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Mafia Legends Game Thread - Mafia Wins

So people should just talk about everyone on Day 1 and throw a ton of shit to hope one piece of feces clings to someone?

Yes, honestly. You throw shit against the wall and gauge reactions. It works incredibly well to give you information. All while still having a good bit of fun going back and forth with each other.
If only Wake people didn't have jobs and could devote 10 hours a day to mafia like those cool kids on the Maryland boards. Woe is us.

lol, please Nonny, we saw how much time you put into the Scavenger Hunt over the course of three straight weeks.
I'm talking about the people who don't have the time to post much more than some votes and a little analysis.

Of the quite people, I know one is working in Africa, one is in med school and at the hospital most the day, many others have jobs where they can't be on a message board most the day...

We had Hoophead playing from Europe and jtp posting while across seas serving in the military. We (meaning those out of college) all work and lead busy lives. Stop making excuses.
I just spent a few days watching a disaster of a mafia game in which I was killed Day 1 by people who clearly didn't have the civ's best interests at heart.

In a game where 30/33 participants haven't played in a year or more and are coming out of retirement to play with their old cohorts, it's reasonable to assume that the primary motivation for most, if not all, players is to have fun and enjoy the game, of which winning is only a part. When you decided to be such an insufferable asshat as to make enjoying the game impossible, I, and presumably others, determined to lock in our votes on you at the expense of losing a probable citizen. I, for one, am even happier with that decision now than I was at the time.

Nuance and understanding the collective attitudes and mindset of the other players is a vital part of this game; strange that such a virtuoso could be so inept in that aspect. Perhaps you should play a game once in a while with people who aren't "hardcore training" to be the best of the best so you can learn how to adapt your playing style to different environment. Just, please, don't make those games on our board.

P.S. Before making your self-preservation vote, you were on the bodyguard, and your post 2 minutes before overtime called out a civ (Doofus) as mafia. Thanks for the breadcrumbs, Hansel.
I guess I was responding also to "terps" only wanting to play with select guys who they think are worthy. I guess I am trying to show the fallacy of that by saying I have been invited to try my luck on the terp board, yet the "terps" refuse to play with guys I think are better mafia players than me. I just dont get it. And again I know it isnt necessarily you, but I just think the whole thing is kind of stupid.

Anyway Im not really coherent. So sorry if that doesnt make sense, its almost midnight here and Im tired

Going back to this point, who have we turned down playing with that you would consider better than yourself? Aside from those that we have played with before that made the game awful (Bernie, Wake4Life), what players have we turned down to play with us at all?

I think we invite everyone over to play with us a few times. I also don't think we've chased anyone away. Da came over and plays every week now. Damo and redwing were there for a while. I remember you , DV7 and Nonny playing with us for a good bit. We haven't done anything to chase you guys away, it's just some think we post too much and they can't keep up with it, etc.
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The only thing I've learned from the last few pages of this thread is that people on the Maryland board need to get jobs. And keep them. It's kind of amusing that you people derive so much self-worth from playing a game with people on the Internet.
You Terps realize that nobody on the Wake boards has cared about Mafia in years, right? That the vast majority of the players in this game came out of retirement to play, and that the major reason why gameplay devolved is because people got older and had to focus on real life instead of Internet games? Knight is the tallest midget around.

Yeah, you must be right. No one that plays mafia over on the Terp board has any real life responsibilities. None of them just had kids (oh, wait, Knight and FTN did). None of them are overseas (oh, wait, jtp and Hoophead are). None of them have families (oh, wait, Smiley and parlay do). None of them have real jobs (oh, wait, Raise and SLT do). None of them have any of that. Just Wake posters. No one else that plays mafia.
Who's better? Knight or SeanJ?

Haven't played with him consistently enough to say how good SeanJ is, but if memory serves me correctly, he's pretty good at the game, but certainly rusty in his last few because he isn't used to our playing style with each other.
The only thing I've learned from the last few pages of this thread is that people on the Maryland board need to get jobs.

If this is your thought process, then Eaglez must be the most unemployable asshat on this board because he analyzes everything to a T and is the best mafia player on either board.
My bad, dude. That's as far back in the transcript as I had. Wasn't intending to pat myself on the back there.

also, that was the part i really wanted to see because that was where we hatched the process. it went from "maybe fake cop after you call him out" to figuring out the investigation nights, reasoning, etc. it was a good exchange.
If this is your thought process, then Eaglez must be the most unemployable asshat on this board because he analyzes everything to a T and is the best mafia player on either board.

I wouldn't know. I'm sure he's great. Doesn't seem like he's a douche about it or takes it to seriously, though.
I've played on the Maryland boards a few times, the games are general fun to follow. I didn't feel like the games were drastically different between the two boards.
who the hell is good nowadays? On either/both boards