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Koch Money Brings Distress Over WFU Well-Being Institute


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Mar 16, 2011
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For a place that takes its name from a Greek word for happiness, the new Eudaimonia Institute at Wake Forest University certainly generates its share of tension and worry.

The unease stems not from anything the institute has yet done, but from its chief source of financial support: a $3.7-million donation from the Charles Koch Foundation, a major bankroller of university programs that promote libertarianism and faith in the free market. The foundation’s involvement has aroused enough ire in the Faculty Senate that it appears likely this month to call for an overhaul of the university’s gift-agreement policies, to require much more faculty oversight.

The Senate has already urged the university to cease and prohibit any Koch financing of its centers or institutes, warning in a resolution passed last month that the foundation seeks "to co-opt higher education for its ideological, political, and financial ends."

Rogan Kersh, the university’s provost, says he is open to discussing the Senate’s concerns but will not acquiesce to faculty demands that he disclose the contents of the Koch agreement, which remains confidential. "If there was some improper influence hinted at or present in a gift agreement, we wouldn’t sign it," he says.

The Eudaimonia Institute controversy has pitted faculty members against one another. While opponents of the Koch agreement are urging the administration to comply with last month’s resolution right away, others, who support it, are accusing those who wish to block it of censorship.

I debated putting this on the Tunnels. I went with The Pit because it's directly MSD related.
Before I worry about who gives the money, I want to know what the money buys.
Faculty are employees. Don't even ask them, just cash the check.
Hey Administration- Want to make this go away? Release the text of the funding agreement.
I feel like it's a Koch trap by propping up ridiculous institutes then allowing them to go back and point to said institutes as ridiculous and what's wrong with higher education. I mean the institute of happiness, come on.
An op-ed piece about the controversy from today's Wall Street Journal:

An Anti-Koch Meltdown at Wake Forest
Professors are attacking the billionaires and undermining academic freedom.
By Naomi Schaefer Riley
April 7, 2017

Ms. Riley is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.

Not surpassingly, IWF is heavily connected to the Koch's.
Yep, Koch money bears a disgusting taint.
Faculty now considering whether to accept salary at all due to WFU's historic ties to tobacco
Guys like Koch and Soros have so much frigging money that they donate across the board. Yes, it's philanthropic. It's also a tax write-off. Take the money, be happy, and STFU. It would be hilarious if they returned the money and axed about 10 professors as a result.
Guys like Koch and Soros have so much frigging money that they donate across the board. Yes, it's philanthropic. It's also a tax write-off. Take the money, be happy, and STFU. It would be hilarious if they returned the money and axed about 10 professors as a result.

This seems like a naive take on both Soros and the Koch Bros.
There are a lot of philanthropies who don't have reputations for strong political bias. The Koch Brothers have earned a terrible reputation for spreading their conservative influence through giving. I'm not aware that the Koch's have any previous connection to WFU, so what is the basis to trust that they have no agenda for their money?
So the key to happiness is to avoid working with people that have opinions differen tthan yourself. Got it.
So the key to happiness is to avoid working with people that have opinions differen tthan yourself. Got it.
This has nothing to do with specific employees and everything to do with the influential power of 25 million dollars
George Soros, Art Pope, the Koch Bros, and countless other rich assholes and their political action comittees want to stick their fingers everywhere and buy access and influence in every realm of society and when it gets pointed out they turn the conversation into a bitch fest over free speech
These stupid dipshits are worried that a gift might taint the the fucking Center for Hakuna Matata, that nobody has ever heard of or will ever take seriously, to the determent of the University, yet they were more than happy to let the Well & Bzz show roll on for 4 years and actually crater the school's reputation with a massive portion of the country. I'm not sure I could send my kids to WFU with a straight face at this point, some evidence of common sense by the institution would be necessary.