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Halloween Costumes

Anyone see the Cheers guy yet?
love this guy's humor:

Pulled together a ghetto Jack Torrance get up. Special Ladyfriend said I will look like a "disheveled Jack Torrance." Jeez, if I look like a fucking disheveled Jack Torrance I must look pretty rough. She has an axe and I'll print out some All Work and No play make Chupe a dull boy sheets.
while drunk last weekend I thought it would be hilarious for a group of 5 or 6 people to just put on Christmas sweaters / santa hats / reindeer antlers and go caroling Halloween night

This is a photo of a photo my mom took; my great-great-grandmother, my great-grandmother, two great-great aunts and my two great-uncles.
This looks like a Miley Cyrus video:

my mom posted it and i thought it was her linking to that buzzfeed "halloween costumes used to be terrifying" page. nope, just my family.
The best costume I saw at my party last night was Tom Cruise from Risky Business, and the girl wearing it didn't even know what it was. This smoking hot girl walks in with a group of 20-something women including a hot young Brittney Spears, and shes wearing only a white button-down and white socks. I go up to her and say "awesome, you're the walk of shame". She says no, then puts on her black Raybans and says "I'm that guy from some movie a long time ago, I forgot him name". In all fairness, she looked pretty drunk.
found an old florida football jersey and my high school pad's and pants. bought some eye black stickers and wrote john 3:16 on them with white out. put on every piece of religious paraphernalia i could find (wwjd bracelet was the kicker). carried a giant bible around (thought about hollowing it out and keeping mini bottles in it, decided not to risk it in the bible belt), and taped "communion XXX" over the label of a wine bottle. best costume i've ever worn. almost just carried around a clipboard and put a pillow under the shirt for "welfare tebow" ill save that one for next year..