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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)

I'm assuming police reports include statements from police who are reported to have been involved.

Junebug seems to think the whole report is based on one person.

Maybe police reports are just complete BS as Junebug seems to believe. I don't know.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not claiming that Slager cared or that he is not a murderer. I'm just saying that it might be a little premature to be accusing this entire police office of a vast conspiracy.

Do you have any self-awareness? Your default position essentially boils down to "trust the police version of events, no matter how unlikely and implausible their story based on the available facts, unless faced with incontrovertible evidence that cannot be dodged, in which case accept the bare minimum of what the incontrovertible evidence shows while showing an obtuse refusal to acknowledge the unlikelihood of other aspects of the police version of events."
Yeah, as I understand their argument, the point isn't that it would have helped. It's that several officers lied about performing it, thus evidencing their participation in a cover up. I'm still waiting for a cogent explanation of how people know several officers lied about performing it.

It's a really stupid lie to make up. They may not have lied about performing it, but no rational person would think it's going to accomplish anything other than attempting to show compassion to an already dead guy.
It's fucking semantics and junebug knows it - the goddamned definition of disengenious. Walter Scott died face down from 5 bullets in his back, and he laid face down, in handcuffs, dead for minutes while the shooter and first arriving officer made zero attempts to assist or resuscitate him. This is how it was described before the video:

"Officers tried to revive him prior to the arrival of paramedics, police said. But their efforts were in vain. He was pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said."

Fucking right it was "in vain", considering it wasn't Lazarus they killed. I'm real confident they made a good faith effort to raise that man from the dead.
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It's a really stupid lie to make up. They may not have lied about performing it, but no rational person would think it's going to accomplish anything other than attempting to show compassion to an already dead guy.

It's even stupider to defend the lie.
That video is crazy. The officer is a fucking jackass. Dude deserves to rot for that. Glad there was a quick decision to charge him.
It was business as usual on Remount road today. Apparently N. Chas city hall had a lot more buzz. Crazy to think a spot that I drive by every day is headline news right now. RIP Walter Scott, he frequented a few of my clients.
It's fucking semantics and junebug knows it - the goddamned definition of disengenious. Walter Scott died face down from 5 bullets in his back, and he laid face down, in handcuffs, dead for minutes while the shooter and first arriving officer made zero attempts to assist or resuscitate him. This is how it was described before the video:

"Officers tried to revive him prior to the arrival of paramedics, police said. But their efforts were in vain. He was pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said."

Fucking right it was "in vain", considering it wasn't Lazarus they killed. I'm real confident they made a good faith effort to raise that man from the dead.

Sick part was the cop wasnt interested in saving his life. He was more focused on running back and getting the tazer to plant on him. I don't see a cover up by other police in this case. Just some cops arriving to the scene who may have believed the killer cops initial story but regardless fucking sick
Let's stop using words like cover-up and conspiracy. All those words do is mischaracterize a logical argument, that police are incapable of policing themselves. We as a society have given police departments and law enforcement agencies far too much freedom of discretion as it pertains to violence, particularly gun violence. Many people like junebug, most being far less intelligent or educated as he, seem to think that this discretion of violent law enforcement is a necessity. I completely disagree. I believe that police officers who already had a penchant for violence are emboldened by the general lack of legal accountability. Certainly Officer Slager must have been following the news, i'm sure he's aware of the countless recent cases of deaths by police that have gone unprosecuted.
My default position is innocent until proven guilty. For that, I am not sorry.

Innocent until proven guilty, eh?

I guess I missed Eric Garner's, Tamir Rice's, et al trials.

Yet you attack the victims like people used to, and still sadly do, attack rape victims. You're a swell human being. Your Jesus would be ashamed of you.
Sick part was the cop wasnt interested in saving his life. He was more focused on running back and getting the tazer to plant on him. I don't see a cover up by other police in this case. Just some cops arriving to the scene who may have believed the killer cops initial story but regardless fucking sick

The 2nd cop on the scene -- the big-ish black dude -- should have noticed officer Dickfuck dropping the taser next to the dead man's body and that should have made alarm bells start ringing uncontrollably inside his head.

It didn't.
Junebug, what do you think the law should be with respect to turning on/off body cameras?
Jesus just come off it. Everyone thinks you're a police defender and you're on here fulfilling everyone's most erotic wet dreams. I agree there's likely no vast conspiracy here and am also a huge proponent of innocent until proven guilty but you have to at least recognize the distinction in the way you're responding to this incident and the way you did to the other police incidents.
So wait, the guy that wrote the police report was the third on the scene? Is that right? And I assume the second reported the first moving the taser? Why is the third guy on the scene writing the police report?
I guess officer Slager made up that claim that officer(s) tried to revive Scott. The reports released from the police department, by the spokesman, were clearly lies. They didn't know where he had been shot?

This, It does not take a forensic specialist to determine whether or not someone was shot in the back. For them to say any to the contrary is a flat out lie.
So wait, the guy that wrote the police report was the third on the scene? Is that right? And I assume the second reported the first moving the taser? Why is the third guy on the scene writing the police report?

Sadly, this isn't all that uncommon (AKA one officer writing a report and not even the one who was the best witness).
This, It does not take a forensic specialist to determine whether or not someone was shot in the back. For them to say any to the contrary is a flat out lie.

Not necessarily. A lot of forensic specialist can't tell what's an entry wound and what's an exit wound a lot of the time. Obviously if there are no corresponding wounds in the front there wouldn't be a question.
The police report has been released: http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeednew...an-killed-by-officer-incident-woul#.tbAeJEoEP

The main report was written by Gann, who showed up well after the shooting. His recitation of facts from before he showed up was based on what Slager reported. It looks like the black officer (Habersham?) claims to have arrived sooner after the shooting, after which he applied pressure to the wounds, which is consistent with the videos. When Gann showed up later, he administered CPR. Other officers said the same thing. That's also consistent with the videos.

I'll leave it to the tinfoil hats to find a conspiracy there. :tinfoilhat: As much fun as it is destroying these silly little arguments, absent something staggering, I think the door is closed on an "active police cover up." So far anyway, we've got a rouge officer, but no evidence of a rouge department.

Call me cynical, but I imagine quite a bit of CPR/First Aid work that could have been done in the 3 minutes that elapsed after he was handcuffed and lying on the ground. That is just accounting for the time period we see in the video.

I think it is a pretty safe bet to say that Walter died while the video was being filmed. It is also safe to say that the officers that were videotaped didn't seem to care much for the man that was dying on the ground.