about Trump's speech at the Mayflower Hotel (referenced in sessions article above).

Note the date it was written...April 27, 2016...long before the Russian scandal received any traction.

Donald Trump’s Russia connections
Realists with Moscow ties are lining up behind Republican frontrunner.
By JAMES KIRCHICK 4/27/16, 9:56 PM CET Updated 4/29/16, 7:58 AM CET

That Trump would choose the Center for the National Interest as the place to premier his new seriousness on foreign policy has Manafort’s fingerprints all over it. For Manafort and the Center have something very important in common: both have ties to the Russian regime of President Vladimir Putin, (whose ambassador to the United States sat in the front row for Trump’s address).


As for the Center, both it and its journal, the National Interest, are two of the most Kremlin-sympathetic institutions in the nation’s capital, even more so that the Carnegie Moscow Center, which has evolved from a hub of Russian liberalism into an accomodationist, intellectually-compromised think tank.

Center director Dmitri Simes worked as an aide to Nixon and for decades has used his connections to the Kremlin — real or perceived — to cultivate a reputation in Washington as one of the few Russia hands who intimately knows that country’s politics. For years, the Center for the National Interest partnered with the Russian government-funded Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, a New York-based institution whose head, Adranik Migranyan, was personally appointed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, according to a State Department cable released by Wikileaks. In May 2014, the two think tanks held a press conference defending Russia’s position in Ukraine.


Nah this, too, is fake news. This and the last 46 stories that are similar, from different journalists, chronicling different interactions, on different dates.

They're all fake. Please stop posting these, it's spam.
But they promised Donnie that those homes were only brothels and said they'd let him grab all the pussy he desired.
Fake news?

Putin Hints at U.S. Election Meddling by ‘Patriotically Minded’ Russians

MOSCOW — Shifting from his previous blanket denials, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Thursday that “patriotically minded” private Russian hackers could have been involved in cyberattacks last year to help the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.

While Mr. Putin continued to deny any state role, his comments to reporters in St. Petersburg were a departure from the Kremlin’s previous position: that Russia had played no role whatsoever in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and that, after Mr. Trump’s victory, the country had become the victim of anti-Russia hysteria among crestfallen Democrats.

Raising the possibility of attacks by what he portrayed as free-spirited Russian patriots, Mr. Putin said that hackers “are like artists” who choose their targets depending how they feel “when they wake up in the morning.”

Graphic | Why It’s Hard to Have an Independent Russia Investigation A special counsel does not ensure that the F.B.I. investigation will be free from political interference.
“If they are patriotically minded, they start making their contributions — which are right, from their point of view — to the fight against those who say bad things about Russia,” he added.

His remarks echoed ones by Mr. Trump, who has dismissed accusations of Russian meddling and said that the person responsible for the attack on the Democratic National Committee “could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds.”

Yeah, its weird we'd try to get along with someone with 9,000 nukes. makes no sense.
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Why would he want to lift economic sanctions?
Why would he want to lift economic sanctions?

To like not be in a pissing contest with someone with 9,000 nukes? Christ. That's what he said he'd do in the campaign and also a big reason why most people voted for him. Stop making it a scandal. Russia is smart enough to realize Trump>Clinton without needing to have had contact with him via the Red Phone.

On the flip side, no one didn't vote for Hilary because of completely benign emails being released on wikileaks. Someone name the damaging email that was released that anyone remembers or was scandalous whatsoever?
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