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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)

Has/will a coroner's report been released detailing the locations wounded by the bullets?
Ok yeah, you're becoming RJ before our very eyes.


Or I shall blow my stench-mouth into your face!*

*that will not actually ever happen
The police report has been released: http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeednew...an-killed-by-officer-incident-woul#.tbAeJEoEP

The main report was written by Gann, who showed up well after the shooting. His recitation of facts from before he showed up was based on what Slager reported. It looks like the black officer (Habersham?) claims to have arrived sooner after the shooting, after which he applied pressure to the wounds, which is consistent with the videos. When Gann showed up later, he administered CPR. Other officers said the same thing. That's also consistent with the videos.

I'll leave it to the tinfoil hats to find a conspiracy there. :tinfoilhat: As much fun as it is destroying these silly little arguments, absent something staggering, I think the door is closed on an "active police cover up." So far anyway, we've got a rouge officer, but no evidence of a rouge department.

They gave CPR to a dead man well over 5 minutes after he was shot.

Give them a fucking award.

A participation award.
Oh, and the "conspiracy" is that they just did the CPR as a gesture to make sure they could write about it in their report. The good ol', "well, fuck it, we tried" routine.

If the police really cared if that man lived or died they would have attempted CPR on him at some point in the 4+ minutes that he was laying on the ground, face down with his hands cuffed behind his back. Not once did they attempt to help save his life in those 240+ seconds. And that is nothing short of shameful and all the police on the scene should have a long, hard look in the mirror to determine what kind of human beings they want to be. Because no good person just lets another person lay on the ground for minutes without attempting, at least fucking attempting, to save their life.
The police report has been released: http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeednew...an-killed-by-officer-incident-woul#.tbAeJEoEP

The main report was written by Gann, who showed up well after the shooting. His recitation of facts from before he showed up was based on what Slager reported. It looks like the black officer (Habersham?) claims to have arrived sooner after the shooting, after which he applied pressure to the wounds, which is consistent with the videos. When Gann showed up later, he administered CPR. Other officers said the same thing. That's also consistent with the videos.

I'll leave it to the tinfoil hats to find a conspiracy there. :tinfoilhat: As much fun as it is destroying these silly little arguments, absent something staggering, I think the door is closed on an "active police cover up." So far anyway, we've got a rouge officer, but no evidence of a rouge department.

Things KanhojiAngre would say.
Sorry, I was listening to the Reds game, was my argument destroyed while I was gone? Oh well.
well i'm sure walter scott will catch up on his child support payments now.
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also i saw this in the comments of an article:

I have to say, I think it has FINALLY hit me. I understood it intellectually, but this just hit me like a ton of bricks - why black people are afraid of the police. (I am white.) I really regret that I never totally understood this.

In these incidents, I suspect I'm not the only white person who, while decrying the evident thuggishness of the police, also can't help thinking, "But why was he running?"

Well duh. The fact that his life meant absolutely nothing to this cop was known to HIM even if not to most comfortable white people. He was running because he was afraid, with good reason!
also i saw this in the comments of an article:

Can you link that? It's huge to see even a single white person have a revelation.

Scott wasn't killed because he ran. Slasher could have easily just chased him and there were other cops in close proximity.
"We can't get into the brain of another individual, so we can't state that [race played a factor]," said Stewart, the Scott family attorney. "I think it would be irresponsible to say that and try and inflame a community or anything of that nature."


Smart lawyer talk.

I think it's a stretch in logic to say Slager was somehow justified to shoot Scott because he ran 15-20 feet away.
Smart lawyer talk.

I think it's a stretch in logic to say Slager was somehow justified to shoot Scott because he ran 15-20 feet away.

Then I'm not sure if your point in posting the lawyer's quote. Are you saying Scott wasn't justified in running away from his killer?
I posted it because you are suggesting that Slager killed Scott because he was black.

He may have, but it is speculative and incendiary to suggest that at this time and on the record we have so far.

I'm glad you admitted you're like the big Asian guy in Bloodsport who just throws dirt in order to win.

The white person that was quoted said he/she understood by Scott ran because he's black.

What do you think that white person got wrong?
Unless there is video I haven't seen, I didn't see the second officer performing first aid, it looked like he was lifting the shirt and looking at the damage. And apparently he was reporting the location of the wounds:

Michael Slager radioed in Taser claim six seconds after firing at Walter Scott

At this point Habersham radios in to say he has detected gunshots to Scott’s chest on the right side. He then radios to say he has detected a gunshot wound to the buttocks. He appears to be pulling Scott’s T-shirt up at this point.

At a press conference on Wednesday North Charleston police chief Eddie Driggers said after watching the video he believed an officer had lifted Scott’s T-shirt to perform “some sort of life-saving procedure”.

But analysis of the video and audio suggests Habersham is actually identifying the gunshot wounds rather than performing any such procedure.

ETA: not that it really matters, either way it is not CPR.
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Not necessarily. A lot of forensic specialist can't tell what's an entry wound and what's an exit wound a lot of the time. Obviously if there are no corresponding wounds in the front there wouldn't be a question.

Yes they can. There are significant differences in entry and exit wounds from a bullet. I agree that a police officer on the scene could have a hard time making the distinction.
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That is certainly true about Slager. I don't think that is true about the black cop, who appeared to be applying pressure to the wounds before he rushed off toward the end of the first video (presumably to get first aid supplies and/or direct other officers to the scene) and who is on the second video holding what appear to be bandages and applying them to the body. I also don't think it is true of the other cops in the second video who are plainly providing first aid. They certainly don't seem to think he is dead.

1st bold: Incorrect. Please try again.

2nd bold: No evidence supports that assertion, therefore we cannot say that is where he was going off to at the end of video #1. Maybe he was off to get a Big Gulp? We don't know.

What we do know is that the black officer arrives at the body of Mr. Scott at 1:16 of the video (linked here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/08/u...ged-with-murder-in-black-mans-death.html?_r=0 ) and doesn't knell down to the body until 1:54 -- I will even shave off 10 seconds because it goes into a slow-mo to show the murderer dropping the stun gun next to the body. So that is about half a minute from arriving next to the shot body to actually leaning down to attempt any kind of first aid. Absolutely no urgency was shown by the officer to save the victim's life. That's a fact.