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ESPN commentator on RG3: “He’s kind of black, but he’s not really”

What's funny is ESPN2 was set to launch a Saturday version of First Take with none other than Rob Parker as the lead "debater". Good times in Bristol CT!
Skins, I have a tough time believing you're as naive as you seem on this thread. "Most racist thing you've ever heard?" Give it a rest, man.

Quick link giving a famous example of what I'm talking about and some context:

Maybe a touch of hyperbole but it is extremely racist when you get at the meat of what he is saying. He is telling black people that they better not act intelligent, professional and respectable or they are not real black people. If a white man were to say something similar to that the outcry would be unmatched (justifiably).

I still am missing your point. If a black athlete does not come out in full blown support of Barack Obama he is a Republican? Perhaps he is not very politically minded...perhaps he doesn't feel it is his place to speak on such matters.

Edit: Michael Jordan has shown that he is an expert on playing basketball and not much else...why would anyone care who he supports for President?
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Skins, that's not what he's saying at all. That's what a white guy would think he's saying without a broader understanding of internal workings of black people. It comes from the believe that

And you're being dense on purpose if you don't understand the link. You basically said the same thing yourself above.

PM me if you want to have a legit discussion of this. Otherwise, I'll just assume you're race baiting. This looks like some jhmd fake naivete type stuff. Oprah would be ashamed.
Skins, that's not what he's saying at all. That's what a white guy would think he's saying without a broader understanding of internal workings of black people. It comes from the believe that

And you're being dense on purpose if you don't understand the link. You basically said the same thing yourself above.

PM me if you want to have a legit discussion of this. Otherwise, I'll just assume you're race baiting. This looks like some jhmd fake naivete type stuff. Oprah would be ashamed.

Earlier this week Griffin said

"For me, you don't ever want to be defined by the color of your skin,'' in reference to a question about Martin Luther King, Jr. "You want to be defined by your work ethic, the person that you are, your character, your personality. That's what I've tried to go out and do.

"I am an African-American in America. That will never change. But I don't have to be defined by that.''

Apparently Parker (and you?) has a problem with that. He doesn't think that he has to behave and believe a certain way because he happens to be black. I thought that was the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. A major problem that American's have with race (all races) is that we want to put people in boxes. Griffin is a very unique person and because he does not step in line he is not "one of us". Parker might not have been saying he should be a criminal / thug like the Klansman would say, but his "get in the box" thinking is just as bad. They are both saying "You were born black...act like it". How are we ever to judge people by the content of their character when we denigrate them for not acting like their race preordains them to?
Pretty appalling in my opinion. Just sad that the speaker is apparently attempting to perpetuate stereotypes. I think Skins is pretty much dead on. There is no difference in this and RULZ really. Just different skin color spouting ignorance about race.
Nice to see the race baiter Drudge has picked up on this story.
"That's what a white guy would think he's saying without a broader understanding of internal workings of black people." - PhDeac

So, a non African-American can never speak or attempt to interpret what an African-American says. Got it.

I have lurked hear for a long time, and followed PhDeacs posts (some very good) but I agree with the notion that this is RULZ-ish to the core. Why would PhDeac come to his defense? I am confused.
I don't think he was talking about RG3's intelligence or professionalism. I think he was accusing RG3 of being this... which is just as dumb.
Skins, you really don't get it and it would be a waste of time trying to explain it to you. Invite some more black guys to this board and you can follow the discussion. I'm not defending Parker at all. I'm just calling out Skins for a gross misinterpretation of what he's trying to say.

krukow, you can interpret all day long, but you shouldn't just assume you're right coming from your limited perspective.

Typical Wake boards. You've got a thread about a black guy talking about another black guy about being black and a bunch of white guys are stepping all over the only black guy who regularly posts here for trying to discuss it from the perspective of a black guy.
Invite some more black guys to this board


Skins, you really don't get it and it would be a waste of time trying to explain it to you. Invite some more black guys to this board and you can follow the discussion. I'm not defending Parker at all. I'm just calling out Skins for a gross misinterpretation of what he's trying to say.

krukow, you can interpret all day long, but you shouldn't just assume you're right coming from your limited perspective.

Typical Wake boards. You've got a thread about a black guy talking about another black guy about being black and a bunch of white guys are stepping all over the only black guy who regularly posts here for trying to discuss it from the perspective of a black guy.

But you're not really discussing it. All you are doing is attacking other people's posts in a very snarly, condescending way because they aren't black. Not a very enlightening exchange of ideas.
Everybody is coming from it from one perspective. There isn't much room for an "enlightening exchange of ideas" on this thread. I've already gotten lumped in with RULZ. That's the board equivalent of calling someone like Hitler.
But you're not really discussing it. All you are doing is attacking other people's posts in a very snarly, condescending way because they aren't black. Not a very enlightening exchange of ideas.

How am I "stepping on you"? So am I correct that I and other "bunch of white guys" are not allowed to discuss anything an African American says, because we will never have the proper "perspective"?

I agree with you, that I will never understand what a "cornball brother" is but I would guess, name calling in any racial context is probably wrong and should not be defended. I do not know what a cotton headed ninny muggins is, but I know not to call an elf that.
Discuss whatever. Don't just dismiss what somebody of another race is saying just because you don't get where they're coming from.
There seems to be somewhat of a disconnect in ideas here. Obviously someone who is part of a group referenced, be it with race or, any subject, really, will bring a different perspective that is worth considering. That also does not mean just because you are part of said group that the different perspective is the "correct" one necessarily.
There seems to be somewhat of a disconnect in ideas here. Obviously someone who is part of a group referenced, be it with race or, any subject, really, will bring a different perspective that is worth considering. That also does not mean just because you are part of said group that the different perspective is the "correct" one necessarily.

Ph's got a point, though... It's not that there is a different perspective worth considering. A perspective that should have been considered from the onset was not, to the detriment of the subsequent conversation. When raised, those who missed the point the first time called Ph RULZ. I'm actually surprised that the dude is taking it as well as he is and unfortunately I can't spread anymore rep...
Thanks. Skins didn't even attempt to understand what the guy was saying and instead jumped in with the "if a white guy said it" as if the speaker and audience don't matter in how we understand what people say.