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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)

So you're saying there is not a strong bias against stupid fat white rednecks in this country? All that hatred that I see pretty much daily from the pop culture, MSM, and especially from the political left, doesn't exist? Seriously? That's certainly amazing. Living under a rock?

A general bias against blacks exist. There is all kinds of bias of groups like that in this country. None of it means a "war on blacks" where the cops are intentionally killing blacks like what you apparently think is going on.....justified because a bias against blacks of any kind/level exists. That's unrealistic. It's more zero tolerance expectation....and IMO that's intolerance. Whites (and most other races) who are supposedly doing all this persecution don't even really look at the world by skin color. They just don't..it's more about culture. Unless the white person is trying to prove they're a friend of the blacks, then they apparently hold/attend "die-ins". I thought the UNC hospital one was especially ironic given the data I pulled out, which I'm sure if people dug into it would show for a lot of economic reasons a bias against blacks in healthcare. Maybe you should spearhead the effort to show how much white pharmacists and doctors hate blacks.

Blacks these days seem to define themselves by the bias and/or the struggle against it, so they see it everywhere regardless of whether it really exists in a meaningful way or not. I think that's what you and others are doing. It's understandable to a degree given the history of everything (like scientifically "settled" eugenics), but things aren't going to move forward if blacks constantly assume everything/everyone around them is actively working to squash them back to slavery or room temp over every single negative event that happens to a black. At some point that attitude works against you, and that point has long passed IMO.
I'll just leave these here:


I mean, how can I reconcile my uncontrollable white guilt and my #waronscience ? Apparently the conservatives have moved onto a post racial society where only "culture" is considered, while we liberals are left behind in our racial society.
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I wonder if BKF is cool with Bush/Cheney torturing the terrorists (who were actually guilty) at Abu Ghraib since they're worthless, POS who contribute nothing to our society?
You would think after getting arrested 30 times he would have learned to do it properly....

Fascist undercover CHP officer during a protest in (I think) Oakland. I'll defer to Elkman but I'm pretty sure that's not good gun safety.
defs easier to get by as a dumb white redneck than a black dude, pour. come on, dude
I some ways, I completely agree. I some ways, I absolutely don't agree. That used to be the case 100%, but I really don't see it now given all the advantages we give minorities in this country and given all the changes in culture in general. You can not tell me a white redneck has more opportunities than a black dude. We hand minorities all sorts of opportunities that whites can't access. It's everywhere and it negatively affects low economic whites the most.

Does a black man get looked upon with more skepticism/suspicion than a white redneck? Absolutely and that affects the ability of a black dude to "get by" but now we're starting to split hairs. We base those suspicions on stereotypes. A general black guy is going to be feared about like a white skin head if walking down a street. Both will be avoided by most whites if possible...and blacks will avoid the skinhead. What still needs to change is THAT stereotype. We shouldn't immediately fear black men..and neither should the cops. That's what IMO these incidents are really about. That's not a "war on blacks" as PhDeac and others have thrown out. It's not an issue of needing to push the notion that "black lives matter" as if the white community doesn't value their lives (which is pretty insulting actually). It's an issue with certain old stereotypes/fears that have not gone away, but they center around stereotypes that have been perpetuated by certain elements within the black community.

That's the big elephant in the room the activists don't want to accept. It's changing but it's slow and it's just going to take time.

I'll say one thing...I've had a lot of black friends/colleagues over the years from up and down the economic scale and have always been pretty aggressive in talking about these issues, even 30 years ago when it was pretty taboo to bring race issues up. I made a lot of connections that way, and a lot of friends. One of the guys here calls me the blackest white guy he's ever known. I learned a lot of things that most whites have never experienced...of which I've been grateful. Growing up in Durham in the 1950s kind of stuff. But it was always me asking all the tough questions...until about a year ago. Then I've had black guys I don't even really know bringing up this stuff and it's been really crazy lately. They want to really talk about it and are asking my opinion about cops, race issues, etc. (and I say the same things I say here). That tells me a lot. This Brown incident has caused us to turn another corner, maybe the final one because talking it out is what has to happen.

And that's a good thing.
I some ways, I completely agree. I some ways, I absolutely don't agree. That used to be the case 100%, but I really don't see it now given all the advantages we give minorities in this country and given all the changes in culture in general. You can not tell me a white redneck has more opportunities than a black dude. We hand minorities all sorts of opportunities that whites can't access. It's everywhere and it negatively affects low economic whites the most.

Does a black man get looked upon with more skepticism/suspicion than a white redneck? Absolutely and that affects the ability of a black dude to "get by" but now we're starting to split hairs. We base those suspicions on stereotypes. A general black guy is going to be feared about like a white skin head if walking down a street. Both will be avoided by most whites if possible...and blacks will avoid the skinhead. What still needs to change is THAT stereotype. We shouldn't immediately fear black men..and neither should the cops. That's what IMO these incidents are really about. That's not a "war on blacks" as PhDeac and others have thrown out. It's not an issue of needing to push the notion that "black lives matter" as if the white community doesn't value their lives (which is pretty insulting actually). It's an issue with certain old stereotypes/fears that have not gone away, but they center around stereotypes that have been perpetuated by certain elements within the black community.

That's the big elephant in the room the activists don't want to accept. It's changing but it's slow and it's just going to take time.

I'll say one thing...I've had a lot of black friends/colleagues over the years from up and down the economic scale and have always been pretty aggressive in talking about these issues, even 30 years ago when it was pretty taboo to bring race issues up. I made a lot of connections that way, and a lot of friends. One of the guys here calls me the blackest white guy he's ever known. I learned a lot of things that most whites have never experienced...of which I've been grateful. Growing up in Durham in the 1950s kind of stuff. But it was always me asking all the tough questions...until about a year ago. Then I've had black guys I don't even really know bringing up this stuff and it's been really crazy lately. They want to really talk about it and are asking my opinion about cops, race issues, etc. (and I say the same things I say here). That tells me a lot. This Brown incident has caused us to turn another corner, maybe the final one because talking it out is what has to happen.

And that's a good thing.

just holy shit at all of this. My God.
It's amazing to me that anyone thinks blacks get so many advantages. That's being brainwashed.

"Comedian Chris Rock tells white audiences, "None of ya would change places with me! And I'm rich! That's how good it is to be white!"
First of all, I think I see where some of the disconnect is. pourdeac sees himself as a benevolent white person who has bestowed all of these opportunities on us ungrateful black folk.

Second, I'm a little confused because pourdeac has been saying we talk about race too much yet seems to think more black people using this as an opportunity to talk race with him is a sign of progress.