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Hearthstone Thread FTMFW - 4/7 Ashes of Outland release - New Demon Hunter class!

I don't currently play, but have in the past. It certainly is an awesome TCG.

But unless you're manually printing cards, there's no way Hearthstone will cost more than MTG (and Hearthstone can cost you nothing...I haven't given a dime to the game in 2+ years). And Hearthstone is a hundred times more convenient - you play whenever you want, wherever you want, for however long you want*. And there will always be people to play against.

*You can play for five minutes on the shitter, or binge for hours. Its flexibility is great. Plus you've got a built-in community right here.


I'll wait and see what WotC announces this afternoon about their new Arena platform. I like the paper in-person gameplay aspect of MTG. Been playing a lot of the Commander/EDH format, and it's awesome. It's not as convenient as playing online at any time, but I enjoy getting games in with friends and people at House of Cards.
Developer’s Note:
Regarding Other Community Card Discussions

The community has mentioned other cards in balance-related discussions, such as Ice Block and Ultimate Infestation, and we wanted to talk about those cards as well even though we are not making any changes to them at this time.

Ice Block

We’ve seen discussions about moving Ice Block to the Hall of Fame. As previously mentioned, moving cards to the Hall of Fame occurs at the start of the Hearthstone Year, which will occur with the first expansion release in 2018. Our general stance regarding Hall of Fame is that we want to avoid moving cards mid-year.

Translation: See ya, Ice Block.

And from the same article I just linked:

IGN: Last question on the nerfs for now – can you confirm that Ice Block will be going into the Hall of Fame with the next rotation next year?

Mike Donais: It’s so far away, I’m sure that what we want to change at that point will change in our heads twenty times, and what the fans ask for will change in their heads twenty times. But it’s certainly on our shortlist.

Dean Ayala: Yeah, it’s something we talk about quite a bit, but I mean, we talk about it so frequently that it would be pretty crazy to confirm anything at this point, because I’m sure that list will change over time.

Translation: See ya, Ice Block.
Things are moving relatively quickly for Blizzard.

1) Nerfs incoming.
2) Arena 'synergy' pick are being removed. (Is it too much to ask them to revert to Wild Arena?)

It's only a matter of time before they 'fix' the Naga Sea Witch/Giant problem in Wild, right?
My 5 year old has started playing some Hearthstone with me. She likes it when:

a) we freeze all the bad guys
b) we bam them in the face
c) the fireworks when we win
My 5 year old has started playing some Hearthstone with me. She likes it when:

a) we freeze all the bad guys
b) we bam them in the face
c) the fireworks when we win

When my 6 year old watches me play with hunter, all he wants me to do is use steady shot to hit them in the face.
My son has been playing since he was 4. Took him a while to get any kind of strategy, but nowadays he doesn't just spam face with fire blasts. He usually plays the brawl most weeks and does eventually beat someone.
I broke down and crafted mage quest + antonidas this weekend. I'm having a bit of buyer's remorse because I'm winning more than I was with control Jaina, but not significantly more. It's also possible that I'm just not playing the deck correctly. I keep struggling with what to keep in the mulligan. At first I favored card draw and glyph but now I'm keeping the apprentices, the molten reflections, and anton. I feel like I'm having more success that way but I can't say that for sure.

I'm running the Toast version with Mukla and Curator and I've had the most success with that version. I've been skulking geisted twice after Muklaing but still managed to pull out the win.

There have been a few occasions where I hadn't completed the quest yet but I started throwing my sorcerer apprentices on the board in an attempt to do it and the opponent conceded. In one case, I only had done 1 spell so I probably wasn't going to get it.

There was another game against a priest where he got a Swamp King Dred out of an Elise pack and then adapted it so I couldn't target it with spells which really screwed me. But then he Death Knight priested and killed it and I won the next turn.
I also broke down and spent my booger sugar on Kazakus and Shadowreaper Anduin to make a Wild Reno list.

Not sure if I'm going to jump for Lyra, too, to make a standard version.
For the Quest Mage I think you hard mulligan for frost novas and doomsayers against aggressive decks and draw against midrange/control. The difficulty against aggro is staying alive long enough to get your combo pieces, against control it's managing your hand size to not burn key pieces.

Disclaimer is I have not played the deck at all
This past month I've been almost exclusively been playing Reno/NZoth wild decks. Mage, Rogue, Priest. It's fun the amount of bullshit you can do.
This past month I've been almost exclusively been playing Reno/NZoth wild decks. Mage, Rogue, Priest. It's fun the amount of bullshit you can do.

As long as you're not fighting for dear life against an Aggro deck, you almost always have an astronomical amount of options ranging from decent to greedy-as-fuck. I love it.
Got my August stats e-mail.

-Astounding! You had a win streak of 10 games in Ranked - Standard!
-Congratulations! You reached Rank 5 in Ranked - Standard!
-While playing Druid, you beat Shaman 90.9% of the time. :jerkit:
-You won 62 games in Ranked - Standard! (I found this one really interesting...I hit Dad Legend by basically averaging only two ranked wins a day for the month.)
-That's a lot of leg work! You completed 31 daily quests! Players in your region completed 12.6 daily quests on average.
Explain this Ocktobrawl to me. Do I get packs from this or not?

In short, no.

But, if you have Amazon Prime (after linking it to Twitch) you'll get some free stuff the next couple months.

Now: Two card-backs, which are part of this [lame] Oktoberbrawl.
November: A 'special' card pack. People are speculating that it will have a guaranteed Legendary, or guaranteed golden cards.
January: Two card packs.
In short, no.

But, if you have Amazon Prime (after linking it to Twitch) you'll get some free stuff the next couple months.

Now: Two card-backs, which are part of this [lame] Oktoberbrawl.
November: A 'special' card pack. People are speculating that it will have a guaranteed Legendary, or guaranteed golden cards.
January: Two card packs.

Honestly, who doesn't have Amazon Prime these days? That's like saying you don't have Netflix.

Also, Quest Mage is very good against Highlander Priest. Why is it called Highlander priest anyway? I've watched the entire series and I don't get it.
Isn't 'There can only be one' the series' catchphrase?

I've never seen it, but that's my understanding.
It's because Reno rotated out of Standard, I think. I still call them Reno decks, mostly - it's a solid nickname.